Between President Lincoln and President Trump, who had the better protestors?
Between President Lincoln and President Trump, who had the better protestors?
>yfw California really does secede
>yfw the northern Yankess start the next civil war
Lincoln supporters ofc
They were protesting for a good cause?
I will get a commission just to be the next William T. Sherman
Better music too
Trump is better than Lincoln so I guess his protestors are better too.
I don't care what direction you're from
if you threaten the integrity of the united states you will fail
>You might just get to participate in the burning of Los Angeles
>inb4 Mexico joins in because of greater Mexico memes
As a non-Californian who supports calexit, we should just let them secede. All those beaners and liberals gone, it would be glorious for the rest of the nation.
>burning of Los Angeles
Might as well happen anyway without us intervening considering California's demographics.
California can only secede if the state majority votes for it and in addition get 2/3 vote to leave from the rest of the country. It's still unlikely, and other states have stronger secession movements like Texas, Vermont, and Hawaii. Hawaii imo should secede and reestablish its kingdom again.
Nice butthurt Paco.
you can't secede
Hawaii will be free once again.
There's no point of Texas seceding right now.
t. Texan
saying this as an american
kys foreigner
>he wants to keep shitskins and cucks
The only explanation would be that you're one of those.
>he wants to weaken the US
you must be chinese
I will kill you myself
It has a strong economy and doesn't need the rest of the US. Which really is just dragging them.
Nah Texas secession movement is really tied to conservative values and the opposition to coastal liberals in Washington trying to impose their faggotry and anti-gun shit on us. With Trump in office there's no point.
>Treasonous terrorists vs. some annoying SJWs
Gee, I wonder
You're welcome to try.
Cucks are actually more common in the south. Whites are mixed with a lot of Blacks down there. And what is it with the right and their obsession with race and cuckoldry?
We just don't want non-whites in America and California is overflowing with them. Least white state in the union IIRC.
Actually thats Hawaii.
Then California has to be #2.
maybe if you and your secessionist buddies give the US a reason
I'm not Californian, retard.
Most americanized latinos aren't that different from whites. A lot of them can't even speak spanish anymore. And the majority are mixed with white anyway, many are white actually. The only bad ones really are the ones in gangs which are also the ones living in the poor sections. And the asians in California assimilate well.
anyone that welcomes or invites secession is an retard you dolt
>Secession from Great Britain was perfectly ok
>Secession from Mexico was perfectly ok
>Secession from the United States was/is NOT ok
can we at least be honest and admit that the establishment/victors write the history books?
Civil war American south and Texas >muh slaves
Current year
>muh guns
>Taxation without representation
>Taxation without representation
>Taxation with representation
Hmm.. I wonder what's different. The Declaration (the highest legal authority in the country), spells out the legal grounds for secession, the state has to abuse it's power without representation from the people. California can't make that argument. All they can make is "we don't like the person who won and the things he's doing, so we'll bitch and moan".
I don't really give a fuck about culture.
Do you seriously believe the goal of the protests is to get Trump to step down? Do you think anyone thinks Trump is going to look at the TV and see protests and say "Well, gee, I guess they have a point, I'll hand back the reins of power", or the protests are strongly linked to any "Calexit" movement or idea? I don't.
I thought it had to be unanimous, not just a majority.
Texas secession would only work if the US ignored all of Texas' debt as to not completely destroy their already fragile economy.
Then why are you on this board?
I mean when it comes to ethnic nakeup of a country.
>I'm a retard: the post
China and private lenders would buy up Texas' debt in a fucking second if the US wanted to cash out on it. They actually have the fiscal solvency and healthy economy for it to be a great investment.
California's debt is a cancerous money hole.