ITT: Modern Art
ITT: Modern Art
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I hate this shit
Inb4 plebs crying
Someone doesn't understand cubism
It looks like shit, I don't care to understand it
Can someone explain modern art to a plebeian?
I look at something like this and think it's just degenerate trash made by artists trying to make a statement instead of trying to create something beautiful.
I hate your shit
Any good but obscure ones from the 60's and back?
Someone doesn't understand how perspective works and needs pretty pictures to make him feel fuzzy inside.
I love Mondrian. This piece is "Pier and Ocean"
Is this Loss?
It's supposed to really make you think....
It really makes me think that it sucks
Let me guess, you also hate art during the middle ages?
No, why would you say that?
Assumed you didn't like things that don't employ realism.
I can appreciate certain types of modern or abstract art, I just don't think that type of thing should be used in architecture.
I think a lot of people just don't have the expertise to really look at modern art and interpret it in a successful manner. A lot of postmodern, and modern art relied heavily on both societal and the artists' own context to understand.
Little people outside the realm of the art world can understand a Pollock piece (or even want to).
I think judging anything on the basis of pure aesthetics and technical skills is a silly thing to do.
Anyone else like Kokoshka?
I really like his city paintings
forgot pic
is that from a Polish artist ?
nikifor krynicki
I thought so because of the "miasto" (currently learning Polish)
that's funny, I actually watched a documentary on these guys few months ago.
What does "modern art" refer to?
sometimes I can like it but sometimes I don't, I just get a visceral gut reaction of being repulsed by it most of the most time
>in b4 pleb
Yeah yeah whatever plebs are allowed to have opinions too and guess what I don't even find a lot of "classical" art particularly moving either I'd much rather look at a cross section schematic of an m14
>plebs are allowed to have opinions too
>plebs are allowed to have opinions too
Art from 1900-1945.
modernism didn't end in 1945
>throw shit over a suburban house
>it is vandalism
>famous artist does the same
>it is a modern masterpiece that reflects on the oppressive capitalism of modern middle-class and how it affects our species wide karma
What the hell am I looking at? It's just a bunch of random colors.
4deep8u degeneracy