He hasn't even boarded the space ship yet. Why haven't you bought your Sia?
/Sia Daily/: Moon Landing Edition
I fucking lost all my coins. 27x gains, and I lost them.
That's no excuse.
Yes it is. I refuse to be FOMO'd
I'm on the Siatrain right now. What should be the peak this time? 850 sats? 1000? 1500?
You have been warned.
this stupid picture makes me want to put 5 more BTC into SIA and cross my fingers.
We are going to smash through 1000 sats today easy. Watch this thread.
Got in at 300 sats, dumped a few more into it.
Thank you to the user who said to invest in this coin back in early May. Glad I listened.
From the research and figures i have seen Sia is a positive investment. I think if you buy now there is a very near short term growth opportunity (days) to double if not more your initial investment.
same here 350 sats initially and just bought more
Iron hands reporting in: hodl at 320
Consensus is that even at 650 it would be a steal once we take off in a few hours.
Oh for sure! If I had btc to spare i would for sure throw it on sia or dgb
>or dgb
Don't be silly. DGB has mooned, and it's a great investment don't get me wrong. However, Sia is the future and the growth potentials are mind boggling.
I got 165k @342 (plus bought low and sold high a couple times) so I'm over 100% ROI in about a week.
Cashed out my 1.1mil DGB and poured it all into Sia.
We doing this brahs MOON MISSION FUCKING NOW
go 50/50 sc/xvg
Absolute fucking mithril hands. God bless you on this mission.
No XVG on Polo
I bougt 0.05btc in Sia, did I do good?
I sold some XRP to pick up more Sia. Okay move? I've lost a lot of faith in XRP at this point.
Cripple isn't going anywhere fast, good of you to join us
I did the same.
Bumping this shill thread in exchange for an answer to my question: Is there anywhere to buy BTC or ETH instantly other than Coinbase? This $250 CC limit is killing me.
Lmao we just broke 650sat on Polo my dudes
why are the prices so fucking crazy? $2700 per BTC right now
private sellers making money off your demand for BTC
at those rates I'll just wait for coinbase bank transfer desu
thank you for the link, though
private sellers make beancoin of your demand for BTC amirite? ;)
Does this coin go $1 in a year?
Drop the rest of your ripple. Unless you like being under the banks' thumb
>first time I've actually participated in a moon
Got in at 450sats, 30k sias
We're all gonna make it
No. I say this as a person heavily invested in sia.
is it safe for me to sleep? up in 8 hours
i just bought my first altcoin: 20 bucks worth of sia
please dont let me down anons, i want to be a rich Veeky Forumsraeli too
The fuck is wrong with these poloniggers?
.1956 btc into this at 650
not the best price to get in, but i bought it on the way down
695 on polo
700 SAT ceiling broken soon brahs
Pretty big sell wall on 700 though
holy shit we did it, 700 sat broken, going UP
I have 12,800 SC bought @ 675.
I'm expect this to reach 1000 sat by tomorrow.
609k Sia reporting in.
HODLing for at least a week.
Fucking hell brahs hodl me I'm nervous. We're up to 730 fucking sat and it's still rising.
i have 7 btc in SIA now
honestly I see this as a $10B+ company by 2020
SIA is going to destroy cloud storage and replace torrenting all together
me too man, are you planning to sell at a certain point?
I bought in at 342sat
I bought in at 640 so I've got a bit of a buffer. Hoping for 1k sat
Hodling 400k here.
Not enough for lambos, sadly.
do not fucking do day trading.
i had hold on sia, ubq and dgb before they mooned, traded for gnt and etc for better gains on 2nd.
long story short, didn't lose anything but made zero gains, where i could've atleast made 200% by just holding,.
my 6k could've become 25k but they're 5.8k or something now
fuck my weak hands, gotta try to stay strong
How much do you reckon you need for a lambo?
26 billion supply boys....good luck mooning on this one
1 - 5 mill I reckon for the mid-long term speculation.
My 400k would need Sia to be a successful company to get a lambo. I have faith in it but in crypto time, it's too long to wait years.
I have 50k, can at least be a holiday at some point. Although I'll probably just put it into other coins later.
nigga, if it hits 0.05 USD it's already mooning... Get back to crying about missing out, you pleb.
>mfw bagholding sia