Did ghenghis khan have a goal or was he just fucking around the entire time
Did ghenghis khan have a goal or was he just fucking around the entire time
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to honor great Tengri by achieving excellence in life
>I must unite the Mongol peoples under one flag
>I must unite the world's peoples under one flag
to conquer his enemies, to see them driven before him, and to see the lamentation of their women
To fuck every horse of each kingdom and tribe.
>or was he just fucking around
well, 1 of every 20 people alive today can trace his origin to him, so
it is the mongol genetic directive to replace others thru primitive atavistic predatory actions
they derive pleasure from fulfilling their genetic directive
>Wife gets kidnapped and when you finally find her, she's pregnant.
>Need to prove yourself
>Start conquering, raping and kill millions
Temujin was basically throwing an autistic hissy fit
>conquer a bunch of empty vast land on horses because speed
>do nothing with it
>do nothing ever again after its gone
you mean conquer China, Persia, Baghdad and Kiev and subjugate Russia
>Conquer China
- the Northern Jin were a bunch of complacent horsefuckers who lost their horsefuck ability
>The Southern Song took 50 years to conquer and were only subdued by a massively accrued army from that time including many Northern Chinese with Chinese siege tactics
The Khwarazmians were complete memes with an Empire that barely had a centralised bureaucracy
A loose confederation of retarded princes who weren't able to coordinate strategy together at all
Most of the 'Mongol Empire's holds were massive plains in siberia or central asia that were vast nothingness. Imagine if all maps of the British Empire that coloured territory red also coloured massive tracts of the ocean red
>do nothing with it
He build the largest road network the world has ever seen, connecting China and Europe through trade. Mongol roads were so safe to travel it was said an old lady could carry a bag of gold from one corner to the Empire to the next without anything happening to her (or the gold).
He also promoted education, freedom of religion, and instituted tax breaks for teachers. For all his brutality, Genghis is underestimated as a ruler.
wtf I love mongols now!
Khwarezmians were also horsefuckers fresh from the Steppes and new to their Iranic empire.
>He also promoted education, freedom of religion, and instituted tax breaks for teachers. For all his brutality, Genghis is underestimated as a ruler.
>Literally shit the Chinese emperors did themselves.
He was over-compensating with the fact that he got cucked
It was revenge for his mother and his waifu
t.John Green
It was just a prank bro, the scribe is right there
>hear the lamentation
You fucked up.
He's not wrong.