What is the history of psychiatry?
What is the history of psychiatry?
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They don't analyze you, they just give me you the meds to not be a raving lunatic, a lot of psychiatrists are disinterested chucklefucks too because all antipsychotics are basically the same, also I'd say most people who take antidepressants probably don't need them though.
t. schizoaffective cretin
they demonized him for what he said about psychiatry.
>Cruise was fucking right though, every last bleeding word out of his mouth was spot on, right.
Started with Freud as a pseudo-science, now it has evolved to the same standards as other sciences and is pretty good.
While meds is an important part of treatment, no psychiatrist would say that it will cure you.
As much as people like to make fun of Scientology and Hubbard, they have some very legitimate criticisms about psychiatry both modern and historical that people unfortunately brush off. Instead of opening peoples skulls and cutting parts of their brains out even though they knew it wasn't necessary, helpful, or ethical, today they just shell out multiple brain altering prescriptions to anyone that walks in their vicinity. We have people that go to see doctors because they're in a state of temporary sadness after a relative dies and they walk out looking like zombies and they're hooked on those medications for the rest of their lives.
Freud was a much better Psychiatrist than most modern ones. He was helpfully wrong, and in, he wasn't "right" about everything but contributed greatly in how mental illness was classified and treated.
He was actually helping people without dosing them with drugs.
What's funny is that Scientology uses Freudian Psychoanalysis techniques with a slight twist.
Anyone know some good books criticizing psychiatry or dealing with over-medication?
Isn't psychoanalysis still a thing?
Well there are still Freudians too, its another thing if they are still popular.
Yes, but it's not the only form of psychiatric treatment.
I think it's underutilized. It not a treatment for every mental problem, but certainly good for some things.
Not really, some of the basics are still used, but freudian psychoanalysis, isn't used for good reason. by modern psychiatrists.
Drugs is a very helpful thing, but it's only there to damp the symptoms (fx. making a depressed person not kill himself), not cure the disease. That requires therapy, and is a lengthy process.
As someone on psychiatric medications, the ones they prescribe first are not addictive at all. It's a real struggle to remember to take them regularly as a matter of fact.
I don't mean to imply that they're additive, I mean that they're very to get off of. If you take things like SSRIs and suddenly stop they can cause you to become suicidal and all sorts of other problems. So normally, you would need to formulate a plan with your doctor to slowly ween yourself off of them. The fact they prescribe this sort of medication so frivolously to anyone for any reason is a travesty because they're so dangerous.
It takes eome weeks to months to get off the highest possible doses and there's little in the way of actual danger. Maybe one surplus suicide every ten thousand people. You're vastly overstating the dangers.
What are those good reasons?
The reason Scientology demonizes psychiatry is essentially because it's a substitute for it.
It's pretty obvious that Hubbard tried to fix his own mental illness with Scientology.
>Maybe one surplus suicide every ten thousand people.
How do you know this? It seems like most suicides involve people that take these medications or have stopped taking them. I don't see any way of knowing the exact number of suicides that are explicitly due to not taking the medications outright, incorrectly withdrawing medications, or taking the wrong medications or dosage.
I read the number some time ago. I don't remember what it was, but it was somewhere in that ballpark.
How did they know what ultimately caused the person to commit suicide?
I was making frequent use of cocaine at that time ... I had been the first to recommend the use of cocaine, in 1885, and this recommendation had brought serious reproaches down on me.
Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams
You can look at statistics. This many people die without medication, this many die on it during this period of taking them.
I'm not asking you for numbers or a source for those numbers. I'm asking for the methodology. For instance how would they know somebody killed themselves because they withdrew their medication at too steep a gradient? I don't think this sort of information can be known with any accuracy. We know that it's dangerous to stop taking the medication too quickly and we know that doing so can cause people to become suicidal. Based on the facts we do know, I don't think it's proper to say the danger is overstated.
>Madness and Civilization
>The myth of mental illness
are two major contemporary criticisms.
You can make a guesstimate. That's valid methodology. That guy was talking as if antidepressants were actually dangerous when they really are not by any metric.
50 year old books are by no means contemporary in the field of Psychiatry.
They're not dangerous by any metric? There was a study by Seena Fazel that was published in the PLoS Medicine journal last year that showed young people aged 15 to 24 who take Prozac and Seroxat are significantly more likely to commit violent crimes while they're on the drugs.
Did you even read the study? The lack of consistency throughout the age groups makes it somewhat unlikely that there's a causal relationship between taking SSRI and committing violent crime.
As far as I know the study only dealt with young so I don't know how there can be a lack of consistency throughout age groups if they weren't even part of the study. But beside that, even if it were true, that doesn't discredit the finding. The study looked at young people when they weren't on drugs and compared them to after they were on drugs and found that they were more likely to commit violent crimes. This result can't be discredited by saying that 80 year old men don't behave in the same way with these drugs, it only says that the drugs are less dangerous for 80 year old men.
>As far as I know
Why bother posting if you don't know shit, my man?
You sound like you drank the anti medication kool-aid.
I noticed you ignored my response and my reasoning why the inconsistency between age groups doesn't discredit the result of the study, and doesn't make the medication less dangerous for young people.
You don't understand anything, go back to your anti-drug circle jerk.
New International Version
Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.
Yet another quality thread. At least try to figure out the difference between psychology and psychiatry before spewing random factoids.
Psychiatry is the art of swindling by making hot opinions your base to diagnose people instead of having an actual standard clinical test methodology.
Well he's nuts but yes he's right. Psychology is Jewish pseudo-science and psychiatry is a scam meant to funnel anti-depressants into people.
It's a lot of effort and money being thrown around to figure out the mind, but we're still woefully uninformed to the point that their true effectiveness is questionable.
It's still up in the air whether the things they figure out about people are consistent with all people throughout time or just a product of our society/time period.
>now it has evolved to the same standards as other sciences
Good one m8
Ivan Illich - Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis, the Expropriation of Health
Every person who claims this probably never experienced any actual psychological disorders. Mostly seems to be old conservatives who think clinical depression is the same as a bad day.
Oh, but I have, allow me to mention my disorder.
>have weird experiences
>parents hear about them one day and send me to the shrink
>yuor mind is broken horribly and yuo need €1000 injuctions!!!11
>Do you have evidence?
>How dare yuo questiun, the mind is invisible and you're here for a reason
>tfw my taxes give food and shelter to this type of drooling retard
Every person who claims what you claim is someone who was never:
>taken from their home as a child by a private military corporation
>placed into abusive an abusive psychiatric institution run by people who believe that "drugs are [their] handcuffs"
>beaten by orderlies
>locked in separation rooms
>given regular "emergency" sedation without their parents knowledge or consent
>had their parents disallowed visitation because they were intentionally trying to hide that you had been given sedation
>had to experience """"withdrawal-like symptoms"""" from stopping meds abruptly due to the medical fact that I would die if I continued taking them
>were told that any criticisms of any institutions you have been a patient of was just an expression of an irrational fear of authority.
My point here is that people who unquestioningly praise psychiatry are special depressed snowflakes who have only experienced the tip of the iceberg in terms of the true nature of the doctor-patient relationship. There's a world of difference between going to some pill dispensary in a high rise office building, or voluntarily going to a mental hospital for a few days and being placed in any form of long term treatment against your will.