What are some known events where Eurocentrics Whitewashed history?

What are some known events where Eurocentrics Whitewashed history?

to be fair he might as well be black

All of human history

when they had Kang Wiwuz II and all dem other pharaohs as white devils!



I just wanna say im not implying that Israelites were black like ''We Wuz Kangz'' people think. I just wanna point out they werent a nordic aryan same with egyptians as average /pol/tard believes

Have you ever actually seen people from the Levant? They're pretty light featured. I don't think anyone with intellectual value on the subject thinks Jesus was Nordic but to say his tradition portrayals in Europe were "whitewashing" isn't really true.

Also defining white washing as Making it European.

Jesus (although they aren't the only ones)

Making rome seem like it was exclusively made up of European men.

The general downplaying of other races role in Spanish American independence.

They are really european looking arabs ofc
But most arabs look like pic related.

Well Arabs arrived far after Jesus time. Those groups such as Assyrians, Copts, or Lebanese Christians who retained much of there appearance even after the Arabization are pretty light featured. Especially along the coast of the Mediterranean.

Jesus were brownish with a white texture. But to be exact no one knows how Jesus looked like


>straight brown hair
>sun tanned skin
Your point?

People take artistic licenses with Christ since he is a Spiritual figure in any culture so it really isn't bothersome how he's portrayed. He was probably olive toned. His ancestor Solomon was descried as being fair looking. For the area, we can presume this doesn't mean "Nordic" but he easily was about as light skinned as Assad.

Then how the fuck did Italians get so brown?
It wasn't mixing with Assads, that's for sure.

>Then how the fuck did Italians get so brown?
They were always olive. What, you think Southern Europe produces Nordics?

Biggest ones are not taking non-White things and making them Europe, but instead showing the struggles of many races as exclusively White.

The best examples all come from Empire, but especially the World Wars. Huge numbers of Indian, Arab, African, and Asian colonial troops served in the Allied armies as sappers, labourers, and actual soldiers, but are generally ignored.

>The best examples all come from Empire, but especially the World Wars. Huge numbers of Indian, Arab, African, and Asian colonial troops served in the Allied armies as sappers, labourers, and actual soldiers, but are generally ignored.
That's not because of Eurocentrism but because it destroys a "Whites were evil segregationist" narrative.

Yeah but to be fair Assad is upper class, so he naturally spends less time out in the sun so people like him are naturally going to be fairer skinned and make babies with other fair skinned ones whose wealth and status lets them escape the hot sun.

And the distinction between upper and lower classes would have been even more pronounced in antiquity as only the upper class had access to things like a diet that didn't waver back and forth over the starvation point, and what passed for healthcare and education in those days. Plebs would have been disease-ridden and in very poor health.

Jesus's appearance would have been defined by his working class lifestyle: emaciated and nutrient deprived from a thin diet of mostly bread and water, hunched over from a short but intense lifetime of backbreaking labor, and dark skinned from being out in the middle eastern sun all day working.

> Carthaginians were white

What does that even mean ?

For example millions of soldiers from British India fought in African theater, against Germans/Italians and south east asian theater to stop the japanese.

How is whitewashing their role not eurocentricism ? Infact if not for them British would have definitely lost the south east asian front and in North Africa. But where I see discussions on wwii it's always about soviets,Americans,Brits, Anzac and even french resistance on side of allies with no mention of British Indian troops.

>But where I see discussions on wwii it's always about soviets,Americans,Brits, Anzac and even french resistance on side of allies with no mention of British Indian troops.
Really? Plenty of discourse exist from what I've seen.

The Egyptians thought they were pretty light skinned.

The worst of thread topics

I hate that picture on the left. I can buy that that's how people from the region looked back then but they deliberately picked the most unappealing and braindead looking example they could come up with just to challenge people so they could say 'what? Got a problem racist? We used science for this! We can prove that Jesus looked like a brown DarkSidePhil!'

Here's one that always reflects it in, I know, the worst sort of historical thinking anyway:

People always want to pose the Hypothetical, "Why didn't the Japanese Attack the Soviet Union when the Germans did, and help them win the war?"

Nobody ever asks the question "Why didn't the Germans hold off on their expansion, and prevent the outbreak of a war, so they could trade with and support Japan despite the embargo, and help them win the war?"

The real Jesus probably would have seemed even more wretched by our standards. He lived in primitive, unforgiving times. Even the Roman Empire at its height was a minuscule foothill compared to the glacial range that is western civilization.

Plus it's meant to combat the popular image of "Jeezus" as an upper class white guy who sold the loaves and fishes for a huge markup on the foreign exchange while bombing brown-skinned people because God bless capitalism and America.

It's not the brownness or ruggedness that bother me, it's the lack of intelligence. I think that smart people have a certain look to them no matter where they're from, and so do dumb people. That representation of Jesus has a dumb looking face.

While typing this I've been looking closer and it's not THAT bad. Very definitely made with more than history in mind as you said yourself though. I just wish he'd lower his eyebrows. He looks like someone just farted in his face.

It's true that especially charismatic tend to be "good looking" (but usually not especially attractive) but in those days if someone was exceptionally ugly it was taken as a sign from heaven that they were predestined for a life of priestly service and celibacy and were considered holy men. This would have been the standards of Jewish plebs in the 1st century AD, not our modern day standards with its emphasis on hygiene, cleanliness, and physical fitness

Although the dead eyed look probably has more to do with the skill of the 3D modeler (who was probably more interested in anatomical correctness) rather than any deliberate design,

That's Cesare Borgia.

Some pope who was also part of a powerful family at the time basically made his son the image of Christ. European art during the Christian era also really sucks which explains why he looks like a 12 year old sketched him.

He was Mediterranean so the older depictions of "Jesus" were dark featured. Who knows what the actual Jesus guy looks like, dumb Hebrew goatherds didn't think to sit the dude down for a painting. I don't think they're supposed to worship idols anyway so it wouldn't matter.

How retarded to you have to be to believe that? Jesus has been portrayed looking like that since before Borgia was born.

>"everyone in the past was ugly and people look beautiful wearing gallons of makeup and dressing like sluts" never mind living an active lifestyle is produces more attractive looking human beings"
Monty python called. They want their joke back.

>just wanna point out they werent a nordic aryan same with egyptians
No one has ever believed that.

Phoenicians were red

That dude on the far right is hot
Also nice tirps

Stay woke brother.

The Middle East is the most phenotypically diverse part of the old world. Due to its geography, ethnic plurality, and history of mass migration, you can walk down any city in Iraq or Lebanon and find people who look totally European and people who look totally Indian.

why are you talking as though jesus was an arab?

He was a middle eastern jew

afghanistan is more phoenotypically diverse than any middle eastern country

afhgnaistan is central asia

when pol made a thread about the greeks and the romans being nords