This entire forum is full of people claiming their coin is 'going to the moon'
Like their tiny 30~40% gains that last an hour or two is 'the moon'.
Face it, every coin can't go to the moon, and there aren't any threads on here talking about coins that are going to crash.
You know whats better than mooning? A slow and steady stable increase of a reliable coin that has something to actually offer this world.
Stop wasting your time and money on dozens of transactions on what is effectively gambling. Would you actually trust some guy who told you he made ten thousand dollars last night at blackjack?
Do your research, invest and hold on a real stable coin. There's quite a few. Go read some real papers and articles on them. Make educated real decisions.
Thats what separates the people making true gains from the penny day traders.
Or keep blindly believing every damn thread claiming that person's memecoin is definitely going to moon. They can't all be true. But whatever.