This entire forum is full of people claiming their coin is 'going to the moon'

This entire forum is full of people claiming their coin is 'going to the moon'

Like their tiny 30~40% gains that last an hour or two is 'the moon'.

Face it, every coin can't go to the moon, and there aren't any threads on here talking about coins that are going to crash.

You know whats better than mooning? A slow and steady stable increase of a reliable coin that has something to actually offer this world.

Stop wasting your time and money on dozens of transactions on what is effectively gambling. Would you actually trust some guy who told you he made ten thousand dollars last night at blackjack?

Do your research, invest and hold on a real stable coin. There's quite a few. Go read some real papers and articles on them. Make educated real decisions.

Thats what separates the people making true gains from the penny day traders.

Or keep blindly believing every damn thread claiming that person's memecoin is definitely going to moon. They can't all be true. But whatever.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's why I'm going hard into STRAT, hoping for something great.

not cause it's going up big time?

What made me interested was the jump I will agree. But once I did a bit of research and had a look into what the actual coin does, how its programmed and what features it has I came to the conclusion that it really is an awesome coin. Same thing for Litecoin.

are you new here or something

hes just a no coiner trying to take the moral high ground.

So lets do some brainstorming.

STRAT is a legit coin. Like eth but with C#

ReddCoin: Longterm hold due to Reddid

Ripple: The future SWIFT?
ETH: Proven to be along term.
Digibyte: We will see soon I guess...

What other coins would you anons recommend for a long term hold where we can ignore the daily fluctuations?

Aragon? Ardor? Decred?

XVG desu

why? Would be nice to have an educated answer.

Lern2Read dumbass.

I literally said in my post I have coins.

Just not shitty ones because I spent time making a decision, carefully weighing all my options.

I really like the look of STRAT.

The one thing thats making me hold for now is I can't find a single piece of data on how fast STRAT POS returns.

I tried looking around all day yesterday one what the monthly gains of STRAT are and couldn't find an answer. That was a red flag and I'm not touching it until I see people discussing this. It's super fishy for me when a POS central coin has no discussions about the yield of that very thing.

Also their website doesn't actually discuss in any kind of length how to even perform the POS other than a link to a 3rd party website on how to do it with a raspberry pi.

Definitely on my watch list, but it still seems pretty damn risky right now.

Want a educated answer? Learn to fuking use your keyboard on you fucking idiot. It isnt hard to find out how amazing Verge(XVG) is you shithead dildo horse fucker.

XMR: the most private (hence fungible) coin that has had steady (boring) long-term gains

I want plebbit to leave.

Nice educated response. You sure convinced us.


Not NEM. Both are competing blockchain tech in Japan. Mijin (NEM private chain solution for banking institutions) are already being implemented in Japanese banks.

so which coins you got right now.

care to share or you want to jerk off more in your tower.

So surprise not many here know NEM. I can safely say this board is full of uneducated gamblers about the real world use case of blockchain tech application.

Why do you care? I have some coins, and a quantity invested. Do you actually care?

Because I'm much more interested in us all talking about the new coins making waves and what potential they have, versus what old coins I do or do not have in my personal wallet.

>Like their tiny 30~40% gains that last an hour or two is 'the moon'.
When you throw $50k at it, 40% isn't tiny.

Nem is the sleeping giant, will take bitcoins spot once people figure it out

>Why do you care? blah blah I got my super duper coin invested with top 100% quality, hehehe do you even care?

fuck off.

It is when your 50K in coins doesnt actually sell.

50K in coins going up 200% in value is worth jack shit when you can only manage to sell off a couple hundred bucks worth, then stagnate because all the stupid people emptied their wallets. Now you have 50K locked up in a coin no one wants because they're too smart to buy a pumped coin at inflated rates.

Important lesson: Your product only has value if you can move it. A $10,000 TV is worth $0 on your shelf, in fact its actually slowly draining money every month in electricity while you run it on display.

Until you /actually sell it/ its not worth shit. And I guarantee you no one ACTUALLY makes a lot of money on these moon coins EXCEPT for the guy who started it all. Everyone else loses because that guy just took all their money.

And he only makes as much money as the suckers have to offer.

Make sense? Don't buy pump and dump coin. By the time you hear about it you're already several hours too late.

>It is when your 50K in coins doesnt actually sell.
You sell into high volume so it clears.
Try it sometime.

I have checked out their site.

Looks like the equivalent to a chinese knock off BTC.

Look at this shit right on their front page, Im quoting verbatim:

"First ever P2P time sync of nodes"
"First use of a new kind of spam guard"
"First with mosaics"
"First use of a new version of namepsaces"
"Lightwallet's that can interact with any node on the network"

Bitch, Im not investing money on a company that can't even handle making their snake oil front page at least convincing.

Look, there's a great example of this that I interacted a lot with a few years ago. You guys remember when escape rooms exploded, right?

Well I worked at this shitty dump of an escape room place on weekends for extra cash, and the owners were (of course) chinese. And they ran the place the exact way you expected.

Their website was absolute shit, poorly designed, and 95% of our work effort was literally put into getting money into the owners pcoket. Not the escape rooms themselves (our fucking product), not into customer experience.

Nope, our time was spent making sure the people paid properly, phone call spamming people like fucking telemarketers to verify they were coming, requesting deposits, shit like that.

You know what is the litmus test for places like this?

When they make up a bunch of fucking random names for things that already exist and call it new. It's not "PoS" its "PoI" and its toooottallly new and revolutionary.

It's a NEW spam guard, trust us! (Note: 'new' just means they took something existing and just referred to it by a new name)

Anytime all their claims are just about having new features, and thats the ONLY thing they have to say, it's just a fucking scam.

Real products have shit going on other than just 'new never seen before' bullshit.

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, tons of coins go through tens or even hundreds of thousands of USD in volume a minute. 100+ BTC walls can drop in seconds.

You would know this if you actually traded.

I repeat.

No one is going to buy 50K in a coin that just shot up in value out of no where. Thats the exact moment everyone stops buying.

Your friend with 50K in coins that shot up in value will maybe move a tiny piece of them, then end up with like 49.5K in coins that pretty much just end up selling at like .5% more than what they started at.

Then after you take off the transaction fee, your friend ended up making a couple hundred bucks.

Which is like, cool and all.

If you got in on time.

If he got in mid pump though like a dumbass, (most likely) then he sold like 1% of his coins at pumped rate, made a few hundred bucks (sweet!) then watched in horror as the price went back to normal (10~20% less than what he bought in at) and...

Now he's lost like 5 grand. So he made a few hundred bucks during the pump but in the long run he lost.

And you have no actual way of knowing how long/hard the pump will be, therefor it is raw pure gambling.

Maybe he got in early enough to make gains.

Maybe he got in too late and loses.

It's pure luck.

Thats shitty investing.

Not during pumps they dont.

Watch carefully. During the pump Buy orders lock up and the coins quickly freeze up.

The coins don't start moving again until the prize stabilizes.

You know who is selling the coins to you people joining in the pump?

The OP of the thread that just convinced you to pump (by buying his overpriced coins)

Real coins like Eth, Btc, etc take millions of dollars in coines to fluctuate at all. Thats why now that Eth has skyrocketed in price you never see Eth pump threads anymore. Veeky Forums newbs literally don't have enough currency to pump these coins.

You'll never see a pump thread do anything on real volume coins.

Ergo, your step #1 for looking at good coins to invest in is ignore every single goddamn coin people shill on here, and go look at the coins no one is mentioning and see whats up with them.

And I separate shilling from discussing.

Shilling involves claims of how the coin is amazing (with no proof), and most importantly basing the expected value of the coin off its charts.

If however they are discussing the coin's actual application, its use cases, etc etc... Thats a real discussion to check out.

But fucking meme triangles and paint lines are for idiots who are interested in giving their money away to that thread's OP.

Have you seen SC or DGB today? They would go up 10% in a minute and absolutely tear through massive sell walls. I agree you shouldn't buy shit coins but you're completely out of touch understanding trading.

The money has to come from somewhere. It doesn't just magically appear.

And go look at Eth and Btc for examples of real sell walls. Until I see a DGB wall in the hundreds of millions I regret to inform you walls in the 100s of thousands are not 'huge'

The part you need to come to understand is this...

One of those walls, maybe the first, maybe the second... Was the OP of the thread that just told you the coin was going to moon.

Breaking through sell walls is BAD. Those sell walls existed for a reason.


And unless you have extreme luck, you need to buy BEFORE the wall goes down AND then become the next wall and go down yourself.

If you hold on these types of coins, you'll find a day or two later the coin went way back down to normal price and you just wasted money.

Let me show you a great example right now:

Look at the buy and sell orders.

All the buy orders are in the 0.03~0.04 range.

All the sell orders are in the (lol) 0.17 range.

They're literally asking fucking quadruple the buy offers.

And look at the trade history. Coins locked up and not moving.

This is an example of what happens after a pump and dump.

Now all these dumbasses don't want to sell out or they lose like 75% of their money.

But pretty much no one except for the rare idiot would buy at such a price.


Every board on Veeky Forums is a slew of shitposting. This is nothing new.

Welcome to your first day though

I'd like to seriously discuss coins that have potential and peoples thoughts on them.

No fucking memetriangles and 'look how good the chart is tho' stuff.

Lets talk about the coins themselves and what they offer.

>Stop wasting your time and money on dozens of transactions on what is effectively gambling.

how else am i gonna make it to lamboland?

Read the next sentence.


Or maybe they actually are invested in a competing coin and want to make it look bad.

>using a shit exchange like livecoin

You realize that they have a very small daily volume and are only good for buying coins like minereum right? Polo has over 60x the volume.

Come back when you understand what you are talking about.

>Implying I only use one exchange and don't browse multiple?

I linked one example I had on hand. You made some pretty huge mental jumps to assume I literally only do my trading on livecoin.

>bububu i tripled my money i am the expert

You guys should listen to this OP, when your 50 bucks really is 50k you will realize how you can run into trouble. When the money printer starts blowing smoke there's a lot of anons who are going to be having a bad time. Don't get too far ahead of yourselves and you'll be fine.

Anyways question I have been asking all over and can't get a goddamn answer on...

Has anyone actually USED Stratis's POS system yet?

I cant find a goddamn report anywhere on the returns of its POS minting.

People say about 20~25% of their funds in the wallet are set aside for staking, but there is basically 0 info on stake rates...

Anyone else find it super fishy that a coin entirely based on staking out the gate has such little info on how to actually stake it?

We were talking about volume and you brought up a fringe exchange that barely does any volume as your example.

On real exchanges coins don't stagnate like you say they do.

Ok. If you say so.

I wish anyone who has a coin thats abruptly inflated in price due to a pump the best of luck on managing to liquidate said volume and actually profit.

I mean, if you manage to pull it off fucking good for you, you earned it.

But all I am saying is its literally gambling. Its not skill, its pure luck with the odds heavily not in your favor.

Way better and faster to just buy lottery tickets.

Or, to quote Anthony Bourdain, take all your cash out onto your driveway and just light it on fire. It'll save you time.

>it's like gambling!!!!!!!
>can literally buy into any coin and make a profit currently


>Do your research, invest and hold on a real stable coin. There's quite a few. Go read some real papers and articles on them. Make educated real decisions.

We are not playing the same game.
I could only put on 20$. Who cares about making *10 or even *100 in a year ?
I need to hunt those pump if i want to really reach the point at which i can put my money on steady coin.

but op i like reading moon stories and moon mission failures.. very entertaining

>bought 100 ETH @ $17 ~March 1
>Sold 100 ETH @ $208 - $214 about 10 days ago.
>sell went through immediately.