Is it actually going to move or just sit dead where it's at? Bought in for supposed coinbase mooning later but I'm getting tired of HODLing.
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Sold that shit for more XVG, it may go up but who cares now
Sold mine for Sia yesterday. Might move soon though, I'll try my luck then and jump on it.
It will probably move the day after you send it.
>hasn't gained 10000% in 10 seconds
dead forever abandon ship
I feel like it's being artificially supressed so I sold all mine
Keep your eye on GNT though - when it goes it will go quick
This and RLC are the most disappointing coins i'm hodling thus far.
They seem like "big ticket" coins too. Should I lie to myself and assume whales are keeping price low to accumulate........... or is it really a shitcoin
I think it's a conspiracy user
Golem has one of the most interesting premises (decentralised cloud computing for hire) so there is definite potential
Just sold mine yesterday to buy Verge and Swarm City.
Kept my Augur in case they really get added to Coinbase.
Happy thus far.
Gnt is going to be just fine. Weak hands itt
The first sign that this project, and this whole concept is a joke: The developers set a release date of brass for 31st of May, and then realise they can't reach that date, and change it to an undisclosed date.
This is the number 1 sign that a company/project/task is a joke.
If the developers, and the Golem team had any idea on professionalism, and wanted Golem to succeed they would have adhered to there set date of 31st of May, or better yet, had set a more "realistic" set date for Brass.
Saying Brass will be ready by the 31st, then coming out and saying its not going to be ready by the due date and it will be ready soon is amateurish to say the least.
First sign that Golem is a joke. Heres a tip to Golem developers/team
My weak hand is already 60% up compared to what it would have been had I kept this decent, but already overpriced coin.
Depends on what you're working with.
I only had 100 of them (originally 200) and was losing money, I sold and put that money into another coin and already made more than I did right now in the two months of holding.
If you sunk alot into it, sure, hold, but anyone with light bags can definitely move around.
Shame its complete garbage, only one ever example shown with a 3d render. Also theres ZERO privacy in jobs, do you think the big players like pixar would outsource toy story #27 to random shitlords on the internet sniffing their jobs and stealing everything? Who the fuck is the service for?
Gridcoin has done it properly just let GNT die please.
>HBO would never make a series for youtube
>Nobody will ever use youtube
Shit's taking off boys!
You're getting sucked in my friend. The low cap coins are getting popped because the new money thinks the big ones can't 100x overnight, which is not untrue, these new monies arn't sufficient to pump a higher cap coin that easily because they're disorganized and irrational. What you need to be doing now is positioning yourself for the real rockets which come later.
Don't hang around on coins you think are garbage just because they went up 100x after you bought, you can see clearly most people have no fucking idea what they're buying, don't rely on their judgement, it's shit. Leave some to ride of course because no crystal balls, but take some of those gains and throw them onto your god tier selections, the ones you think are the real chances.
MOST of these coins are not going to make it, some will die quietly, some will be slaughtered in the real bloodbath. Don't neglect to keep fueling your best survivors, don't get caught with your dick in your fucking hand hodling a bunch of bullshit that gets nuked all at once. Maintain a considered balance and don't be blindly greedy.
You don't know how developing software works at all. They didn't know the project was not going to be done in time, don't be retarded please.
Now thats just fudding. Sure Golem is performing poorly but your logic is shit.
When Valve or Blizzard say they'll release a product "when its ready" and delay it, people wait. Same with Golem. They showed that rendering is possible with Blender and it's a little teaser until they perfect everything.
The alpha/beta product may be shit and I'll make my judgement when the time comes. I have a feeling it'll be just fine but in cryptotime waiting feels forever.
Don't bother with him m8.
Every time to open a golem thread look for the post talking shit but praising gridcoin. It's a gridcoin shill called nate simpson. If you see this
This fag lmao. I check every thread on golem just to laugh at this small bonered joke of a subhuman. Less than a month and Golem has gotten me 10x gains.
About the due date, homo, it was already stated by them that May was the ideal release, but may take until June or July just to ensure a quality product. They already have tests of rendering out, and it is good.
Everyone here, don't pay attention to NoGains Mcgee here, he is just bitter he lost his lunch money from his Mummy Wummy cause his babby hand's couldn't grip tight enough.
Mass gains soon my friends, the accumulation phase will be over soon. Get your coins now before you become a bitter faggot that has to post FUD against Golem several times a day.