Is it possible to wear a Valknut necklace in our days...

Is it possible to wear a Valknut necklace in our days, as a symbol of Paganism/Heathenry/Germanic Roots; without the inevitable racist connotations?

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Yeah, universalist Nordic paganism is more common than the alternatives these days.

The main concern however is that you're going to get relentlessly shitposted.

>not being a materialistic epicurean

Who cares whether or not an ethno-tribal religion has racist connotations?


Never seen anyone that isn't a stormfag wear one

>anything affirming Germanic identity is racist.
Your part of the problem

>wearing a Valknut

I don't think there's a historical basis for that. Mjolnir does, though.

The Fuck is wrong with you to call yourself heathen?

He agrees with the claim of divine truth behind heathenism?

No one cares user
99% of people wont even know what it is
And literally only guys ive seen with
rune necklaces etc were fat ugly losers

This lol .Autist think people will care.
Stay away from the ADL and you'll be fine OP.

I wear one. I just don't wear it outside my shirt.

OP here. This is the description of the jewelry I bought:

The Valknut is a symbol found on a number of stone carvings from the Viking period. It commonly occurs in close proximity to the god Odin, and could be connected to him and the afterlife.

>How the fuck does this relate to racism, besides outdated Aryanism?

>implying any normie would know what it is

True true.

I think it's ok, old Gotland symbols. Be proud of who you are and where you come from but respect others who are equally of who they are and where they come from.

That's maximum hipster.

Regardless of whether it's racist or not, stop trying to be such a special snowflake.

Yeah, how dare OP have his own tastes and opinions?

The nationalist pagan is mostly something that just exists on /pol/ and its satellite sites, most pagans are leftists forever whining about how patriarchal and repressive monotheism is.

>a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a heathen. It's the Abrahamic religions that make it out to be a derogatory term.

No, because anything related to European culture is racist by definition.

>muh ancestors
Doesn't really make a difference if you wear something from ancient germanics, romans or egyptians

Wearing symbols on yourself is max pleb.

I wear this sometimes, I'm a Christian, so I'm not going to wear the symbol of a religion I don't follow, but at the same time in a huge Germaniaboo, and from a secular position absolutely love most Indo-European religions of antiquity.
So a reproduction of a cross necklace in a Thor's hammer style from 11th century Iceland was exactly what I need.

Nah but if you get it tattoed somewhere on your bald head people won't get the wrong idea.


>without the inevitable racist connotations?
yes, but you will get inevitable autuist connotations

The only acceptable jewelry for a man is a wedding ring.

People will think you're any combination of racist, LARPer, and metalhead.

its not racist but its still LARPing

that looks like the fbi pedo symbol

and yes you should invent your own runic symbol instead and tattoo it, as another poster kindly suggested, on your bald head

Cool cross.

This one's mine.

It's a replica of a 12th century pendant of Finnish design that was excavated in Sweden. I got it at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen.

What role is he playing?


Germans are inherently racist and warmongering so yeah, he's right to ask and to answer him honestly, no you shouldn't wear that shit in public. At best it makes you look like a dweeb.

>Germans are inherently racist

That is racist.

>Germans are inherently racist and warmongering

nice inverted crucifix, satan

Is this the same symbol? German football association uses it since forever.

>inverted crucifix means satanism
Spotted the American proddie

Fucking idiot
This is the future of political correctness gentlemen

I dunno man, I've seen loads of hipster chicks with Odal runes necklaces because of some shitty TV show, apparently oblivious to the fact it's the symbol of the SS Prinz Eugen division & associated war crimes.
You'll probbaly be ok

>implying he's wrong
Germany is a cancer thrust upon the world and needs to be liquidated ASAP

>The description on the website doesn't say anything about racism!
fucking dipshit

But the blacks in chicago aren't cancer "there misunderstood". Germans have given alot to society, Germany isnt the cancer of the world it is one of the countries that made the world.

This is the most sensible, rational response.

No but, is inferred, fucking dipshit

The language that is used in this thread, English, is a Germanic language. I'm not a stalwart of German supremacy, but the geographical region, that now is known as Germany, was the hotbed of European progression.