Germany did not, in fact start wwi
Germany did not, in fact start wwi
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Provided you consider a war between Austria and Serbia as a world war
Otherwise, it did
is this some forced meme? legally they didnt start it (they were dragged in as allies), but germans were looking for every opportunity to go into war. My god this board doesnt know shit about history. Its only ww2 and shitty memes. Its like smaller /pol
no it didnt fuck you anglo cuck
All of europe was looking for an opportunity to go to war, it just so happened that germany's ally was the one to start it.
on second thought, maybe and are right
>germans were looking for every opportunity to go into war
leave this board and never return
Germany didnt start wwi fag, Austria did
(he's right, you know)
my favorite part of this debate is when people quote the german general staff as proof that Germany wanted war.
it's like quoting Patton as proof that the US wanted to invade the USSR
(you are wrong, you know)
> but germans were looking for every opportunity to go into war
So was France and, to some extent, Russia.
Germany was afraid of being encircled by hostile powers. Well, bloody look at a map of Europe in 1914. They WERE surrounded by hostile powers.
I can tell you what i know. Willy the second wanted to build a great empire and ditched Otto, who believed in status quo maintained by keeping france isolated from alliances.
Germany at the time kept non agression pact with Russia, and when it expired, Russians asked for renewal of the treaty. Willys new advisors told him that he doesnt have to renew it, because republican france and absolutist Russia will never ally. When Russians were told there will be no more of pacts, they immediatelly allied the French. Willy started arming and so did the french and russkies.
few years before the actual war (like in 1912 or 1913), both Russia and France increased their conscription to 3 years period. After this, Willys advisors estimated that by late 1915 or early 1916, combined French-Russian army will be too big for Germany to handle. Willy needed war ASAP
The build up to WWI is one of most interesting subjects in history, but mods shouldn't really allow multiple threads.
mods dont to shit, just let this new meme develop
No, it will just make it so we can never have actual discussion on WWI again.
Mods please.
>Some autist shilling in multiple threads is how a meme get's started.
user plz.
this board is a mistake
>and ditched Otto, who believed in status quo
He 'ditched Otto' because Bismarck was planning on provoking the liberal elements of the country into riots as a pretext to violently repress them and kick them out of government. Willy, who had only ascended not long before this, rather reasonably inferred that unleashing violence on his subjects was probably not the best way to kick off his reign.
Bismarck did the whole "i offer my resignation" ploy to get Wilhelm to back down and accede but Wilhelm called his bluff.
the board is evolving and now is creating new memes
Darwinism is a failed philosophy, tard
'Lol lets stop isolating France from Russia and build up a Navy explicitly designed to antagonize Britain nothing's gonna go wrong'
works for other boards
Except the general staff was the ruling institution in Imperial Germany
No it wasn't.
>i fundamentally don't understand german history
>start world war
>lose it
>rinse and repeat
Sumed up German history
>make retarded statement online
>get called out on it
>resort to vigorous memeing because you're too much of a manchild to admit your own retarded mistake
summed up Veeky Forums