The German people didn't deserve what happened to them
The German people didn't deserve what happened to them
Stop shitposting or we'll cut of Bavaria too
No, it was deserved except for the colonies
we dindu nuffin - what war cant remember it?
Please do. Save us.
Talk shit get hit.
you keep up that jib and you're losing everything west of the Rhine too.
Letting Germans exist is still a mistake.
oh krauts
How can krauts be so despicable?
>the allies do a genocide
>to punish a genocide
oh the hipocrisy
britbongs dindu nuffin they always been good boys
russos be the kindest of our peoples yes
french always smile and nice
>Gott im Himmel it's anudda Magdeburg
DAE strategic bombing litterly genocide?
im not just talking about bombings
>we'll cut of
Truly spoken out of superiority.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
H. L. Mencken
>The German people didn't deserve what happened to them
yes they did, wehraboo tears make my day
do it again Bomber Harris
If Germany wasn't mutilated like it was after WW2 they'd be chimping out and starting 5th World war by now
Instead they are the strongest economy on Europe and shilling for flooding it with refugees, geez.
Pretty good trade off.
>In a span of 70 years since your country starts existing start three major wars costing untold amounts of lives
The world doesn't deserve the cancer that is Germany and we would all be better off if the German nation had been broken up into pieces and balkanized
>Germans die in a war they started
Krauts are pathetic
>we started
>where is Braunau again?
>implying all germans wanted the war
>implying sudeten, prussians had anything to do with the war, let alone deserve to get expelled from their homeland
I hate hitler for starting the most unnecessary and brutal war in history, and for making the allies take my homeland away
I hate the american leadership for agreeing to those peace term with russia
i hate the russian army for being such pillaging raping brutal killing huns
There you go lad
> cucked Germans starting 5th WW
sure user
>If Germany wasn't cucked, they'd be starting the 5th WW by now.
>No they wouldn't, because Germans are cucked
Great reasoning skills.
Literally Meme Land in the corner
>I hate the american leadership for agreeing to those peace term with russia
>"I hate Americans for not disagreeing with something they had no power to change"
>i hate the russian army for being such pillaging raping brutal killing huns
>"I hate Russian army for being less brutal than my compatriots were"
>started two world wars within 40 years of each other
>looted and pillaged rome like a bunch of dindus in a hurricane
>started the reformation and took it to extremes allowing 30 years war
The germans are a plague
you said mutilated as in territories taken, not spiritually broken lol
>Germany loses another war they started.
>We won't touch your territories in Eastern Europe, after all, it's rightful German clay
>This is a Cucking, apparently.
Since I didn't realize the context that you were speaking in, did the Germans loot Rome in 1943? It would not surprise me.
occupation and de-nazification still happen
hell, even partitioning East-West with the Prussian territories intact to the GDR
Nigga they ruined europe three times over
Take your prussiaboo autism elsewhere
neither war was the Germans fault
Except for those times they decided to declare war on everybody, but other then that the wars weren't their fault.
start shit get hit
Digits confirm Kek's approval
Always remember the noble krauts of Memelland
Hans, they know! Flush it down!
memes aside, Dresden's bombing was degenerate
>Franco-Purssian war
>Declared war on France for no other reason but wanting prestige, wins, act like huge cunts in the process
>Gets shit on, France make sure they get fucked over since they were huge cunts last time
do it again Bomber Harris!
"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."
wasn't France acting like a faggot before the F-P war?
Anallyfrustrated Kraut detected
Turning Eastern Europe into a wasteland was degenerate.
True, fuck the Soviets.
They could've done a better job with the mutilation.
Also the Russian and British armies did nothing wrong.
>Let me push the Austrians into a war with Russia
>France won't promise not to war me and totally disband their military, let me declare war on them too!
>Now to invade Belgium, which definitely won't get Britain in the war
>And for good measure, I'll sink American passenger ships and promise to help Mexico invade Texas
>Well, we declared war on the entire world and lost. Clearly the Jews' fault. Time to declare war on Poland.
>Also the Soviet Union and the USA, both of which are individually more powerful than Germany, at the same time
Be quiet Klaus or there will be another partition and resettlement.
Yes and were complete asshurt after the war up to the time of ww1
Hell even Bismark (who had Germany on good terms with almost everyone in Europe at the time) could not improve relations with them
>its all Germanys fault for ww1
>its not Russia for being a nigger and wanting to enter a war despite the fact that they are starving and on the verge of a revolution
>its not Serbias fault for not letting Austria look for the murderer of monarch fearing for muh sovereignty
>its not the allies fault for carelessly carving up Europe for their empires
>And for good measure, I'll sink American passenger ships and promise to help Mexico invade Texas
That ship was holding war munitions just as the Germans claimed.
the Mexico thing was an Anglo lie just like the ship
all the shitposting in this world wont change that Veeky Forums is filled with LARPing """historians"""
>i hate the russian army for being such pillaging raping brutal killing huns
Loving every laugh especially those made by the Russians.
>you'll never live in alternate timeline where the most iconic image of the world war 2 is SS stormtroopers hoisting a flag over westminster palace
>you'll never see the rotten edifice, the United Kingdom, broken up into Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and the German occupation area
It hurts to live.
>Russia has internal problems, so it's all good good if we invade their suzerains :^))))
Spoken like a true kraut
>its not Serbias fault for not letting Austria look for the murderer of monarch fearing for muh sovereignty
Austria baselessly intruding into independent states, gets burned, and wants an excuse to act like krauts
>its not the allies fault for carelessly carving up Europe for their empires
"it was the Jews!"
>That ship was holding war munitions just as the Germans claimed.
>That ship was holding war munitions just as the Germans claimed.
>the Mexico thing was an Anglo lie just like the ship
"Anglo-jewish lise!!!11111!!!!"
Back to /pol/
They deserve much worse. Germany is a disgusting, unholy chimera that will forever threaten peace in Europe.
Versailles was far too merciful. ""Germany"" should have been divided into small powerless states, and parts of it annexed by their neighbors. It's people should have been worked (to death, if necessary) to repair the damages they did in the victors' country. It's entire economy should have been coopted to repaying Germany's debt to Europe.
Germans are not people. They have proved this time and time again, and are still proving it right now. They are a weak minded race of beasts, easily manipulated by any entity that wants to use them, gladly becoming it's armed arm in the hope of getting some power, some gratification.
>implying im from /pol/
nice projecting you sure showed me
>implying I'm not a Slav
Nigger, everyone in Eastern Europe hates Soviets more than Hitler.
inb4 "implying Krauts didn't do it"
bombing civilians is degenerate, regardless of the side
There were no civilians in Drážďany.
Only Germans.
Most of those territories weren't even german
Germany should've been carved up after WW2
Germany must die
Come and kill us then
We will take it back.
Start shit, get hit, cunts
Is the the pinnacle of German hypocrisy?
I'm a Germaboo but this is some top bantz. Source?
No idea, saved it on /int/
They deserve worse
Also nice double dubs
Nobody in this world "deserves" anything. Germany lost its rights to territory when it was conquered; such is the nature of war. It's really that simple. They are supremely lucky that they're even a nation-state today.
Europe'd dominating the world by now, if it wasn't for the interference of foreign powers in the World Wars. Germany was in every respect the most advanced and succesful nation, yet with the help of global non-European powers, it was destroyed again and again.
I would even go so far and compare the impact of the fall of Germany with the decline of the Roman empire.
Talk shit, get hit
Kek at Meme Land
That is true. They deserved worse. Much worse.
>Germany is outnumbered 3/1 in tanks compared to Poland
>have a literal handful of towed artillery
>ifvs are a joke
>combat aircraft are in shitty condition, most are in storage
>current standard issue rifle is in the process of getting phased out
>"come kill us"
its not that hard to do that
>Monaco di Baviera