What is historical context behind so heavy Sub-Saharan Negro admixture in Mediterranean peoples and Jews?
What is historical context behind so heavy Sub-Saharan Negro admixture in Mediterranean peoples and Jews?
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Interbreeding with Roman and Moorish negro slaves?
Slave trade and womens BBC fetish.
Slavery. Jews and s.euros would import blacks from sub Saharan to use as house slaves and flaunt there wealth. Italians are a horny lot and a good amount of them probably vecked their female black slaves.
I think it was the other way around as indications are that it was Etruscan, Berber and Roman males to knock up slave women Jefferson style
Broadcasting didn't exist back then
I call bullshit. I'm Calabrese and took a DNA test. 0%sub Saharan DNA. I had 15% west Asian so obviously my ancestors got around.
was a thing back then
Face it, black man are made to breed, white boys cannot compete
>I call bullshit. I'm Calabrese and took a DNA test. 0%sub Saharan DNA.
>it's bullshit because one guy doesn't fit data with a large sample size
Study completely debunked!
It's not big statistically so to speak. Trust me Europeans fucked whatever they good.
the Hebrews were black.
[citation needed]
DNA test, logistic possibility and historical evidence.
so called white devil
albino finna bow before black KINGS
Its literary the same reasons Dixie Americans have 1-2% Negro blood. South West Europe (Spain, Portuagal, the Italian city states, and Jew) were partakers of the Black slave trade.
does it stand to reason then that Arabs have a similar sub-Saharan admixture?
Or did their practice of castrating all the male slaves prevent this effect?
>African Americans
>Only 70% African
It's funny because it makes all the black supremacist movements look even more retarded
all supremacist movements are retarded.
>moor fucks a kang
>generations later his ancestor fucks an iberia
really makes you think.....
>does it stand to reason then that Arabs have a similar sub-Saharan admixture?
They probably have more. remember though that Arab is a broad grouping such as Slav or Germanic. Some Arabs have more than others, some Arab people are just other ethnic groups assimilated into being Arabs for whatever reason.
>there are people who seriously believe ancient peoples would care about racial purity or some shit
>he thinks they didn't
It could be a variety of reasons, but mostly it's ancient admixture. Or shared alleles because of closer genetic proximity. It's definitely not the absurd reason the nation of yahweh put forward - a sign that the ancient hebrews were black. Mizrahi jews/sephardi jews have less ssa admixture than their host populations.
Most personal genomics tests show recent history.
Or maybe all the documents and first hand accounts are true and Jews from Iberia had disproportion involvement with slave trading and moor buggery?
>a sign that the ancient hebrews were black
[citation needed]
You'd probably be right, if all those documents and first hand accounts existed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall studies showing Southern Whites were actually surprisingly white with only 8% having any admixture at all.
The Arabs are basically everything. They're the Spanish of the ME.
You figure Portugal and South Italy (the two largest European groups with Black African DNA not counting Jews) supposedly have 2.1 and 1.1% Black DNA.
In South Carolina and Louisiana, the White population has 8% Black DNA. Geographically speaking that's a larger plot of land than S Italy and Portugal which are rather small areas of land.
A citation for what exactly - that the ancient hebrews were black or that they weren't?
Sure thing
How is 1-4% "heavy"?
It isn't. If you discount Jews the highest nation is Portugal which is 2.1%. That's remarkable small actually.
It's pretty much makes you unEuropean
I think that OP means that it's pretty heavy CENTURIES after
some individual cases of interbreeding. We don't have the evidence of massive interbreeding as far as my knowledge goes
Portugal BTFO.
Why do cousinfuckers insist on talking like 19th century newsmen?
Negro was used in America until the 80s. Still antiquated, but not as much as you think.
Because it's a scientific racial term even Reagan used? Mo Ali used, Malcolm X used.
Slander. The most inbred people are Arabs, Pakistanis, kurds and Jews
woah, nothing wrong with fucking your cousin, bigot
But they are, are you personally to be commended for your own personal ancestors' achievements by some kind of genetic magic awards show?
Collective ethnic solidarity starts bothering you, when it's not affirmative actions and quota placement, huh, Jamal Melanino?
No, you /pol/ack, I understand that patriotism is useful and nice. The point still stands, try to make an argument.
They should feel the most guilty about slavery since they have more slave owner blood running through their veins than your average white
>they are
The world as you know is a product of European supremacists. Dmitry Mendeleev, Cecil Rhodes, Winston Churchill, Christophor Columbus, Richard Wagner. You name it.
This. European supremacism and purism is a norm
Confused negro here. Did we breed them or were we bred?