When will USA fall like Rome did?

When will USA fall like Rome did?

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Depends on how Trump does.


Sometime prior to 25 years ago, to be board relevant.

I don't see how. I think we are at an important crossroads in our country. if he does well, we could last for at least over 100 years. If he does poorly, maybe less than a century.

>tfw you tell the hillbillies that you'll build a Great Wall to stop the Mexicans from stealing their jobs and add that you're going to get Mexico to pay for it so when the Mexicans refuse to pay for it you can just blame it on Mexico and never follow through with it but still get the same hill billy votes during the second election
Is Trump low key a Machiavellian genius? Or is he just stumbling around and hoping for the best?

A bit of A, a bit of B.

He ain't no Putin.

trump might as well be america's ceasar. his very name is now a kind of a title, 'the donald', just like ceasar's. nevertheless, even if he does start a golden age like augustus, he will not stop the internal mechanic of america's collapse from happening, merely postpone. rome in augustus' time was already experiencing demographic decline.

mexico is america's germania. it is a shitty country in all ways compared to america, but because of its proximity, it will develop by absorbing its greatness, and when america itself becomes decadent and weak mexico will step in. it will not destroy america, for it can only be destroyed by itself. what they will do is finish off american universalist civic nationalism and introduce their unitary ethnic nationalism, which will stop america from uniting, like europe.

america will be divided into its geographic regions. mexico is already colonising its old territories, but even having those that will not stop america from being united. usa will become divided into two main areas: east and west of the appalachians, with centers in new york and chicago. new england and new spain. and afterwards, more centers and regions may form.

america will perish by decentralization, by having opposing great cities. people will no longer feel american, but as belonging to their region. it will happen with its natural economic and population growth, filling up its still quite empty fertile plains. there, developed challenging centers might appear. with trump, heartland cities will thrive in an inward looking empire.

it might not happen in a 100 years or 500 years, but it will happen that way.

I don't think you can elect a worse mayor than pic related

I suspect that he has not a glimmer of genuine civic intent. Instead I get the feeling that he just says anything to make people cheer for him to make himself feel good. That's why he does those slow monosyllabic empty speeches, and the tone deaf tweets. He doesn't care at all what meaning the words convey.

No one can pretend these cartoon "walls" and "tariffs" and childish slogans indicate some realistic plan. They are just words to get a response.

I can't read his mind of course but so far it seems like he doesn't know how to govern or lead and furthermore doesn't care.

Comparing the USA to Rome is perhaps the most lazy, most stupid, most ignorant historical meme I have ever seen pushed by people whose entire historical education consists of 5 minutes on wikipedia. All we have in common is latin, an interest in eagles/greek architecture, and a possible desire to fuck women who resemble athena or hera.

>america will perish by decentralization, by having opposing great cities. people will no longer feel american, but as belonging to their region. it will happen with its natural economic and population growth, filling up its still quite empty fertile plains. there, developed challenging centers might appear. with trump, heartland cities will thrive in an inward looking empire.

As "the Donald" would say, before he accidentally deports my (legal) latino family, WRONG! Decentralization has not harmed us in the least. The "great cities" have more in common with one another than they do with anywhere else. I'm assuming you're American, but have you been to our biggest cities? LA, NYC, Chicago, Houston, Philly? They are almost bizarrely similar. The divide nowadays is between the big cities and the rural areas, not between the great cities.

>america will be divided into its geographic regions. mexico is already colonising its old territories

INCORRECTO. Latino Americans from all backgrounds, are assimilating at such a rate that the old "Know-Nothing" Party who bitched about Italians and Irish in the late 1800s would be jealous. There are 50 million of us, but half of us do not speak Spanish. Most of us like football or baseball. We're used to mainstream (anglo-based) US culture. We don't particularly like Mexico or have anything to do with it. Even those weirdo chicano you see in Cali waving Mexican flags don't truly understand Mexican culture, and they would feel lost and confused if you put them in it.

Write me the rest of your sob story from Mexico, jose.

>from Mexico

My father came here from Cuba in the late 1960s, when he was 4 years old, legally, under the "wet foot, dry foot" policy. My mother's ancestors came here in 1794 from Sweden. I was born in rural Illinois. I'm not Mexican, and I have as much right to be here as you.

U white? Then u cool

trump is the embodiment of american politics, all that matters is his fame, and he couldn't care less about the details

>First president in 28 years to get anything done
>Spics and foreigners bitch
Watch as he completes everything he promised.

t.Manuel Paco

Do you honestly believe this?

We have...the best walls. It's true. It's great. I know people, important people, and they tell me-america first. America first. Terrific people.

And we're going to make America great, people. It's gonna be huge. Believe me.


Cuba is like America, they are multiracial. There are niggers, mestizos but also whites.

>Latino Americans from all backgrounds, are assimilating
Got any sources for this? Wanna use it for later.
>There are 50 million of us, but half of us do not speak Spanish.
Source for this too, please.

I'm not white myself (proud mulato Cuban), but Cuba is majority white. Much like the USA, its former colonial masters basically slaughtered the native population, and had to import blacks to do the plantation work.

The largest group, ranging from 65-80%, are whites. Then you have mulattos/quadroons. And then blacks. Mulattos are a weird group, because some of us look very white, some very black, some in the middle, and often we'll choose to identify as one or another regardless of our actual racial heritage.


We don't really have any mestizos. The Spaniards killed the natives before they had the opportunity to rape them. The mixed Cubans are white/african mixes, not white/indios.

I have to admit that it's funny to see white Cubans get so triggered by this, because they are a very racist bunch and the idea that their beloved yanquis think most Cubans are blacks drives them wild (imagine if Europeans thought white USA southerners were black because their states are 20-30% black), but at the same time most of them really are white. Even if it's not as high of a percentage as they wish it was.

>white southerners are black
Obligatory: ibtimes.com/white-southerners-likely-have-more-black-dna-whites-elsewhere-us-study-1765498

>Got any sources for this? Wanna use it for later.

This one is tough, because it's hard to quantify assimilation, you really have to go by your gut. As someone who was born and raised in Miami, and spent a lot of time in El Paso (visiting my redneck cousins) and LA (my little cousin was a finalist in "The Voice), I've noticed that latinos are assimilating extraordinarily quickly. Even among Mexicans, the Raiders/Dodgers are more popular than Chivas/Tigres (two of the big Mexican soccer teams).

>sorce for this too, please.

Yeah, no problem. I think I overestimated it though. Apparently 40% of latino Americans do not speak Spanish, not 50%. The percentage of latinos 5 years old or older who spoke spanish peaked at 78% back in 2000 and has been dropping like a rock ever since. It's definitely a growing trend, I grew up around a lot of other latino kids and one of the most common things we dealt with was the bitching we heard from old latinos about not speaking Spanish.


>This one is tough, because it's hard to quantify assimilation
Thanks anyways, but sadly, I gotta throw your statement into the trash since 'a gut feeling' doesn't qualify as proof or logic arguments.
>Yeah, no problem, etc...

No, but I was thinking about how this issue will not hurt his reputation at all with that section of his voter base and thought it would be funny if that was his plan the whole time.

“European Americans with African ancestry comprise as much as 12 percent of European Americans from Louisiana and South Carolina and about 1 in 10 individuals in other parts of the South,” according to the study.

>From the data, researchers determined that people especially from the South have at least 1 percent of African ancestry.

So really, not much - and for these to be the heaviest black states where most of the interracial breeding happened in America, that's actually really low.
