Genesis 8:6-7
>YHWH unleashes a plague of frogs on your country
>Get your magicians to do the same, doubling the frogs
>"Hah, that'll show em"
Was Pharaoh the dumbest motherfucker alive?
Genesis 8:6-7
>YHWH unleashes a plague of frogs on your country
>Get your magicians to do the same, doubling the frogs
>"Hah, that'll show em"
Was Pharaoh the dumbest motherfucker alive?
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God mind controlled him by hardening his heart.
Each plague was an assault on an Egyptian deity. Frogs are a fertility symbol in Egypt, so the Egyptian "god" being attacked was Heqet, where our beloved retarded little brother's "Kek" originates.
Irony is a bunch of weebs manufacturing a fertility goddess out of a frog.
>Gee, I guess you are not responsible for your own actions then, puppet.
If you'd like to see this struggle, the best portrayal of it I ever saw was in the Prince of Egypt, the animated movie by Spielberg. The tension between holding up the glory of your father, and your father's father, and the agony of watching your country torn apart as this foreign God wrecks it, piece by piece. Truly amazing stuff.
What gods are the other plagues attacking?
We've got
>Nile turned to blood
>Pestilence of livestock
>Killed firstborn
>God mind controlled him by hardening his heart.
Not exactly. I can't remember the exact lines of Exodus because I'm am so drunk that I'm barely sitting up, but it's not that simple.
Pharaoh was blinded by pride. He had spent his whole life being told that he was divine, and virtually everything in his life confirmed that. Also, is this really worthy of Veeky Forums? I'm a devout Christian, but we don't have serious historical evidence of the plagues, except for just one document (Exodus).
* However, this thread would be perfect for /tv/, since it seems to based on "The Prince of Egypt". Highly recommended regardless of your religious affiliation, if you're an atheist then just think of it as an excellent fantasy movie. One of my favorite movies when I was a kid, with excellent voice acting in both the USA English and Latino Spanish versions.
Although these are the two languages that I grew up speaking. I'm sure if you're a native French speaker, that version of the movie and its songs will resonate with you as well.
It always fascinated me, how raw and primitive and ancient the old testament records of God are. Faith aside, YHWH in the old testament is cthulu.
It's history and humanities, people often discuss religion here.
>I can't remember the exact lines of Exodus because I'm am so drunk that I'm barely sitting up, but it's not that simple.
NRSV puts it as "The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh"
Most events in history are recorded by only one document.
Hapi- Egyptian God of the Nile
Egyptian Plague- Water Turned to Blood
Heket the Egyptian Goddess, had the head of a frog.
Egyptian Plague- Frogs coming from the Nile River
Geb- Egyptian God of the Earth
The Egyptian God Geb, was over the dust of the earth.
Egyptian Plague- Lice from the dust of the earth
Khepri- Egyptian God of creation, movement of the Sun, rebirth
Khepri, the Egyptian god had the head of a fly.
Egyptian Plague- Swarms of Flies
Hathor-Egyptian Goddess of Love and Protection
Usually this Egyptian Goddess was depicted with the head of a cow.
Egyptian Plague- Death of Cattle and Livestock
Isis- Egyptian Goddess of Medicine and Peace
Egyptian Plague- Ashes turned to Boils and Sores
Nut- Egyptian Goddess of the Sky
Egyptian Plague- Hail rained down in the form of fire
Seth- Egyptian God of Storms and Disorder
Egyptian Plague- Locusts sent from the sky
Ra- The Sun God
Egyptian Plague- Three Days of Complete Darkness
Pharaoh- The Ultimate Power of Egypt
Egyptian Plague- Death of the Firstborn
Pharoah hardened his own heart 7 times, 7 being the number of completion/perfection.
God gave Pharoah the power to keep his hardened heart, hardened.
God has the hearts of the rulers in the palm of his hand.
Really? Apologies, I didn't realize. I'm very much an "amateur" historian, my major is in International Relations (at one of America's top IR schools, but still feel free to make your jokes about my future at Starbucks because I'm never getting a job in that field) who only minored in history so I'm not sure,.
Fascinating. I need to go back and read it. Haven't bothered since one of the nuns at my nuns at my Catholic school got mad at me for arguing with her about Moses (I was an edgy little fedora tipper back then) and made me read Exodus a couple times until I got. Damn, that was only in 2012, I was 16. Feels like a lifetime ago but it was only 5 years ago....
french were in the bible i can't say the same about lyndiland
The story is great because it shows you how blinded by hatred people can be. How absorbed in Satan/denial of God people can intensely be,
Pharaoh cursed himself
Wait a sec, so the Egyptian Gods and magic were real too?
All of the gods appropriated from ancient Indo-European pantheons (which spread out to all the world) were powerful demons that "adopted", and were adopted by, various cultures. A deeper understanding of occult magic traditions, pagan religions, and demonology yields this truth. With only a knowledge of pagan religions, the similarities cannot be denied - leading one to assume that the gods were different and many at some far ancient age, but coming from similar traditions. A knowledge of only occult magic will lead one to believe that the gnostics, hermetics, Talmudic Jews, theosophists, Babylonian, Phoenician, and Egyptian mystery religions all know of the same underlying mystical truth (these underlying truths were appropriated by the fathers of psychology like Carl Jung, by the way). Only wholesome knowledge of occult magical systems, ancient pagan religions, and demonology shows one the truth - the pagan gods were and are real. They themselves are real, their magic is real, and they are the demons and unclean spirits spoken about in the Bible. Their methods are extremely subversive, preferring to deceive rather than to command. Demons are running the great psyop of the ages. All of their suggestions, all of their illusions, all of their magic, all of their lies are meant to deceive you into thinking that there is something other than eternal damnation waiting for you outside of the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
But that would mean that the Judeo-Christian god isn't the only god.
It's likely that at the time the story was written, the ancient Israelites either believed that they were gods but lesser to THE God, or false gods and the Egyptians were just practicing crazy magic that they attributed to those gods. True monotheism wherein there was only one true God only started to fully emerge around 1500 BC and even then wasn't widely practiced until sometime after 1000 BC.
I like how The Prince of Egypt handled it, with the acts of the Egyptian gods just being tricks and illusions.
The Judeo-Christian God is not a god. He is the only God, however. There are gods, but only one God. The idea that God is the only supernatural being is unbiblical and is a result of the secularization of Christianity. How can someone believe in the existence of God yet discount biblical accounts of angels and demons? With secularization, any cognitive dissonance is possible.
So their magic is less flashy and more low key so they can't raise legions of dead or throw fireballs?
Is this in a book somewhere?
I'm a Muslim so I agree with everything he said except the last two words.
You see, it's not that demons can't destroy entire cities, in fact they do. The vessels they inhabit are the causes of this. For example, Lot's city could be said to have been possessed by a demon or two certainly, and the entire city was destroyed. And then God cam and physically destroyed the city. But it was destroyed already. Which is why you see it was easy for God to perform the sign in the first place, it's not so hard to physically destroy a city which was spiritually destroyed already.
Most likely the reason behind Atlantis and the reason why God found it easy to kill everyone other than Noah and his family. These aren't cruel acts, they are simply symbolic since the vessels inhabited by the demons have destroyed all purity in the spirit.
The tricks talked about are highly symbolic as well. God always lets Satan go first. As a matter of principle. Lets see what Satan does, and then God moves in response. Every. Time. Creation comes ultimately as the foundation of course, and that is simply what Satan fights against. The magic tricks were real. But demons hate people. They aren't going to create great tricks for them, certainly. And also, you're right, they can't do everything, like God can.
>The idea that God is the only supernatural being is unbiblical and is a result of the secularization of Christianity. How can someone believe in the existence of God yet discount biblical accounts of angels and demons?
What do you mean by "secularization of Christianity"?
No mainstream christian sect says God is the only supernatural being. Angels and demons exist in mainstream christian doctrine. Is the separation of church and state detrimental to the christian cosmological model?
Ok I see so demons CAN cast nuke level spells but they hoard the goodies, and won't give any good magic to humans. So dealing with these spirits would be a waste of time because they will try to damn you but won't offer you any real strong power.
Good thing it is not history and we can't prove joos we're in Egypt.
Like everything in the Old Testament, it is revenge porn by a tremendously cuckolded people.
Probably something of that nature, yes.
Their magic is against humanity in general, which is how they damned Lot's town to God's punishment.
The Jews were probably in Egypt, they just weren't Jews yet.
/pol/ is older than Veeky Forums, dummy.