1.5 mil worth of btc

Hey fellahs, today I was talking to my girlfriends $$$ dad and his friends about investments etc and I showed him my blockfolio and the crazy returns. He said in one of his business dealings recently he was offered 1.5 million dollars worth of bitcoin because the owners didn't know how to sell it and he refused because he doesn't understand it. He said he'd try and get it back and if I could figure out how to sell it he'd give me ten percent of the sales + give my girlfriend ten percent. I of course said hell yeah. That's crazy money for me.. 150,000 dollars.. I can't even comprehend.

Anyway, how should I go about this sale assuming he gives me access to a wallet with 400+ btc? I live in New Zealand btw. I feel incredibly out of my depth right now. Current strategy was to deposit the btc into either coinbase or poloniex and then to sell them and withdraw like 2k a day cause I'm still not verified. That's a 750 day strategy though.. Please help

Pic unrelated cause I'm on mobile

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send me some coins and we'll talk about it.

I also live in nz, can gaurantee 200% + return every quarter cunt

I'm eager to help, Bro. Send some here:


Contact exchanges and sell directly

Send me 0.01 btc and i'll happy whole day, and i wish you some luck, and then u probably take this money, dimwit shit eater.

I can withdraw as much as 200k a month on Kraken.
Let's say you do that yourself plus your girlfriend, you can cahs out 400k every month.
You let the rest create some profit with a trading bot or by buying shitcoins. You get to keep the change you made by daily trading.

in 3 months you have cashed out the whole 1.2mil your girlfriend's dad wanted and you get to have the rest on your kraken/bittrex account for you to play with and got some decent return

Send my dick to you mouth. Check it pls

This. Contact your BTC / NZD trader of choice and let them know you want to sell $1.5m of BTC. It might take them a couple of weeks to get ready but they should offer lower fees because they are making a fuckload either way.

THis Also, keep in mind you will need to factor capital gains taxes if/when you cash out.

Do this.