Who here actually bought a lambo off of their cryptogains?
Post pic with timestamp for proof
Who here actually bought a lambo off of their cryptogains?
Post pic with timestamp for proof
not me, but saved this one and hung on the wall
t. 7k usd from 700usd so far, trading since late april
Cool, but a used Gallardo is easily found for the price of a new Audi A4.
>hold 21 btc
>buy 3 lambos, 3 mansions and 3000 hookers
I could afford one easily by now, but I'm too much of a jew to buy it. I will keep holding my precious coins until they appreciate 10x the value in 10 years.
Then I'm gonna buy 3 lambos.
I would by a lambo, but I can't find one for 600 bucks.
I'd rather buy a Neo Geo desu
I'd take an island rather than a lambo
>buying an exotic vehicle
You'll loose thousands of dollars a month just because of deprecation.