Psssst Buy LTC

Here's your only tip Veeky Forums

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Because faggot op is a bag holder

cheers already bagholding a ton of LTC right now

please save me

OP finna tryna spike interest to the moon

just bought $500 worth yesterday

There's a reason all these other shit coins are being pumped just stay tuned


News will be released this week

Well I already have it cause I like it and I don't know why I like it but its pretty, give me a hint

are you an idiot?

It has to do with them hiring 2 full time developers

Getting impatient with this shit coin its going to dump so hard if it hits $40

nice :D

I always liked this coin, and I cant explain it but I have always thought it is pretty awesome

Not all things go moon and up and down some are stable and happy

>> being added to bitstamp possibly monday
>> getting lightning network and smart contracts
>> on major exchanges like Coinbase

it's going to moon one of these days

It is a lot faster and cheaper to send
I am a big fan

Why does other coins being pumped mean anything for litecoin?

if I don't have another 1000% gain week soon I'm going to fucking lose it mayne

The theif makes you look to the left while he steals with the right

I like just holding LTC as a backup reserve. It barely goes up or down. Just stays in a comfy 25-30 position.

This is called consolidation

OP you better be right, im bagholding 115 LTC of this trainwreck


LTC stealth lambo coin 2017

the winner was right in front of our eyes the whole time

lmfao you might as well invest in 2% annualreturn stock market if your risk-averse

literally NO reason to be in crypto for "comfy" returns

ride or die nigga

End of year will be very exciting

Yall think it's going to dip back below 25 again or should i buy now?

The lowest you will see is 25 and some change

Litecoin is starting to moon. Its time. Our patience will now be rewarded

Hahaha polo just killed it, its LTC wallet went down :)

Sell now


Garbage tier compared to other coins, adding it to coinbase was a big fat mistake!

post proof

LTC withdrawals and deposits are down

Empty star.

I do not think this is true please prove it

fucking idiot
check right table
empty star on LTC, it went empty minutes ago

what the fuck that star is for favoriting a coin

you click it to turn it on or off

please be joking with me

user is just trying to FUD to get cheaper coins

In the long run, are you really going to profit that much from lets say putting in $1000 into LTC right now as opposed to lets say Waves. LTC maybe hits 100 in a year. Waves has a much higher potential. Even if it gets to just $50 in a year, you would have made 10x. Of course, i'm talking about new investors, different if you have been holding LTC since below $10. Please correct me if i'm wrong.

in the long run we will be using LTC in everyday transactions while waves is a forgotten memory

Stop looking at coins like scratch tickets

Redpill me on waves sounds pretty beat

price is stable af for the last few days preparing for a moon, buy now

That feel when I have 75 LTC sitting in my wallet since 2013.

If only I bought more back then...

I'm a holder, not a daytrader

But is anyone here making fortunes just buying at 24 and selling at 29? Seems really easy

>Seems really easy
It is really easy if your capital is already big, which mine is not
t. 100 usd hodler

I started with 100€ last week. Now I'm around 250.

You can do it, user!

LTC isa tortoise in the crypto race among a bunch of silly hares but as the story goes... the tortoise always wins.

LTC reaches a high on June 7th and then it levels out until it reaches another high on the 21st. Its followed a 14 day cycle on the charts in May so I imagine it will do the same again unless it's on a different track now.

LTC vs Altcoins

I accumulate ltc each month. I had a dream this morning that it crashed to 5 dollars and I bought a whole bunch more.

I started with 60, doubled my capital, then fucked it up and fell down to 50. Now I have got myself back up after a couple weeks of hodling