were the greeks really the good guys? ancient persia seemed like a pretty comfy place
Were the greeks really the good guys? ancient persia seemed like a pretty comfy place
all empires are bad
Persiaboo thread? Persiaboo thread.
Hellenicfags please leave.
Persians had every right to invade Greece, Ionians kept chimping out and Athenians were supporting them
>Persepolis is still a ruin
The immortals as they were portrayed in 300 were pretty fucking badass. Did they actually dual wield katanas?
nah they were spearmen but had some pretty nice scaled bronze armor
forgot pic
Pretty much. The city states of Greece were giant dickheads who rarely worked together, and Sparta is probably the shittiest nation in ancient history.
Too bad we can't ever know about the Achaemenid intellectual tradition because Alexander burned Persepolis' library.
Well, to be fair, if he didn't, then the Arabs or Mongols would have probably done so eventually. :(
>The immortals as they were portrayed in 300 were pretty fucking badass. Did they actually dual wield katanas?
The movie is known for historical inaccuracy. Immortals IRL were known as spearmen.
>Be Athens
>Fund violence in Ionia
>Wonder why the Persian war machine is coming to fuck your shit up
>Be Sparta
>Most overrated douchebags of ancient history
>Decide nows a good time to aid your archenemy the Athenians
>Spartan people/oligarchs say fuck that Persia is our ally
>King Douchebag says fuck everyone I'm going
>Brings 300 douches with him
>~8,500 Greeks set themselves up into a death funnel
>Despite huge terrain advantage, get rolled over within a day
>Athens gets burned to the ground
>Story is celebrated as a victory because the Persians supposedly pulled back to rethink their strategy at one point (probably saw the cliffs surrounding the Greeks and said "hmmmm," Greeks never expected them to just walk up the mountains and rain arrows on them because Greeks didn't into arrows)
You should check out some of the stuff Persians did. If there ever was an ethical empire, they were it. They formed in a region where usually kings were brutal dictators and their entire strategy was to rule the opposite of that. People loved them and joined the empire without needing to be conquered, they also did things like let the lost tribes of Israel return to the lands they were banned from.
They were just an elite unit. The king of king's personal guard. They were called Immortals because they always kept exactly 10,000 soldiers in the unit. If one died another would be trained and ready to fill his spot.
Ayo hol up...
We wuz Persians n shyt????
I mean I know they were dark like Greek/Mediterraneans but they weren't that dark. Actual non-arabized Persians are pretty light.
>If there ever was an ethical empire, they were it
Does this mean the Spartans were the bad guys?
Persia was a big empire with numerous different ethnicities serving in its armies
Are you kidding me.jpg
Part of the first decree by Cyrus the Great was the outlawing of slavery. Meanwhile Spartans enslaved over 70℅ of their society (the Helot ethnic group) in a sort of first/second class citizens system. Compare that to the movie 300 where they claimed Persians wanted to enslave everyone and Spartans were free.
Spartans were also literally homo as hell.
Sorry, didn't actually know that. I thought it was like the movie said and the Spartans were fighting for their freedom against an oppressive empire
You could look at it like that. Freedom to enslave everyone and have sex with men.
I just always think it's funny when people in the gun community put Spartan mask and "molon labe" (come get them) on everything as a symbol of masculinity, freedom and resistance. They weren't free and they barely resisted. In fact up until a certain point the Spartans supported Persian affairs in Greece, so long as it was anti-Athenian.
Of course no class slavery existed in the worker's republic of Achaemenid
Do you have any book recommendations?
>class slavery
You're saying class slavery is a thing yet poking fun at "worker's republics"