Patton hated Nazis more than anything in the world, yet he still acknowledged their accomplishments where they stood out. Why the fuck are you guys so butthurt about Germany anyways?
Patton hated Nazis more than anything in the world...
Other urls found in this thread:
The systemic extermination of 12 million people for reasons of scientific racism and white supremacy
I hope that you'ren't trying to imply that Germans are white.
Veeky Forums hates Germany because it's the most overhyped piece of crap country. Between Wehraboos, Prussiaboos and the Nazis on /pol/, everyone is sick and tired of the idiotic glorification of Germany.
If I see one more World War related piece of media, I'm going to jump off a bridge.
They believed a lot of silly things about themselves if you'll recall
The Nazi's were pretty fucking stupid
Because Veeky Forums needs to be as contrarian as possible to /pol/. The fact they come off as edgy retards no better than /pol/acks is irrelevant.
>white supremacy
Nazis were German supremacists. They didn't give a shit about "White" people.
>liking Germany
>white supremacy
Nazis never even mentioned the white race, stop applying your Amerishit meme terms to European countries.
Frankly I understand why people hate nazis and I'm not much of a fan either but why the fuck would you hate Prussia and 2nd Reich?
whats the deal with all the anti german on Veeky Forums?
it seems we have an anti german thread here almost every day now
hell we even seem to have one right not blaming germany for both world wars
despite the fact that blaming one personfor a crisis like both world wars is totally fucking retarded
is Veeky Forums a /pol/ counterbalance?
Because this board is packed to the rafters with Franceboos
> Why the fuck are you guys so butthurt about Germany anyways?
They see a historical pattern between the refugee crisis and the world wars as germans try to destroy europe and glorious slavic nations. They don't care about the factors causing the crisis in the first place
I noticed a bunch of chronically asshurt Polish posters who go apeshit every time anything German is mentioned and spamming cringeworthy /int/ memes.
The Franceboos are probably a problem too but they're not as blatant.
>Slavic nations
>glory at all
>implying the refugee crisis was not the fault of Americans fucking with the Islamic world
The two most criticised countries on /int/ are UK and Germany by far. It's surprising because you would expect it to be like US and Russia. I think it's the Frenchboos tbqh.
>Americans caused a bunch of Arabs fleeing the countries
>this somehow means the Germans have to let them in and punish countries who don't want that
Not even that guy you're replying to btw. But seriously try using your brain, if someone knocks on your door do you have to let him in and offer him your bed and your wife?
The last time I checked Germany was an American puppet.
Besides the EU and friends have always welcomed refugees (Breakup of Yugoslavia is a great example of this)
>Germans are so cucked they can only elect American puppets into the Bundestag
no, because /pol/ moved on and now it's all about The Donald
id blame the god awful election system (that Americans made and approved of after ww2)
8pol still jerks off to Germany, but Veeky Forums /pol/ constantly shits on Germans and calls them cucks, destroyers of Europe, muslims, faggots and whatnot. It's almost a guarantee you'll get shitposted to death if you post under a German flag on 4/pol/.
What's preventing the Germans from just electing NPD, AfD or even the fucking communists into the parliament? Merkel is predicted to be reelected despite all the cuck shit she's pushing.
>inb4 muh America
Can't use that excuse anymore with Trump in office, he's very much anti-muslim and anti-Merkel.
Merkle is Polish
Adolf was Austrian
>implying calling out the corruption of the Vatican is bad
Willy can eat a dick tho.
She's mostly German. She had like one Polish great-grandfather or some shit.
AfD might MIGHT could get in but other then their anti-open border point they are pretty much a meme party
polls say thay have no chance however they said the same about trump too
government honeypot
>>implying calling out the corruption of the Vatican is bad
>"The Turks are totally better than the pop guys"
Martin never said anything about the turks
>government honeypot
Then the German people should create a new anti-immigration party that isn't a honeypot.
>Martin never said anything about the turks
It was actually the Calvinists who loved the Turks.
And what the church did to Luther was the most knee jerk retard move of the millennium. They just needed to reform and abolish monetary indulgences and other unchristian nonsense, instead they went full fucktard, excommunicated Luther and forced him to found a separate church, probably thinking they'll just burn him at a stake like they did with Hus.
Should have Marx and Hotzendorf.
>a dog raised in a stable is a horse
Marx was Jewish. Not German.
>chronically asshurt
Let's not jump to conclusions here.
>What's preventing the Germans from just electing NPD, AfD or even the fucking communists into the parliament?
The knowledge that right wing extremists, Communists and actual Neo Nazis wouldn't make things better but worse?
Nah it's pretty easy to jump to conclusions. I mean, my country has its historical rivals too, but I'm still able to see their viewpoint and discuss them in a civilized manner. But the Polish posters on Veeky Forums experience a complete rectal Chernobyl every time they see the word GERMANY typed out on their screen, it gets annoying pretty fast.
Dont buy into the lies of the winners of the conflict.
Its highly exagerated and quite a few "atrocities" are made up.
Soap from humans? skin lampshades? 30cm poles in their asses? dogs trained to castrate prisoners?
come on man. humans are supposed to be smart.
How do you know it's Poles and not false-flagging Russians or Germans?
I just assume Germans are too autistic to roleplay as Poles and Russians tend to be easily identifiable with their broken English.
>I just assume Germans are too autistic to roleplay
That's what they want you to believe.
>acknowledged their accomplishments
Such as? Everybody hates Nazis because they were fucking retarded. Their leader was a moron, their military doctrine was shit and their ideology was stupid.
I've read some supposed Holocaust eyewitness accounts and some of it was such an absurd load of horseshit it made me think they're actually just fucking with the reader on purpose.
>rollercoasters going through the entire camp driving Jews to the oven
>cannibalizing Jewish babies
>people born in the 1950s claiming they are holocaust survivors
>some of the people listed as died in death camps mysteriously appearing alive decades later
I'm not flat out saying "holocaust didn't happen" but since even questioning anything about it is banned, some Jews make up outrageous shit on the spot and get away with it.
And Anglos
As for the Brits, jealousy. What would they give to have invented national socialism first.
Naziboos need to fucking neck themselves at this point.
Fuck off out of here.
Guy couldn't even drive a car straight lol
Why should we trust that retard's opinion when he died prematurely out of sheer retardation?
Germany without a doubt stared ww2. WW1 is more debatable
Devers >>>>>>>>>>> Patton
>mysterious one car crash
>durr he can't even drive
he was flat out assassinated for blabbing about the collusion that shaped the framework for the cold war which profited vested interests trillions and set the world order pretty much in stone
>idiot american got drunk and crashed into a ditch
>Soap from humans?
Correct, Germany suffered from fat shortage so why not?
>Skin lampshades?
>30cm poles in their asses? dogs trained to castrate prisoners?
I know you pollocks cant help it, but please don't cite your snuffporn as supposed evidence for holocaust.
It was for profit. The people behind the 3rd reich didnt care about anything except the money and whatever other profit they could make.
The horror of a war and the genocide that was created just for profit.
>Implying Austrians aren't German
Veeky Forums hates Germany because it's mostly composed of left-wing college students who are still butthurt over the Freikorps crushing the Spartacist uprising
>Veeky Forums is commie
>Germany without a doubt stared ww2
>Implying Germany would have got asshurt if the allies spent more then an hour carelessly chopping them up and Europe
ww2 could have been preventable but you lads wanted your revence well great job you got it and got 75 million more people killed in the process
bye rddit
>Implying Germany would have got asshurt if the allies spent more then an hour carelessly chopping them up and Europe
This is absolutely true. The Germans would have been asshurt about losing WWI no matter what.
The leftist community is small but loud on Veeky Forums. Most of us prefer common sense over idiotic extremism.
Veeky Forums is mostly self-loathing centrists/apoliticals.
mfw i got banned on here for saying communism was a failure
>if you don't jack off over yourself in front of a mirror you are self-loathing
>Indians favored over Jews
>"White" Supremacy
>propaganda effort to damage the british empire
>not pragmatism
The British during ww2 circulated posters saying that the japanese would be quashing indian languages while they themselves had passed the Vernacular Press act.