>During Alexander's time the Pyramids at Giza were as ancient as Alexander to us now
Really makes you think...
During Alexander's time the Pyramids at Giza were as ancient as Alexander to us now
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Are you me I was just thinking about this
>alexander the GREAT
>the GREAT pyramid of giza
really activates those almonds
>tfw you thought for the first time all day
More ancient
The amount time between mammoths and pyramids is the same as between pyramids and modern days.
Black people are amazing.
really makes your noggins a-joggin
>tfw the last glacial period was 12k years ago
The amount of time between when I was born and now is 3 years more than the amount of time between when Alexander the Great was born and when he died.
t. Unemployed user
The amount of time between the last time you've seen a vagina and now is literally your age
t. Yevgeni Petrosyan
At the same time PIE niggers started spreading around the eu
Really makes you think
>the eu
It took you 14.5 billion years to emerge from the eternal quantum soup to develop consciousness and make this thread.
Really electrifies your electrons.
On earth. Abraxas is older.
>The amount time between mammoths and pyramids is the same as between pyramids and modern days.
Actually, mammoths were (just barely) still around then. Though not anywhere humans lived. The last mammoths were dying off on Wrangel Island during the time the pyramids were being built.
Quality posts.
Was Alexander the Great to the Romans like Napoleon is to us now?
Kind of. Spengler even said that Augustus was aping Alexander and we'll get some leader who'll be aping Napoleon.
I want to LARP as Augustus.
Do we fantasize about being like Napoleon?
that would be barron trump 5 years from now
Some want to be Hitler tho
Some people might do. I want to be Julius Caesar/Hitler.
It has been several millennia but no empire till now can rival the great Hwan Empire.
>your father had a father had a father had a father
>this means there's an unbroken line of men having sons all the way down to you
>if you don't have a son, you broke thousands of years of paternal lineage
really shuffles your eyebrows...
>there are only 64.3 generations on average since the Fall of Rome.
really unironically makes you think
more like hitler
napoleon was the alexander of the pre-hitler era
You mean billions of years.
Actually there were mammoths around just up to few centuries ago on some secluded Russian island. They had started to adapt to their environment and become smaller.
these posts make me feel extremely sad.
Actually, there were mammoths still alive up to just about fifty years ago. A family in a remote corner of siberia had been breeding a small group of them, but they were killed in the cold war.
Actually, there are mammoths still alive hidden under first crust of Earth.
So you want to combine being a political genius, one of the greatest military leaders of all times, a benevolent ruler that respected his enemies with being a cruel mentally ill degenerate that substituted reality with pseudoscience and brought his people to the point where their very survival was only a matter of benevolence of their enemies?
Nah they're still around.
t. mammoth
Creating a mountain of skulls seems to be a surefire way to get yourself into the History books.
They were probably looking for treasure/more chambers in it.
So we're all in agreement that the internal ramp theory basically has to be correct, right?
So, you're saying that the time between us and the pyrramids is roughly (around 50 years) the time between the amooths and the pyramids?
Should we phight about it?
I don't know, what do you think the correct answer is?
The time between us and the extinction of the dinosaurs is not even half way from the extinction of the dinosaurs to when they first appeared.
Looking at Coral Castle, I don't think a 100 pound man with TB could cut, quarry, and lift multi-ton blocks into the air.... without knowing something that I don't. He also explicitly stated he discovered how the Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramid. So- obviously he knows something I don't.
That doesn't answer my question.
Do me a favor and watch this:
Now this guy's building a stonehenge, not a pyramid, but I think the point is made. And as to Coral Castle, you're just taking the word of one man about it. He most likely said what he said because he knew that gullible people (like apparently you) would believe it. It's part of the place's appeal as a tourist attraction.
Its like notre dame has à half back and a quarterback and Notre Dame de Paris has a hunchback.. You ve Never pondered this?
wtf am I reading
Houdins theory makes the most sense, yes. If only those fucking asses in Egypt weren't so corrupt and let them do the proper work needed to fully confirm it. They would very probably find that hidden antechamber full of shit that he believes exists. Retards can't see the forest for the trees and yet they want all of the shit the Anglos took back.
Is there some techniques you could use to move large stone blocks the required distance using manual labor and a bunch of people? Probably. Espically if you could reduce the friction under the stones somehow, like the gentleman did by first placing the stones on concrete and a fulcrum.
Is there some other interesting mystery that we don't know for levitating stone blocks? Perhaps; wouldn't that be neat.
I high level of discourse on the possibility of the survival of the woolly mammoth into modern times
Learn yourself. Houdin thought of every step.
Also it seems rather odd that they would cut and quarry Granite specifically for the inner chambers, for that specific design Seems like alot of trouble to go through without a good reason.
But you can just posit anything and then say "perhaps, wouldn't it be neat?"
Sure it would be neat, but that doesn't mean it's worth theorizing about when there's no credible evidence that such a technique exists or that the ancient Egyptians even believed such a technique exists.
There is one place that such theorizing belongs, and that's science fiction. Which is fun. But not what we're talking about.
Whatever it was, it wasn't aliens
Nothing is done for no reason.
>we are closer to Cleopatra than she was to the building of the pyramids
really actuates my filberts
> Napoleon
> a benevolent ruler that respected his enemie
Say it at the tomb of the ducd'Enghien. Oh right, there isn't a tomb, he was killed near a ditch
Your whole life was building up to reading this very post.
Really strums your guitar, doesn't it?
>t. lindybeige
Makes me think of what a gargantuan waste of time, people or resources. No wonder they never advanced over there. That and sun on the brain makes them mentally inferior. Can't cook a brain and expect it to function.
Actually, I am a mammoth
Because you are mammoth doesn't mean you are a mammoth
The fastest way to travel over land remained unchanged from the time of Alexander the Great until the 19th century when the locomotive was invented.
>Julius Caesar
Who said Napoleon?
>At the time the Pyramids at Giza were built, Gobekli Tepe were more ancient than the Pyramids are now
Really gets those neurons firing...
2012 was 15 years ago
The day before yesterday was longer ago than yesterday
Depends on how you look at it. If you're looking at it from a certain perspective, two days ago could be the 'Day after yesterday'. I use the 'day after yesterday' phrase al the time. Two days after yeasterday gets confusing because it could mean either tomorrow or three days ago so I never use the phrase, but one day before AND after yesterday, that's my favorite phrase, basically it means that you were at the same place between an interval of two days, the latter day being today. So if I'm somewhere and want to say I was there two days ago, I just say ' I was here the day before AND after yesterday'
It wasnt an enemy though
It was a terrorist
Napoleon respected his actual defeated enemies (Prussian King, Russian Tsar, Austrian Emperor), unlike Caesar who executed Vercingetorix after torturing him and having him paraded naked in Rome
Someone post more about the mammoths.
>the Giza plateu isn't 12 000+ years old
Water erosion niggas
>this is considered a quality thread on Veeky Forums
You think that maybe they're just wrong about how far back the area was forested? They are willing to throw out all evidence of the sphinx's age because >muh water erosion, but they aren't willing to reassess their dating processes and reconsider the region's climate at the time.
The T-rex existed closer to present day than it did to Stegasaurus
>Napoleon respected his actual defeated enemies
As he did at Jaffa with the prisoners?
why don't they just scan it