Why do so many people on this board to pretend to be a devout Christian? Do they seriously have nothing better to do?
Why do so many people on this board to pretend to be a devout Christian? Do they seriously have nothing better to do?
It's kind of cute how atheists cannot even grasp the fact that some people are actually religious, like it's a foreign concept to them.
Well it is laughably pathetic.
>the I'm serious about my religion and I post about it in earnest on Veeky Forums meme
Whats laughably pathetic is all the atheists looking around wondering where it all went wrong when they're surrounded by blue haired godless degenerates who replace faith with liberal ideology
A meaningless term used by reactionaries and /pol/acks for things they don't like.
>Why do so many people on this board to pretend to be a devout Christian? Do they seriously have nothing better to do?
>A meaningless term used by reactionaries and /pol/acks for things they don't like.
>blue haired godless degenerates who replace faith with liberal ideology
Fucking hell
Exactly what OP is discussing, what do you get out of this? Just contribute like a normal person
How would you describe this
never got this meme
growing up nobody I knew was religious, it was taken as default that you were agnostic or atheist
only online are atheists disliked
Bad parenting that exposes the flaws of the nuclear family, especially trying to replicate it by LGBT people
Depends on where you grew up. America is a majority Christian country so American atheists tend to be turboretard permavirgins rebelling against their parents with anti-religious edginess.
>only online are atheists disliked
Visit r/atheism, home of the infamous 'faces of atheism' and you'll quickly understand. I think the main reason is that they assume that atheism means they're more intelligent than people with differing beliefs. It gets obnoxious quick.
I'm from the UK
you sound like you take reddit too seriously you easily frightened emotional toddler
Why do so many people on this board to pretend to be a devout Muslims?
Oh that's right poor dumb brown savages don't have to pretend only white Christians are fake look how progressive I am!
>Oh that's right poor dumb brown savages don't have to pretend only white Christians are fake look how progressive I am!
Reddit is that way pal
I don't think reddit is the problem so much as any congregation of atheists naturally turns into a cringe worthy self congratulatory circle jerk about how smart they are for giving their religious parents the middle finger
You sound triggered, your safe space board can be found elsewhere
In general, they are more intelligent.
>niggers are stupid because they're religious
Yes user that is really the cause.
>Why do so many people on this board to pretend to be a devout Muslims?
They don't, you retard.
>All the nigger countries below 80
Really makes me think
Religion is just a label for manufactured belief.
If Veeky Forums was 1/10th as Christian as it claims to be it'd certainly be a lot "nicer".
i.e. less autistic sperging about how much they hate women, jews, gays, blacks, mexicans, immigrants, the poor etc.
Impossible almost satan
Didn't say it was the cause. But morons and religious and should be shunned from public life.
Being religious should carry as much social stigma as smoking.
As seen in this very thread, it's literally because of the hat meme.
I'm not a Christian but I know the Scriptures enough to bullshit your way through them with anything. Hence why there are Christian sects that have homo marriages and others than advocate killing gays and they're both completely sincere.
>If Veeky Forums was 1/10th as Christian as it claims to be it'd certainly be a lot "nicer".
>i.e. less autistic sperging about how much they hate women, jews, gays, blacks, mexicans, immigrants, the poor etc.
Christianity was never about being a fag loving cuck. The idea that the secularized, liberalized morality of the post-1960s Western world is the same as the morality espoused in the either testament is laughable.
>le everything changed in the 60s meme
Easy way to spot the moron.
>Christianity was never about being a fag loving cuck
What was it about if not being a cuck?
Well he was certainly not white, and he basically was a socialist. On the other issues you're talking about he never said anything, but considering how he told people off for acting like gentiles were worse than them it seems like he would have been pro immigration at the least.
Isn't there a Bible verse where God literally kills a man for not giving his inheritance to the church?
>Being religious should carry as much social stigma as smoking.
So not at all?
>i live in a red state
Both of you should stop being so provincial.
I'm not even a fucking american, where the fuck in the world are people stigmatized for smoking?
Most highly urbanized centers in the US.
To be fair, most of the stigma is that someone has to breath that shit because the city's so dense.
Not that I recall, but I'm just talking about what Jesus himself is recorded as having said. When a rich man asked him how to go to heaven, he said in the plainest terms possible, "sell all that you have and give it to the poor, then follow me."
Please, dear God, please let me realize if my need to validate my personal beliefs ever get in the way of doing what is best for my own children.
Yeah, I don't know if "stigmatized" is the right word. It's looked down on if you're doing it in public places where other people are being forced to breathe your smoke. And a lot of people find it very unpleasant when they meet someone who is a heavy smoker and thus smells like stale cigarettes. But it's not like most people walk by designated smoking areas and go "oh look at those disgusting degenerates."
Don't worry, you'll never have them:^)
>But it's not like most people walk by designated smoking areas and go "oh look at those disgusting degenerates."
Oh, yeah, that doesn't happen.
I said it's not like most people are doing it. That doesn't mean it "doesn't happen."
I believe you're referring to the couple who are struck dead for lying about tithing. Bit of whiplash coming from the Synoptic Gospels to Apostles.
Too late. I'm pretty sure spending all my time posting here is why my daughter cannot read the alphabet yet.
Thanks, I was raking my head over that, I couldn't find shit on Google (apparently because I had the story wrong).
No one said everything changed in the 60s you fag. Post-60s has Vatican 2, increase of Christian Zionism, sexual revolution, civil rights, decolonization, rapid expansion of consumerism and generally cuckoldory were real things.
Sounds a lot more of a theocrat worried about tithing than a socialist you dumb fucks.
Nice use of straw manning.
Well you conveniently ignored
Why does that one guy pretend to be a devout Jew and jabber Hebrew at people trying to tell him his religion has been thrown over for the New Covenant with Christ?
>atheism isn't a religion
>posting about atheism isn't any less cringeworthy
>only socialist dislike Wordly wealth and are charitable
> My frame of reference is so shallow I can only divide the world between capitalism and socialism
By your logic the Dominican Friars and Fransecan monks were socialist as well. Fuck off.
I think that literal income redistribution as a path to salvation is more than just "be charitable."
If thats not just a sensationalist headline (and the kid is being forced to change gender against his/her/its will) then its child abuse. Even if thats the case its hardly more damaging than filling a childs brain with meaningless illogical superstition & fear of a vengeful sky daddy.
>asceticism is "literal income distribution."
this, tbqh
paganism can really fuck you up when you're young
I grew up in Florida, parents were atheist, went to Catholic school since it was better than our shit publics schools.
I tried to be as polite as possible whenever I was in those services they'd shove us into, frankly half the actual self professed Catholics gave less of a shit than I did.
I really only had an edgy atheist phase when they put me through those bullshit "sociology" classes which where a teacher who looked like a Hutt talked about abstinence and the dangers of cohabitation from a religious perspective. They had good advice, but they'd be better off arguing from another angle.
I can't believe, I just can't. The phrase "Opiate of the masses" comes to mind, and I can't stress more that I don't mean that in a Condecending way.
When you are in severe emotional pain, you need an opiate, whether it's from leaning on family, religion, ideals, whatever.
Religion is a crutch, but it's one of many, and criticising people for leaning on it is like telling a man with a broken leg to just walk it off.
There's being religious, then there's role playing as a 17th century fire and brimstone apocalyptic preacher, which is what 99% of religion threads instantly devolve into.
That was surprisingly well articulated and rather succinct, cheers mate
Oy vey, tell me more rabbi Goldstein.
Not and argument.