Why are there so many asian countries still mad at Japan because of ww2 ? I don't think many europeans hate Germans now, but Chinese and Koreans are always complaining about it.
Why are there so many asian countries still mad at Japan because of ww2 ? I don't think many europeans hate Germans now...
Because they are little fags
Never 4get
Depends on who we're talking about.
If we're talking PRC, they have both an ideological and economic reason to keep those wounds feeling fresh and raw. Japan is a geopolitical competitor, they would be fools to not keep taking all the shots they can at them, cheap or not.
Also, countries DO still hate Germany. They leverage the past in a rhetorical way any time Germany does something they don't like. Hell, Israel's managed to wrangle war materiel out of them with that trick.
Germany has thoroughly renounced its past, while Japan continues to downplay it as much as possible. That's the main difference.
Germany got carved up like a Christmas turkey and squeezed for reparations by every grasping hand they'd stepped on during the Nazi Years. They live in the shadow of WW2 constantly, kept docile by that memory and by the watchful eyes of every other first world nation. It's hard to hate somebody you've humiliated and and browbeaten to that degree. All you feel is contempt.
Japan though was largely ignored by Europe in the wake of WW2 because everybody was obsessed with the holocaust and prosecuting Germany for war crimes. Japan's own alleged crimes fell to the way side due to lack of interest, the victims after all were merely gooks and chinks, not real people.
Japan apologized many times already. But Chinese and Koreans always find a new thing to blame Japan.
Japan here
Literally only Korea and China are mad at us
The rest are senpai
>Europeans don't hate Germans now
Ever heard of slavs? Russians vitriolically hate Germany for WW2
Also it's because Asia still has an honour morality while Western (and only Western) Europe is sophisticatied enough to have a forgiveness morality
Europe and America never really gave a fuck about comfort women or Nanking or any of it. If you ask the average American what they think about Japanese war crimes their response will be "what Pearl Harbor? Man fuck those guys." And then if you say no, the rape of Nanking and Unit 731 etc they go "IDK man, we dropped nukes on em, good nuff".
Poles and Frogs are still mad. Ivan too but he knows that he fucked up too. And every Bong I have talked to still makes jokes about it.
>"hahaha you beat us in football but remember that thing 80 years ago?"
I don't think China honestly cares so much as they just pretend to care for political and economic brownie points. I don't know about why Korea does it though, maybe they just get butthurt easily.
Man you have no fucking idea NO FUCKING IDEA how utterly demented and shitty Koreans are. To understand why they still bitch about WW2 you need to understand the pathological need to assert the Korean narrative is, the narrative that Korea is central to all things that ever happened. People act like Kim Jong Il and his spawn are some kind of absurd irregularity but they aren't, they are literally average, normal Koreans given abnormal amounts of power. You could replace them with any native born Korean and the result would be the same. Fuck Korea.
Korea was the target for a lot of the really big efforts to 'Japanize' the local population. There were profound impacts on their language and society which they still hold a grudge over.
The current downturn in Japan-China relations is, in a way, politically useful for both. They have had great relations post-WW2, but have been in a slump over the last 10+. For one example, Japan was the first country to remake ties with China after Tiananmen Square. Enmity acts as a kind of "vent" for political discontent, or as ammunition in the current tensions in the East China Sea. It's all kind of like theatre. Like when we saw the Chinese Anti-Japanese riots in 2012, which got very heavily reined in by the CCP after they began to damage Japanese property.
Insofar as other past colonies of Japan, SK has really stuck on the comfort women issue, which the Japanese gov could do a lot better work on. They both desperately need each others support, but are letting history get in the way.
Taiwan and Japan are on good footings, with minor but no pressing issues.
Japan is the largest trading partner of the Philippines and has a generally positive image there.
Indonesia I have no idea.
Singapore and Japan have a reasonable relationship.
Also, Abe's (small but relatively powerful) hardcore nationalist support base thrives on anti-Chinese sentiment and helps spread sympathetic views into more moderate society and other positions of power (see: new governor of Tokyo).
Finally, I'd argue there are valid critiques of how the LDP have handled historical responsibility in their foreign and education policy, it is not as if Japan never apologised (see: The Muruyama Statement).
>Russians vitriolically hate Germany
Dude, we moved on forever ago.
Not even my grandparents hated Germany and they lived through it.
Germany was seen as a good country to immigrate to until recent days.
Korea has a massive inferiority complex. Since they always were dominated by China or Japan, their narrative pretends that every asian invention came from Korea. Chinese people too hate Korea.
>Japan apologized many times already
While still denying the majority of their crimes.
pretty sure asian countries have always hated each other, well before ww2
I thought the USA was our biggest trading partner.
Japan: US$12.4 billion (21.1% of total Filipino exports)
United States: $8.8 billion (15%)
China: $6.4 billion (10.9%)
Korean here. I think you guys get the narrative that koreans are just butthurt about japan when in reality we honestly don't care. Japs are just more butthurt we exist and they absolutely cannot ever be in control our own destinies.
For chinese I don't know.
Do you think maybe it has more to do with the 'large' Korean community living in Japan and those racial tensions rather than issues with Koreans in Korea?
There is larger chinese population in Japan than koreans. Rightwing japs still live in racial superiority delusions because they live pathetic shitty lives. Japs are just inherently live in this narrative that they are superior to every asian.
So they get they butthurt my country is rising to rise above them in some ways. I think they are just too insecure. If you look at koreans news there is barely any news about japan but only usa. In japan, their news was covering about the park scandals more our news. I just really wish japs would fuck off with creepiness and just live us alone.
>Japan apologized many times already.
sort of. they also deny a lot of things and don't educate their citizens of the past. they were also a lot more brutal than germany ever was in europe. now they're like america's pet along with south korea, there's a lot of reasons to be upset.
also, asians generally hate each other and always have, whereas europeans almost seem to roll dice sometimes historically when it comes to alliances.
Koreans: 0.5%
Chinese: 0.4%
But you kind of dodged what I'm saying though, which is that there are specific racial tensions between ethnic Korean Japanese, and ethnic Japanese that could create the anecdotal evidence of google search results. There are definitely tensions between ethnic Chinese and Japanese, but they're not the same and not what were talking about.
Also, sorry, I can't watch TV in two countries I don't live in so I can't really verify what you're on about with that.
Asian have a shitty tribal mentality. We hate everyone who isnt in our tribe. Japs hate us because they think we hate them and view us as inferiors. Koreans hate japs because they think they wronged us in the past.
You honestly need to start understanding all perspectives instead of being baised i persume from all the nip right wing shitposter who posts brainwashed retarded shit on this site in order to perpetuate their own viewpoints and spread bias and lies.
What about imports?
Woah okay, calm down Hirohito
wtf are you talking about?
Completly false. Japanese are neutral, or even like Korea, considering how popular Korean idols are back there. Korea on the other hand, is constantly talking about comfort women. Japan doesn't have a complex towards Korea. On the other hand, Korea was either a vassal state of China, or simply annexed by Japan. It's obvious Koreans are insecure and have an inferiority complex against China or Japan, despite being a developped country now.
Because leading politicians won't admit shit like this happened.
A reasonable position would be to accept that it happened, but not apologise for it since it was generations ago and few Japanese alive today had anything to do with it. Also Maoists and others committed terrible crimes against their own people. The idea that sins are inherited is itself a racist belief like that espoused by fascists. A kind of liberal view of the nature of good and evil that would BTFO the haters while appealing to the good wholesome Chinese.
However they won't even do this. They won't accept the facts or reasonable positions. You can only assume the majority of Japan is spooked or doesn't care.
A way for their governments to make their plebs forget about how horribly they are being treated by their own countries.
Because their national identities are defined by the war, while Post-War Japanese rebuilders and the west went out of their way to inhibit the national memory of the war itself.
Imagine if every country Germany went to war with completely remade themselves after WWII, to the point where it was like America's Revolution to each of them, and Germany just sort of bounced out of it unscathed, didn't care about what it did, and thought everyone else was an asshole for bringing it up all the time.
Calm down, Kumeta.
>Japanese are neutral
no they are not
t. been to japan for a couple years
Yeah ? Me too, so what ? Japanese don't care about Korea, safe for retards on 2ch.
Because west wants Jew gold above all else.
Because East Asia/SEA, with the exception of a handful of cities, is third world compared to Japan. They're not really mad about WWII, but Japan's exceptional development.
>I don't think many europeans hate Germans now
Russians are actually pretty cool about the past. Never heard a bad word. Poles are butthurt by factory settings and Brits are just jealous that they didn't invent national socialism first. France became friends.
t. hiroshimoot
>Japan apologized
They sort of apologize, then renounce their apology, then apologize again, then renounce their apologie again, etc...
Kek jap meltdown
Germany at least had reasons to be mad. They had lost home territory in a previous war, and suffered occupation. Japan literally started shit after 2000 years of no one but the mongols even trying to mess with them. Totally uncalled for.
The young people are pretty neutral in both Japan and Korea. They dont exactly like each other, but they still consume each others media. Older people are way more hateful
Because europe destroyed nazi germany. Those asian countries didn't destroy Imperial Japan. They were getting shit on continuously until the US showed up and destroyed Japan. In a way those asians don't feel like they got revenge.
>Hell, Israel's managed to wrangle war materiel out of them with that trick.
Was that Adenauer? I thought I remember hearing somewhere that he personally believed that was the right thing to do.
yeah the chinese hate everybody and even other chinese. Don't misinterpret their anti-japanese hatred as unique, they'd probably get just as butthurt about Henan.
They have.
And they've effectively renounced it many times.
Source? Because that's bullshit
If Germans still acted like it was 1941 and made no pretensions about it, then many people would still hate Germans. Japanese unironically LARP as if it's still 1937 except they work with the Western imperialists instead of claiming to be against them. That's the only difference.
The only way Japan can break out of its fantasy is losing in a war to China or Russia.
Actually, the most neutral (accepting) are the 35-55 year olds.
Many of the young either don't care, are left-wing, or are ilbe-tier 2ch-tier edgefags.
It's naive to claim that it'll get better in the future. It's literally been 72 years since the war ended, and the hate continues. There's a reason on both sides
I love how in this thread we have both Korean and japanese flaming each other while both claiming
>Japan is a geopolitical competitor, they would be fools to not keep taking all the shots they can at them, cheap or not.
The thread should have ended right there. Whenever domestic politics get to hot, politicians can just direct that anger outwards towards a common enemy. Ignore the problems we have here, never forget that Japan slaughtered Chinese babies/hasn't given us a billion dollars for the comfort women! Of course like clockwork some local Japanese nobody politician will make things worse by making a statement about how the Korean dogs deserved it. It's just layer upon layer of posturing bullshit on all sides.
Not for long.
>If Germans still acted like it was 1941 and made no pretensions about it, then many people would still hate Germans. Japanese unironically LARP as if it's still 1937 except they work with the Western imperialists instead of claiming to be against them. That's the only difference.
>The only way Japan can break out of its fantasy is losing in a war to China or Russia.
Veeky Forums is not /int/, please stop memeing
>Literally only Korea and China are mad at us
"China" is already most of east Asia in both land and population.
More like, nobody destroyed japan. According to wikipedia, Germany paid the US $23 billion, while Japan only paid $550 million. Japan was defanged, but mostly left intact as it was pre-war. You know how they say house cats have similar brains to their big cat counterparts, and would probably kill you if they could? That's a pretty apt comparison for Japan.
>nobody destroyed japan
hmmm yes, being the only nation to be nuked twice, with most urban centers already burnt to a crisp due to firebombing sure is such a cake walk.
lets not forget the widespread starvation, yeah, so much better than the situation in germany
>Japan was defanged, but mostly left intact as it was pre-war. You know how they say house cats have similar brains to their big cat counterparts, and would probably kill you if they could? That's a pretty apt comparison for Japan
now I really know you're just shitposting
>German civilian deaths: 1.5-3 million
>Japanese civilian deaths: .55-.8 million
Not to mention the US massively imported food to Japan immediately after the war.
>b-but the nukes
now I really know you're just shitposting
Someone post the gif
>Not to mention the US massively imported food to Japan immediately after the war.
pretty sure the US also supported Germany post war too, or does the marshall plan or the berlin airlift somehow not count
Food imports/foreign investment != regime change, don't confound the two. The scale of change of prewar/postwar Germany and of Japan is not even comparable.
You fucking nip I'm glad your country is the only country in the history of the world to ever get nuked.
Fuck your decrepit old Emperor, fuck your degenerate pornography, and ESPECIALLY FUCK that WEAK imitation kimchi.
What no. Plus not even at the level as Germany has in renouncing almost everything from nazi germany
>Food imports/foreign investment != regime change, don't confound the two. The scale of change of prewar/postwar Germany and of Japan is not even comparable.
does the US not taking full control over japan for two decades not count as regime change?
your implication that japan is somehow still the very same imperial japan of 1937 is retarded by the way.
Koreans are literally the most butthurt people in the world besides the jews
they are so assore that their angst has a name:
There was no equivalent of denazification in Japan. Many of the same people remained in power. Now, Japan is slowly aging out of its old mentality by virtue of time, not because it made a concerted effort to change, not because it was "destroyed." How many "sorry, not sorry's" is it going to take for you to see that?
>Now, Japan is slowly aging out of its old mentality by virtue of time, not because it made a concerted effort to change, not because it was "destroyed." How many "sorry, not sorry's" is it going to take for you to see that?
their postwar constitution states that they cannot have a standing offensive army, which is something that not even the germans went as far as.
Japan-tier disarmament was planned for Germany but once Russia started going sour US told West Germany to arm the fuck up.
Didn't the Soviets also not denazificate the East Germans as much as the West?
Japan also seeks to censor and renounce events such as, for example, the Rape of Nanking from their own populace, thus effectively stating they don't acknowledge the event from ever happening.
I'm talking about military disarmament, not whitewashing traces of previous government.
That's because soviets controlled the other half of Germany. JSDF is basically a standing army anyways, and this sort of thing is exactly why other asians are upset. They go through the motions and act like they really mean it, but backtrack later on.
>"let's reinterpret our constitution about standing armies"
> In [2006], Prime Minister Abe claimed that the Class A war criminals "are not war criminals under the laws of Japan".[58] He also cast doubt on Murayama apology by saying, "The Abe Cabinet is not necessarily keeping to it" and by questioning the definition used in the apology by saying, "There is no definitive answer either in academia or in the international community on what constitutes aggression. Things that happen between countries appear different depending on which side you're looking from."[59]
I meant to reply to this guy
While the New History Textbook isn't widely used, it's still state-sponsored attempts at denial.
Chinese and Korean media always have a field day every time Japan releases the new edition of their school textbooks
Seems to me like a bit of a meme t b h, like how everyone thinks American textbooks promote creationism.
There's news articles that detail the brevity of Japanese coverage of the Sino-Japanese War and WW2 in general. If I read moon, I'd order a variety of textbooks myself to verify if they're true. South Korean textbooks sound from the second article to be inflammatory of the same issue as well, which would mean there's two causes towards relations being sour.
The wiki article also links to various more academic sources as well that examine this issue.
"The patriotic passions of the Chinese, Korean, and American accounts of the war provide a striking contrast to what Duus, a preeminent historian of modern Japan, describes as the “muted, neutral, and almost bland” tone of Japanese textbooks. This may surprise those whose view of Japanese textbooks is derived from accounts that conflate the content of the rarely used revisionist textbook with the textbooks that are actually on the desks of almost all Japanese high school students."
>like how everyone thinks American textbooks promote creationism
what? Where?
I don't know, but my memory of U.S. textbooks, the information was at least intended to be religiously neutral and verified by whoever the school board appoints - unless you're going to a private school with religion as a focus. The most religious thing I've read back when I was in high school was in a historical context - such as Manifest Destiny, religious minorities going to the New World to escape persecution, etc. Granted, there have been issues in U.S. textbooks such as saying the Confederacy had a black combat unit despite it being blatantly false, but I haven't read any controversies about creationism being in textbooks blatantly..
I meant the perception in other nations.
I know a lot of people in my country believe that Southern states still push creationism in school.
Surprise, surprise, they don't want to make a big deal out of it. Also:
>Nonetheless, Japanese textbooks do offer a clear, if somewhat implicit, message: the wars in Asia were a product of Japan’s imperial expansion and the decision to go to war with the United States was a disastrous mistake that inflicted a terrible cost on the nation and its civilian population.
This is almost as bad as revisionism though, it's being sorry for all the wrong reasons.
>Ow I punched someone in the jaw and hurt my hand, I shouldn't have done that.
it is a bit rich that the south koreans and chinese complain about japanese textbooks when their own books are worse in terms of accurately presenting the facts of the war.
So... Basically, american textbooks are the worst?
Japan wanted to be an independant nation and a great power. There was nothing wrong with that. They fucked up and lost the war.
Do american textbooks teach that the US was imperialist as fuck ? Invading Mexico, Cuba, Philippines because they could ?
Depends on the school.
Apparently Chinese and South Korean books are the worst.
American books at least ask you to think critically about the war.
>think critically
What the fuck does this even mean? The only mention of critical thinking is in reference to the atomic bomb, and that only applies to the US since it was their decision. I mean, you're probably right that Chinese and Korean books are worse, but what do you expect them to do in terms of critical thinking when it was so onesided?
>Gee I wonder why we were getting bent over and fucked so hard
>The only mention of critical thinking is in reference to the atomic bomb, and that only applies to the US since it was their decision.
That's what I meant.
Thinking critically means not wanking yourself off, and having a debate about the pros and cons of nuking Japan is something that would probably be beyond any of the three asian nations.
It's way more simple. Germany is the centre of Europe. Everyone in neighbouring country’s can easily go there. Drink a beer with Germans. Become buddy’s.
Japan is some islands on the edge of Asia.
Ever typed "Nanking Massacre" into Japanese yahoo?
If the revisionist book is rarely used, why was it approved by the government?
>two wrongs make a right
Depends on your state