Is there really anyone around here with no coins?
This is the financial opportunity of a lifetime and you are still not holding any coins?
Are you younger than 18 and can't bit coin?
What's your fucking excuse?
Is there really anyone around here with no coins?
This is the financial opportunity of a lifetime and you are still not holding any coins?
Are you younger than 18 and can't bit coin?
What's your fucking excuse?
They're just at the point where they don't feel comfortable enough holding any coin. People gotta do their research first.
I lost 60% of my money folwing biz advice, xby, posw, pivx
Crypto is all a scam you must be in it together to scam us
I reported it to the authorities so dont worry your litle criminal racket will be shut down soon enough
I just started browsing this board yesterday and getting familiar with all this cryptocurrency thing
>Betting on shitcoins
>tfw got in at 100 sats dgb and 70 sats xvg thanks to Veeky Forums
dob heh
Still doing the technical research, this thing is so big I don't even know half of the coins. Plus knowing what the best wallet exchange is really vague when searching
>been intro crypto for 4 months
>never even seen those coins
Good job bro
out of all shitcoins being shilled, you chose the top 3 shitcoins. You deserve this.
I bought into sia at 650, still bagholding. If it doesn't recover I'm probably not continuing
How much are you holding and what did you pay for it?
lol fucking normie. Buy high sell low
>be poorfag
>see biz meme on pol
>check place out
>told to invest in coin
>spend a few hours reading on crypto and setting myself up
>drop $100 on coin at a fairly decent time
>get $30
>drop another $100
>watching and clutching my heart watching these dips
11400 coins for 0.078btc, currently worth 0.063btc
I fell for Veeky Forums's shilling, even though I knew it was wrong
>tfw started browsing this board a few months ago after Trump won and I started buying stocks
>3 weeks ago decide to stop being a nocoiner
>buy 1 eth @ $88
>mfw I thought it was too high at the time
>mfw I only bought one and don't want to buy any more now because I don't want to feel like a sucker who bought high
>tfw don't want to be a sucker who bought higher than I did
I put 20 dollars into bitcoin today. I'll probably forget about it by tomorrow when I have to go back to wageslaving. Maybe it'll mean something in 30 years.
I was 16 back at 2009 when I discovered it ant BTC was below $50.
I live in Israhell so they conscripted me to the military with no pay until about last year so I never got a chance to nail a good posotion in my life until after I was discharged.
I hope bitcoin and my other holdings keep rallying higher so I could finally get some for the lost time at least...
I probably bought ETH ATH,
feels better than to be a nocoiner.
The following are my actual reasons:
(1) PIMO, i.e., I am Pissed that I Missed Out. It's too late to get in now for any sizable gains (a paltry 2-10x vs 1000x), so it is 'not-worth-it'/'bullshit'. Is there a phrase for such irrational thoughts?
(2) I am of the Pajeets, and I can't into crypto without getting anally probed by my gubment. There are a few exchanges here, but they are low volume and require extensive documentation. Localbitcoins sellers want 20-30% over current rates.
(3) I am an impressionable/gullible man-child who would probably be among the first to be bamboozled by you fine P&D'ers.
I don't know where to start or what a lot of terms mean but I only lurk a little so that's probably why.
all shilling aside, if crypto becomes mainstream which is a very real possibility , btc could still go up 100x what it is now
watch some talks by andreas antonopolous on youtube
How do you distinguish between pump/dump scams and legit promising coins?
That's the million dollar question.
You will want to kill yourself again in a couple months when you missed out again. I've gone from 3.5k to over 7k in about 10 days and that's with some bad trades.
>are you younger than 18 and can't bit coin. Literally yes. Fml. I saw ETH when it was like $20 and couldn't do shit.
getting verified as we speak bros
Do your research, Jesus
I don't have any at the moment, but I don't have anyway to mine or buy theme, so I'm fucked.
Lol youre getting b& dumbass
>"I lost $20 my life is over this is a scam I'm a victim"
I don't get this...
I invested $2k less than a month ago and now I have $10k. I don't even think I bought anything until I had $1k BTC... whats the point of moving around beans and potatoes just to make $10.
Any chance to get into coining under 18?
I think the same way. The difference is my 1000 dollars is your 10 dollars.
My dudes. Open an FX account. Long USD/TRY... Rent an effing bank safe put some gold in it...
I started 1 1/2 weeks ago. Iv got invested $700. I have almost no clue what Im doing and my value is up to $750 so far. Im day trading with $50 and making small gains until I get the hang of everything. Most of my coin is ETH. Gonna hold ETH/BTC.
>>"I lost $20 my life is over this is a scam I'm a victim"
I didn't say that, I just said I wasn't going to continue. If I can't make money on $200 (and in fact lose money), it'd be pretty dumb for someone like me to invest thousands
I'm still not sure if this is just a fraud/troll/pumpndumb. Why the fuck are you people so zealous about other people getting on on free cash? There's something not quite right about taking financial investment tips from an anonymous hentai image board. Why the fuck doesn't this board have a flag? So we can see how's from Pakistan, Indonesia or the Russian federation.
Why the fuck wouldn't there be hordes of 3th world cyber scammers trying to capitalize on the autism and anonymity of this board?
I'm still lurking thought, but it seems so foolish to believe tips this board.
Only got about $150 worth of coins because poorfag/am lazy so haven't given much effort into trading. Should probably devote more time to it, but it can be pretty daunting at the start. Plus you have to learn to be ok with short term losses etc
>I reported it to the authorities
>tfw every coin I've bet on has mooned
Have positions in ETH, DGB, GNT, WAVES, SJCX, XEM, IOC AND ARK and have turned a profit on all of them
Jesus hell it's not hard, buy shit that isn't a meme and HODL
Tbh, my only regret in investing so much in GNT for x2 profit when I could have made more by putting it into something else.
>finally got into cryptos this week
>bought $2500 of btc and $2500 of eth
>no idea if this was a decent investment
>it doesn't matter since i'm probably gonna an hero eventually anyway
more people=more demand=everything goes up value
but unless you are talking about small shitcoins, Veeky Forums is 0.000001% of a market
Protip, don't invest in any coin that Veeky Forums recommends for the sole reason that Veeky Forums recommends it. Sure, you may miss out on the next ETH or whatever, but at least you won't lose a shit-ton of money in shitcoins.
Do your own research, look for coins that have a strong communities and dev support, invest in coins that perform some useful function, buy before hype, etc. Follow these tips and can avoid looking like a goofball when the coin of the week flops.
I just don't know what I'm doing.
I got a bitbargain account, and I can buy btc.
But I'd really rather just buy other cryptocurrencies and bypass bitcoin. Is that possible with GBP?
tldr: Absolute noob, need help to get started.
Protip, don't invest in any coin that Veeky Forums recommends for the sole reason that Veeky Forums recommends it. Sure, you may miss out on the next ETH or whatever, but at least you won't lose a shit-ton of money in shitcoins.
Do your own research, look for coins that have a strong communities and dev support, invest in coins that perform some useful function, buy before hype, etc. Follow these tips and you can avoid looking like a goofball when the coin of the week flops.
Can anyone tell me what's the best way to buy bitcoins in Canada?
Kraken seems to be the cheapest but their verification process is taking forever. I'm supposed to get verified today for tier 1 and I'm sure I'll have to wait another 2 days for tier 2 to deposit some fiat and buy some BTC finally.
FUCK, I want to get in on the DGB dip right fucking now.
You're gonna make it pham
>drop 100 last night
>+25 profit today
follow the biz memes and youll be fine. only wish i invested more
>all my friends think free money isnt worth it
Xby and PIVX? How the fuck did you lose money? Both of those fucking exploded?
I'll never understand normies. I'm just sitting on my ass and I'm making thousands, and normies who work five jobs and attend university think investing in crypto is "too much work".
Can you send me your coins before you hero ?
That would help me a lot since I'll probably be homeless in a few days :(
ETH: 0xdc98cb19941f46fae3554b7123c9615e4f7b4cc3
any brits can tell me what sites they use
>i-i-its gambling youll lose your money
they think you cant sell immediately the moment it bumps in price for profit
>daytrading without researching
>not investing in strong ones and holding
I'm brand fucking new to all of this but I've made a 50% increase in 10 days. Come on
I'm from a European country that can't buy/sell bitcoins on circle or coinbase. I guess I'm doomed to being a no coiner.
>lunch money
If you want lambos, get 1 bitcoin
70 on xvg is embarrasing and nothing to be proud of, it was at 38 for a week
>Are you younger than 18 and can't bit coin?
Im fucking 16 and I have about 800 in cryptos
Nocoiners have no excuse
Im sure he'd rather throw it away before giving it to a mongol bull milking forum beggar
>I bought sia yesterday and im not rich yet wtf
Lol kys
>I bought into the memes guise I fucking hate you!!11
reminded me of this guy
Isn't 100 sats DGB arguably also embarrassing? In retrospect I've noticed that big guys called it at like 30 sats.
Anyway, point of my post was just to make a humorous remark about Veeky Forums's advice. I've gone >2500%+ thanks to Veeky Forums so I'm a happy camper
Well if you like most people on this board can't/won't trade that means you've got to become a HODLer. This means you need to take at least $50k of your hard earned money and put it in some shitcoins of your choice.
Honestly if I didn't buy $100 worth of BTC in 2013 and trade it up I would probably be a no-coiner to. It takes most wagecucks years to save up $50k.
Kraken nigger
I don't have any, waiting for when I can read higher volatility to jump in and cash some bucks out
I'll consider to hold crypto in 5 years
gold tokens way earlier
>loses 60% in a market that's quadrupled its marketcap in the past half year
>blames others
Your own fault dumbass.
i took out a line of credit to invest in cryto im going balls deep in this bitch
same, I also sold a kidney
Have been waiting 10 days for verification on kraken :(
Would've bought eth at 150 if I was approved day after I applied fucccckkkk
How the fuck did you lose money on XBY and PIVX
>bought ath
>panic sold for loss on a dip
I got in on those both pretty early.
>$0.40 is not early re: PIVX
>$0.009 is not early re: XBY
Veeky Forums is the only board that has Veeky Forums beat on potentially life-ruining memes
pic related
I was about to post that one too
he is probably a retard who bought at peak and then panic sold
fucking retard
literly into bit coin for a couple of days
even i know those coins are PnD at best
go neck your self idiot
desu I wish there was a faq for all the terms on this board
I came here looking for abstract memes
Its all interesting though.
how do i into Veeky Forums
Lurk moar faggot
If you aren't at least somewhat intelligent this site will just kill you
what does this do?
lol retard alert
If you want to play the next level crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna
>fudding against XBY
kills your liver
Six figures in fiat. No coin, though I have 1k waiting at Coinbase.
>Veeky Forums did a shit job spoon feeding me
Crypto is just a forex market for memes, buy and sell based on demand and growth potential.
I am trying, and have money to buy BTC but it seems fucking impossible. My bank will not let me purchase from Coinbase and I don't know what else to do. Will try getting a WF cash slip but it seems that will fail as well. I just need $100 to get started but can't get my foot in the door. Been watching the exchanges for a while now and it is definitely time to buy
I'm doing my best to slowly get into the crypto game. My buddies suggested it last week, since then I've rummaged a few bucks into there.
I wish I honestly had more to invest but all of my money I make goes to living expenses and to Dad. He worked two blocks from WTC and breathed in all that fun stuff. He's basically at death's doorstep. I hope to make a few bucks off this stuff and to make a bigger impact at home.
>if you want to help a poorfag
Bitcoin is a shitty coin for begging, it will cost someone dollars just to give your ass anything more
It's taking a while to verify me on Kraken so no money for me
Coinbase is fast and you can at least get $500 of BTC and ETH going if you just use a credit card. Then you can ship your coins to Bittrex and start trading. I'm waiting on Kraken as well.