What the fuck was their problem?
What the fuck was their problem?
Germans love destroying Europe
They were turks through.
Central Asia is not okay for farming and has a harsh climate. So Turkic tribes were living with raiding other nations that could provide food animals etc.
same thing
actually they were finno ugrics
> implying the horse niggers didn't get off their horses and become sea niggers
the ERE stopped giving them free shit so they threw a hissy fit and tried to conquer all of europe
The ancient Huns tested had 2x Q, 2x N, 1x C and 1x R1a1 Y-haplogroups.
> Keyser-Tracqui 2003, Keyser-Tracqui 2006, Petkovski 2006, Ricaut 2010, Kim 2010
What does this bullshit even mean
Means they weren't white
that nomads started like a small piece of dust, then molecules attach themselves to it, then it gets too heavy and begins to fall, accumulating more molecules as it descends, til it becomes a droplet in a storm blowing into the west.
why do these maps show them conquering Balts when they mostly niggered around in southern Europe
High percentages in
I doubt this is purely if at all from the huns, they didnt even go to any of these places
Also, low concentration in
>czech republic and slovakia
The huns slept with the wives and daughters of the moravians and neighboring slavs for years, if Q was from the Huns we'd see a lot more there
>I doubt this is purely if at all from the huns, they didnt even go to any of these places
The Vikings were nomadic mongrels.
> Also, low concentration in
Stupid moron, the Huns were on the plains of that region, to the west of present day Hungary is where there is a higher presence.
>low concentration in all the places huns occupied
>high concentration in every place they didnt
My bet is it's a leftover from paleolithic europe, doesnt show any patterns with where the huns were
Huns were mongrels, I grant you it was ancient on the steppes.
It literally is higher on the Hungarian Plains.
The Hungarian plains are a large area that is actually greater in size than the modern bordered state of Hungary.
forgot image
Yes I know, as does everyone on the planet who knows anything about history. The fact is that ydna Q does not rise about 2 percent in any of the places the Huns actually inhabited
> implying they weren't nomadic
Yes and I posted the range of their nomadic settlements, also the huns never entered scandinavia so I'm not sure why you'd post a picture like that
that map is stupid
The Huns were in Scandinavia, they took submission from all.
A lot of historians are now starting to see Hunnic influence in the religion of the Germanics.
> caitlingreen.org
Here's another. I guess all these older historians were stupid.
Can anyone tell me why the Huns were scary? I watched a documentary a couple days ago and the seemed like any other barbarian scum.
>beat shitty barbarians take land
>challenge Rome
>get btfo
>get paid to fuck off
>have a hissy fit when Rome is fighting 8 wars at once
>do ok for a while then get btfo in France.
>get malaria and Pope tells them to fuck off
>they fuck off
>become glorified slavs
>the end
The last Emperor's father served directly under Attila.
That's not what it said Attila was just an ally then a coup was attempted with help of him. As far as I could tell it was a failure and Attila was a shit stain who was hardly scary. Couldn't even beat a glorified cadaver of the Roman Empire.
hmmm, the angles occupied the area where the jutes are, also, how did attila reach sweden?
Just pointing out that Orestes served Attila and ended the Empire.
> en.wikipedia.org
At the time of Attila the coast of the North sea had been raided by Saxons and the like for decades. It is entirely possible that bands of opportunists from as far north as Denmark joined in on the attacks on Rome.
This is like asking how the Arabs sailed to Byzantium tiered retarded.
How can you measure an "empire" formed by nomads? They don't actually own that land.
Climate change. Except everything was getting colder.
There were plenty of non Hunnic troops in Hunnic armies. Not only Hunnic tributaries but just barbarians who wanted a chance at plunder from the massive raids going on.
Its worth mentioning too that every picture posted of the "Hunnic Empire" is not entirely faithful; they had a lot of tributaries but were still Nomadic; the Hunnic king was never really in the business of deposing kings and taking their sovereignty. The Huns, like many similar nomadic raiding groups were content with tribute and raiding rather than conquest.
Because it's not all Turkic but some of it is.
Q is thousands of times more diverse in Europe than R1a and R1b combined.
There's so many different subclades which have entirely different origins whereas 99% of R1a and R1b come from very recent founder effects.
A Scandinavian with Native American-like Q would have a common ancestor with a Hunnish Swissman with Turkic Q about 23000 years ago.
Actually think they did make contact, there is an old Norse saga that talks about Attila.
You can claim whatever you like and post unrelated source, doesnt make it true
Yes contact, never subjugated. The story is well known too, it was brought from the goths that migrated south
>You can claim whatever you like and post unrelated source
Slavs didn't live in that area during the Hunnic invasions, dumb ass.