Has this happened anywhere else?

We know how loyal the northern Irish are. They're Irish and they love the British and see themselves as British. There is nothing wrong with this, but I'm curious, has this happened to any other group of people? Where an outside force/people influenced them so much that the former are extremely loyal the the latter?

Other urls found in this thread:


Republicans and Russia. Democrats and Venus.

Lot of loyalty for an Irish gun

Mayotte and France
In the 2000s they had a referendum about independence and voted to remain French as masse

>Only classed as Irish as they live on the island of Ireland
>I have seem more "Irish" Nigerians in Dublin

They are Ulster Scots

The dark eleventh hour
Draws on and sees us sold
To every evil power
We fought against of old.
Rebellion, rapine hate
Oppression, wrong and greed
Are loosed to rule our fate,
By England's act and deed.

The Faith in which we stand,
The laws we made and guard,
Our honour, lives, and land
Are given for reward
To Murder done by night,
To Treason taught by day,
To folly, sloth, and spite,
And we are thrust away.

The blood our fathers spilt,
Our love, our toils, our pains,
Are counted us for guilt,
And only bind our chains.
Before an Empire's eyes
The traitor claims his price.
What need of further lies?
We are the sacrifice.

We asked no more than leave
To reap where we had sown,
Through good and ill to cleave
To our own flag and throne.
Now England's shot and steel
Beneath that flag must show
How loyal hearts should kneel
To England's oldest foe.

We know the war prepared
On every peaceful home,
We know the hells declared
For such as serve not Rome --
The terror, threats, and dread
In market, hearth, and field --
We know, when all is said,
We perish if we yield.

Believe, we dare not boast,
Believe, we do not fear --
We stand to pay the cost
In all that men hold dear.
What answer from the North?
One Law, one Land, one Throne.
If England drive us forth
We shall not fall alone!

>see themselves as British
They ARE British. They're descended from a group of 200,000 Anglo-Scottish planters who were settled in Ireland in an attempt to breed out and anglicise the Irish. Or, at least half of them are.

Calling the British-identifying population of Northern Ireland "Irish" is like calling Russo-Estonians "Estonian".

Literally any frontier society, Texas, the entirity of the Balkans, the Afrikaners in particular are extremely nationalistic.

Good post.

This tbqh


>they're Irish

After several hundred years of fucking Irish people I'm sure their genetic British-Scots DNA is super pure.


Much like every other foreigner they got bred the fuck out of existence.

Only their shitty leftover 30 Years War bullshit remains.

They're as much Irish as the Lowlands Scots are Scots


By that standards, the Pied Noirs, I suppose.


Instead of hunting negroes Britain now has its Colonial Adventure Park in Ulster. Since only Catholics may be gunned down there's naturally a group of fans. Who gives a shit if negroes or catholics die.

Y-y-you gunned down Brits you know!


They're plastic Brits. If you have lived in Ulster for 400 years you're Irish. They know fuck all about Britain except the free gibs they get.

>t. actual Brit


Then all the Irish diaspora around the world are still Irish despite not living in Ireland for 100s of years.

I have been to Boston and they would agree with you.

And yet you'd still call them plastic paddys whilst claiming to be British and you've never stepped foot in Britain top kek

You don't know me or what I might do.

>After several hundred years of fucking Irish people
Yes, because in an extremely religious society where marriage between Protestants and Catholics was banned interbreeding must have been extremely common.

Butthurt plastic Nigel detected

nah lad they are Brits, you can have them

t. true Irish republican


He's talking about people who turned loyal to external 'invaders'. Not nationalism dumbass


There is no country called 'Britain'.

The name of the country is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireand'.

It is one single nation, and the demonym for this nation/nationality is 'British'.

British territory is not restricted to the island of Great Britain. That's where you seem to be confused.



Yes, I fucking know that, the Afrikaners are an example of such a people, who developed an extreme national identity as a result of British and native attacks on them, in the same way the Northern Irish turned extremely British as a result of being in a hostile environment.


Southern China was traditionally viewed as barbaric by the Chinese, but now they're pretty outright Chinese in character.


Nah Britain is an island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. If you're not born in it you're not British. Pajeet who grew up in Birmingham is more British than the embarrassing Ulster LARPers.

>Pajeet who grew up in Birmingham is more British than the embarrassing Ulster LARPers.
Just like n'Dongo who grew up in Dublin is more Irish than the lads in Londonderry?


Sassenach lies.

Almoust all smallscaled french colonies were basically granted independence against their wishes (ex. Commoros)


Oh right. Everything that I just said (which is 100% factually correct) is all of a sudden irrelevant because you wrote 'Nah'.


>Britain is an island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales.

I just said that.

>If you're not born in it you're not British

Except that's not correct.

People who are born in the Shetland Islands are British.

People who are born in the Falkland Islands are British (not even part of the UK).

People who are born in Northern Ireland are British.

etc etc.

'British' is not synonymous with the island of Great Britain. It's the demonym term for the UNITED KINGDOM.

Are non whites British?


Yes, if they are British citizens, why wouldn't they be?

n'Dongo's family haven't lived in Ireland for 400 years

So n'Dongo is Igbo/Nigerian, whatever, but Pajeet is British and Ulsterman is Irish, despite the fact both Pajeet and Ulsterman don't identify with the geographic region they're in?

Ulsterman LITERALLY lives in the UNITED KINGDOM lol.

>Ulsterman doesn't identify with Ulster

What am I reading?

Ulsterman doesn't identify with the Republic of Ireland or the island of Ireland.

But the six counties are part of the UK.

>Ulsterman doesn't identify with the island of Ireland

Ulster is an Irish province so that's impossible by definition

Yes, but according to anyone born outside of the geographical island of Britain isn't British and anyone born inside the geographical island of Britain is British, I presume under his philosophy the same applies to the island of Ireland.

It is located in Ireland but most of it is British.

And that poster is clearly a minger.

Your obviously an american with no grasp of geographic terms, they are called the British isles and are inhabited by the British

Not all British people live in Britain.

They want to stay so they can leech off France literally since most places have complete shit locations and very big limitations in how they can expand their economy.

Which Sabaton song is this?

Ulster by Rudyard Kipling

Kek this poem is utter bollocks pretending it was unionists who were oppressed when they were the oppressors of the native Irish.

All of it is Irish, it's just part of it is in the UK.

You're a big potato.

They are the descendants of those invaders dumbass.

Though it's nice to know the source, cmon man lighten up

Afrikaners didn't "invade" africa, they colonised it.

No most of it is British, it's just located in Ireland.

>The name of the country is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireand'.

>Be ultra fucking pedantic despite the fact any reasonable person knows what they mean
>Can't spell Ireland yourself