Are dogs inherently fascistic?
Are dogs inherently fascistic?
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Dogs are collectivist.
No, dogs are monarchists and cats are leftists/libertines.
Dogs are inherently amazing
dogs are good boys who dindu nuffin trying to get dey life back on track and get some treatz
Reminder to never kiss your dogs.
Bringing your face really close to theirs deeply hurts their self-esteem.
What about birds? They seem anarchic on the outside but they all actually all conformists.
Anything loving is fascistic.
Dogs are the goodest good boys watch as this pupper defends his girl from a wolf anyone who shit talks puppers should be fed to pigs
Pupper's are pure and are truly man's best friend.
That's a Kuchi dog, they're native to the Middle East and Anatolia, basically hunt wolves for a living.
Dogs are basically the deformed jester that the King keeps in his throne room to tell him riddles and dance.
cute pupper
It's actually a Carpathian dog, though livestock guardian dogs of that type probably do trace their lineage to Turkey and central asia
Cats are better
Are you sure? I read some of the comments and that was my point, I own 2 (the other pic) and the tail/stomach type is very unique. I noticed the dog in the vid has one but googling it the Carpathian dog does look a lot more similar so perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps they are closely related like the Kangal dog is to the Kuchi dog.
Yes, you are definitely right infact. Carpathian dogs have those stomachs too, it makes them very fast runners. Both are herding dogs though.
Dogs are pets.
Cats are roommates.
>Both are herding dogs though.
*Livestock guardian dog
Herding dogs actually serve a different purpose.
Now that's one cool cat.
Well, I know their purpose in Afghanistan is to protect livestock from wolves and many become stray in places like Kabul.
Dogs are great and communistic. The good of the pack outweighs the good of the individual.
I do SAR with my dog, who is more like my companion and partner than my pet. In fact, she isn't my pet at all. We are a team. She goes everywhere I go and if she isn't welcome then I do not go there. To be fair though, we have to be ready to go on "missions" at any time though so me having to go get her from what I'm doing would be pretty stupid and take even more time. With missing people, time is critical.
And she's a good friend.
Having birds of my own they are very much community oriented, but nomadic. They are kinda like the mongols.
I wouldn't eat that top pancake if you paid me
Dogs are too good for us, keep up the good work
You're thinking about hugging a dog, which they feel is an act of dominance
They're inherently KEKS and so are you.
cats > dogs 2bh
I still like both though
Well you want a pet that is servile to you, if you think of animal as your equal then you're a colossal beta.
Childhood is loving puppies
Adulthood is realizing dogs make more sense
Fuck off GOATfucker
Dogs are inherently oligarchic-republican.
the only things dogs are good for is being used to test out woodchippers
>uniromically being a nonwhite
Reminder H.P. Lovecraft was scared of
>The ocean
>Black people
>Asian people
what kind of faggot writes something like this, why did he feel the need to philosophize about how smart his cat is
Contrary to what I had heard and read, dogs are actually very tasty. Would recommend.
Why does the western world treat dogs with such respect in comparison to places like China?
because west is bettr
because dogs aren't a food source for the west.
An Indian can ask the same question about the west treating cows as food.
>Veeky Forums is a board for quality discussion, supposed to be a degree about /b/ or /pol/
>lets argue about cats vs dogs
I grew up near a ton of Vietnamese people, my friends parents would always complain that their kids smelled like dog when they came home. While you do have a point, it's not the whole picture.
Dogs are tribalists. If you are part of their pack they will love you. If not they bark at you.
Cats are individualists. Ayn Rand loved cats.
That's a huge issue.
The west treats dogs like pets and companions and showers them with love and affection.
East asians eat them because easily available food source that lives close to humans.
But what caused westerners to revere dogs? Treating dogs like shit isn't even an Asian thing.
Dogs are literally breed to be our companions. It's the closest thing humans have to mutualist evolution
Largely the absence of stray dogs. Having efficient city services does wonders for most pests in the city.
Then shouldn't most of the world be best buds with dogs like we are?
Most of the world is best buds you mong.
That has nothing to do with stray and rabid dogs being a menace that need to be put down.
Yeah I'm sure dogs get treated so well outside of the western sphere.
People outside the "western sphere" treat their dogs well enough.
Depends, in many places they are bred for the table. Personally I'd rather have one in my freezer than running round my home and I'm not Asian!
the same reason westerners treat their women so well and become so far left they cuckold themselves
wow so edgy
dogs = reddit
cats = Veeky Forums
This thread really isn't a surprise
I think you're confused pal, every emaciated numale redditor has a cat, Veeky Forums is dogbro country.
Yeah, remember dogurday? That was cool.
You're pretty fucking new.
lol I've been a lurker for a very, very long time but I must break my silence to tell you you're a huge faggit if you sincerely believe this
The irony is that a domesticated animal that pays no mind to you shows your own incompetency. I could raise a kitten to act just like a dog. It would bring me the stick and it would be fucking pleased beyond measure to have done it. A dog chasing a stick you throw is play + prey drive. Go back in time and show this fuckstick's cat a laser pointer so he can reassess his views.
Catgirls =/= cats
That wolf showed no intention of hurting the girl though
We recognise their intelligence and potential for love and loyalty. Dogs are considered family members here
Other races do not have such a long history with dogs. Humans evolved to love them just as dogs evolved to love humans
cats are for petting
catgirls are for loving
No, dogs love to lick their owners face, its a sign the that owner will allow them and trust them to come near their face to groom them with licking, which is a sign of affection from the dog.
I find it curious that certain cultures had purposefully bred smaller and more deformed dogs rather than continuing to breed the ones more fit for serving his eternal partner,an example of this being the dachshund or the shih tzu, these breeds have no practical application whatsoever but they were bred for the fuck of it, was it just becausethey were cute?
What about raptors like eagles, falcons and hawks? They don't have any community orientation, they are solitary animals, as far as my knowledge goes. Could different species of bird have inherently different dispositions?
I can appreciate why would like a cat, they are interesting to observe and display great intelligence at times, but personally, eternal loyalty of the doggo appeals to me, knowing your companion would be truly sad if you were to leave them gets me all fuzzy inside.
Watch that edge there boi, might cut yourself
>an application of love and companship isn't an application
>every dog needs to be a farm hand or a sheep herder
What did he mean by this?
It stems from history and culture, many nations and cultures of Europe used dogs in war, hunting, herding, e.t.c, thus western culture developed a mentality that dogs are companions, and naturally, we hold a deeper compassion for them because they are worth more alive than dead, I would assume this attitude is not prominent in China because historically dogs were not used as much, but i'm not very informed on Chinese history so I could be wrong, they may just not give a shit and eat whatever can be considered food.
Cats are libertarians
Dogs are conservatives
Cagirls are communist
Anyone who treats an animal like his friend or companion is an extraordinary beta and indeed equal to said animal.
Talk to any masculine rural people who use animals daily and view them strictly as a tool, not as their buddy. Fraternizing with animals is something only urban numale losers, lonely women and small children do, trying to anthropomorphize a creature that's not even smart enough to comprehend your existence. And it doesn't matter if it's a dog or a cat or a cow, it's fucking pathetic.
t. Ahmed
A german shepherd will give you as much love and companionship as a shih tzu or chihuahua will, and as a plus they can be infinitely more useful than a lapdog, I don't see your point. Why even have lapdogs?
>Bangs goat
>Views it as tool
nice going, Muhammad.
Swing and a miss, 100% European, you glorified furfaggot.
t. !Xobile
100% Swedish, right Ahmed
>I know farmers
>They have farm hand dogs and companion dogs
kys with your weak generalization eurofag.
And from what part of Evropa do you hail user?
Early sailors would actually use small White dogs to barter with. They would take them on their ships as companions. Obviously that makes more since than taking a German Shepard on a cramped boat ride which will last months or days.
I don't see your point. Every dog serves some kind of function.
Literally 100% of my ancestors are from rural Thuringia as far as records go but keep trying nigger.
"dachshund was developed to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals"
talk shit about other breeds, dumbass
>Anyone who treats an animal like his friend or companion is an extraordinary beta and indeed equal to said animal.
>100% rape baby of a Turkish Soviet solider.
>animals aren't friends
>they're just fucktoys for us countryfolk to stick our dicks in
Okay first of all, that sounds made up, second of all, even if it was true, its still retarded because now you just have another mouth to feed on a boat where everyone has a job to do, except for the little lapdog, it still serves no function except just being there. I still don't see your point, lapdogs are useless.
Oh I am laffin Ahmed
That would still be whiter than any American currently alive.
It says more about you than it does about me if the first thing to come to your mind regarding animals is fucking them, dog fucker. And I'm pretty positive sex usually requires emotional intimacy so it's kind of a weird point to bring up.
Kek, how about just having a breed that can hunt the badger and other burrow dwelling animals instead of leaving the disposal of it to you? You know, like, say, a larger breed?
My point still stands,lapdogs are pointless.
>its still retarded because now you just have another mouth to feed
People enjoy dogs company. Imagining being on a boat ride for months in dangerous waters. A lapdog companion would make them happy, give them something to interact with when their bored, calm stressful nerves and are a joy to be around. If you don't see the practical function of this your just a sperger who can't comprehend it.