What did he mean by this ?

What did he mean by this ?

>le 'everything-you-know-about-history-is-dumb/wrong/overrated' man

>le 'every-historical-movie-is-bad-because-they-got-arbirtrary-facts-wrong-that-wouldn't-add-anything-to-the-movie-except-impress-my-ridculiously-high-standards' man

> le 'well-explained-points-about-military-strata-and-warriors-in-the-past-are-totally-wrong-based-on-my-anecdotal-evidence-and-my-conjectures'

>le 'I-hate-history-when-its-cool-or-badass' man


>le 'I-understand-why-movies-and-tv-show-use-and-do-unhistorical-things-but-still-can't-enjoy-the-movie-because-my-autism-must-be-appeased' man

>le 'People-always-knew-exactly-what-to-do-in-battles-and-no-mistakes-were-ever-made-and-any-account-that-differs-from-this-is-probably-made-up' man

>le 'Our-exact-knowledge-of-history-is-limited-but-I-know-exactly-what-and-what-didn't-exist-and-what-was-used-and-what-wasn't-used-because-of-my-guesses' man

>le 'the-idea-of-fire-arrows-are-absurd-even-though-there-are-documented-cases-of-fire-arrows-being-used-by-defenders-against-siege-equipment-in-history' man

>england won the hundred years war
>market garden was a victory
>napoleon was literally hitler
>metric is garbage
Now you're just fucking with me. He didn't say these things, right? R-right?

Not the guy you're responding to, but:

Binge watch his videos. You'll notice he handwaves British mistakes, or makes them look like successes. Not to mention he CONSTANTLY shits on France.

I get he does the France bit as a joke (atleast I hope), but he always does it, to the point where you'd be surprised if he thought France ever did anything right.

I think the remark about Napoleon was that Hitler was literally Napoleon
not that Napoleon was literally Hitler
you know what I mean?

but it's just as wrong?

I'm not sure if I should watch his videos if he spouts nonsense like this, but I am a bit curious about his line of thought and arguments to arrive there.

Some of his videos are decent, but a majority is just him conjecturing things together to fit this imagined picture he has in his head, or twisting things around and around until they fit into his mold of what things were like.

One of his good videos is the one about Berserkers. Used documented sagas, and accounts, talks in detail about the history behind Nordic Berserks and what not. You can generally tell when you're about to witness a good Lindy video if he complains at the start that 'I had to do a lot of research on this' or 'I had to get some help from a friend whos an expert in this field'.

Everything else is some preconceived view of how he thinks things work, and he tries the entire video to twist things around, or generally shit talk something, until his ultimate point is made. He does do a good job of making himself sound like he actually knows what he's talking about.

Does Lindy at least have a girl friend? For a middle aged Brit he's actually pretty good looking, 7.5/10. There could be some slag out there for him.


>t. #1 Viking fan

Only Brittania herself is good enough for Lloyd

t.Hon hon hon

Sod off Lindybeige. Back to your rainy island while we enjoy the sun and douceur de vivre.

If youve been on here long enough, tourist, you'll find the youtube comments where he posted all of those.

Or you could fuck off like the tourist you are.

He's an attention whore. That's it really.

>his line of thought a
"Everybody pay attention to me! I'm radical".

It's all you need to know. He's a tedious bore and something of a prig. Now, I've wasted quite enough time discussing him for this lifetime.

Jesus. I'm almost afraid to ask, what did he say about Jeanne d'Arc?

Basically that she never did any fighting, just rode around on a horse with some armour on.

Oh well could have been much worse. Though it seems like he isn't aware of Orleans. She didn't exactly fight but she did much more than standing there looking pretty in an armour.

>Why didn't this woman fight

gee boss it's almost like it's a, how do you say it, CULTURAL thing.

>browsing Veeky Forums requires knowing about evrery single lindybeige's anglo shilling
Not the user you quoted but you need to shut the fuck up

YFW you realise that the more obnoxious things he comes out with is him playing a character.

lindy threads rival ww2 threads in their constancy on the catalog. There is very little chance someone who's been on his for more than a week has not seen a lindy thread, which will probably have the greentext copypasta and the inevitable proofs.

Get rebutted u cuck.

reminder that Lindybeige claims:

>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>british naval guns on Malta could lanuch projectiles into space

Noone cares about your stale pasta.

Too much autism.

He is kind of handsome though. I wish he was my history teacher tbqh

He claims the opposite of those, he just uses clickbait titles.

Almost like the title is some kind of hypothesis he's then going to prove or disprove...

My very brief school study on the Crimean war (in the UK) led me to assume it was just Britain versus Russia

British scholars are apparently in denial that the French won the war for them

>you're not part of le superior Veeky Forums segret club if you don't check the daily youtube persona threads spammed here
>also, cuck heheheeeehe i sure told him

Not an argument. You might consider people come here for other reasons than petty fighting over the same nonsens. Lindy threads are a nuisance and should be saged

Post rare lindys



What? It was a combined effort.


>You might consider people come here for other reasons than petty fighting over the same nonsens
