I have an employee I hired for the summer. She's a J1 visa student, hired from an exchange agency. She had worked in the US before, and 8 days after she arrived she tells me that her manager from her last job of 2 years ago and is offering her a position for more money. However I am familiar with the area, the price of living is substantially higher. I'm under no obligation to send her right the fuck back to the Eastern Bloc shit hole she comes from. I'm a newer business owner. How should I handle the situation? She does good work, but I have other employees. I'd previously given them applications to work at a restaurant I'm associated with, and she hadn't even filled out the form or informed me how many hours she'd like to work there. She says she came here to earn money. She's not punctual, apparently come in at 9 means come in at 9:10 and grab a coffee. But she does do good work. I don't know how I should handle the situation. Someone enlighten me. I already have my mind made up to an extent, but if anyone has any experience with a situation similar I'd be very interested in how you handled it.
I have an employee I hired for the summer. She's a J1 visa student, hired from an exchange agency...
Glad to know actual business discussion is ignored around here.
You need to tell her straight up that she should get her shit together and actually be punctual. Tell her if she wants to leave then bye, she is trying to influence you with that other job shit but you're the boss at the end of the day senpai. And yes i've been in a similar situation
>come in at 9 means come in at 9:10
Nothing sets my 'tism off like someone who does this every single fucking day
>She's not punctual, apparently come in at 9 means come in at 9:10 and grab a coffee. But she does do good work.
Holy shit who cares? Are you profiting?
Tell her to get in on crypto currency.
Blah blah blah why aren't you getting blowjobs under the table from her yet?
get rid of her ass. she's trying to leverage more money out of you.
t. dwight schrute
Ask her if the job offer was genuine. Tell her you cannot match the salary they're offering, and that if she's planning on leaving for that position you need to know in advance.
In regards to the punctuality: I run a three strikes and out policy. Take her to one side and talk to her calmly about your criticisms. If she takes it on board then great! If not, she has a more serious talk coming down the line, then after that one it's time to consider hiring a new employee.
look if youre not getting some vagexchange then she's not worth the effort. Its easier to train someone to be good at something than it is to train someone to start working when theyre supposed to. ill take a mediocre worker who I can make good over a good worker who wastes my time every day of the week.
t. she's costing you money and if no pusspuss its not worth it. She's not your gf
>10 minutes late
Who fucking cares? You said it yourself they do good work
Depends on the office culture. Do you being meetings at 9am? If she's late for those then that's a concern. If not then does she stay slightly later or work harder which might make up for lose time?
Additionally, I've worked places where you lose your bonus for ongoing lateness, that's a good incentive if you do bonuses.
He should.
If she comes in late soon every employee will do the same or it will seem she is getting preferential treatment. A person like that can slowly fuck up an entire business
JFC, excuse the glaring typos.
Maybe you shouldn't have hired a fucking foreigner when you could support the American economy and hire an American. Hope she runs your company into the ground :)
tell her you appreciate her doing good work but you need her to come in on time and you dont wanna have this conversation with her again
also this
I fucking hate normie faggots who set meetings for 9am.
Suck a fucking dick and move it to 9:05 or 9:10 so everyone is on time.
Literal fuck sticks.
tell her to come in at 8:50 so she's ready at 9:00
It might be useful for you to employ someone, HR personnel for example, to deal with situations like this instead of you having to deal with it directly. It sounds like a lot of time. It would take away the personal nature of the whole problem, and in the long run it might save you more money than it would cost.
Let me guess. You're the guy that's always late to every fucking meeting and thinks it's everyone elses problem.
Wow must suck being a worthless lazy unambitious faggot.
If she could just grab her coffee at 9 I wouldn't give a fuck. I have other employees pretty much all in at 8:55 ready to fucking go.
I deal with it all personally. I much prefer to, I really do like to be involved personally and have the full understanding myself of every HR related situation.
Offer her a position with a slight raise, but an illusion of power that effects nothing. And buy her a managers chair and make her to comfterble to leave
Business owner here.
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking...
If she doesn't do satisfactory work it's your job to tell her what she needs to improve and if she doesn't over a few weeks, then fire her.
As far as the more money thing, if she is worth the money then pay her that money. If she is not worth the money then hell let her go.
>Reward her for doing shit wrong
I'm pretty lax, I tell her on some occasions that she needs to shape up, I was just giving people an idea on her ethic. In regards to the money, she's literally not allowed to leave here. I'm not willing to pay her anymore, the wage she receives is the wage we agreed upon initially. She doesn't really understand that her actual options are shut the fuck up and take what you're given or go back to the shithole country you're from and I assure you she will never come back.