Why do humans consistently fail to learn from the past and repeat the same mistakes throughout history again and again?
Why do humans consistently fail to learn from the past and repeat the same mistakes throughout history again and again?
Hindsight is 20/20.
>implying drumpf isn't the great Caesar of our time with kushner being Octavian
so far trump is doing an excellent job.
i am very critical of his ties with jews though
And what mistake are they repeating by electing Trump?
Drumpf is quite literally Hitler.
And how are they repeating a mistake? Until the invasion of Poland Hitler was doing a great job.
In one day he has single handedly reversed mexican-american relations 30 years.
pol needs to fuck off. This shithole of a site should be DDOSed to shit with these right-wing cancer meme autist's infinite shitpostings living in their mom's basement.
This is shit bait
new/pol/fag out
t. Lindybeige
>not Barron
Really fries your bagels
Just report these threads. Seriously replying in it only fuels their autism.
I know right?
>wants to destroy Veeky Forums
/pol/ beat you to it by using meme magic to elect an anti Net Neutrality president. The Doomsday Clock is counting down.
It's a fallacy that humans ever 'learn from history', or that the 'same' mistakes are constantly made.
You should understand what historiography is.
Hegel would simply call it dialectics playing out. This too shall play itself out until it doesn't matter, and a new set of 'extremes' play out. Such is life.
shut up you autistic fuck. The only reason trump even got elected in the first place was people were just pissed out their interests being trampled by the establishment and elite. Majority of trump voters still hold liberal and moderate views. Literally there is too much of a minority of you autistic fucks to be this overly represented.
Even if Trump was literally Hitler what makes you think electing him is a mistake?
The USA's military expenditure is bigger than the rest of the world's combined,Hitler with a fraction of that power would had conquered the world.
he's not even going to 2% of what pol niggers expect of him to do. I can't wait till those autistic fucks saying how much they are regretting being supportive of him when he turns out of to be just a neo-conservative.
Enjoy getting cucked
Nah, it's just dickwaving
Mexico president wants to appear tough to his people
Trump wants money for the wall
They talked for 1 hour on the telephone today
Are you really trying to turn this into a usa vs the world thread? Don't be a cunt.
going to laugh once all the millennials wake up from their post-election fugue in about 8 years when the country's much less different than they want it to be
He literally put in motion everything he promised and the media is even using that against him calling him an obsessive.
Hitler had allies too
According to liberals Trump is buttbudies with Russia.
That just makes the "so what?" argument even more solid.
like what? pol wants trump to be neo-nazi genocidal racist who wants to genocide all non-white and start a race war.
This is fantastic news, just when I thought Trump can't get any better
I think you are confusing /pol/ with CNN
>Mexico president wants to appear tough to his people
No he isn't. What trump doesnt understand is that he put Nieto in a position where he can't really negotiate. Acquiescing to this means he is actively working against his peoples interests, and it also means the PRI is never getting elected again. Resisting this and biting through the sanctions and economic downturn on the otherhand makes his party stronger by standing against the great Trumpsatan.
They have been playing up Trumps devil status for months now. The politicians are ready and won't get a lick of blame from voters, it will all get heaped on Trump and to top it off they can keep Obrador in check.
They're not dick waving.
More like Caligula.
Or the third option where Nieto says, "ok, the framework for the TPP is in place and we will go forward without the US, the emerging SEA markets had agreements to do business with us and they also don't want to be slapped with US import tarrifs, we'll just do business with each other when auto manufacturing moves back to Mexico and Japan."
No it's more like trump is cautiously re-approaching russia not that that would be bad from being on the brink of ww3 all the time.
For china, Trump hates them too much to work with them and pull of out troops from US asian allies like he said he would during the campaign.
China has been picking a fight since the Obama administration the war with then is inevitable,at least with Trump you dont have to worry about Russia
That's not mutually exclusive to what i said.
Learn better English before shilling this nonsense Dmitry
>what Trump doesn't understand
lmfao Trump knows exactly what he's doing. Stop believing your own bullshit.
Pinto Nieto can keep playing tough. If he does, he finds himself in charge of a country that not only has no jobs (They all left for the US or out of Mexico), hilariously high gasoline prices, riots over said gasoline prices, a failing agricultural sector, no exports (As the US will tax all goods from Mexico into oblivion), and a large number of violent criminal organizations that are very, very upset at him ruining their business.
Oh, and not only is he outright despised by his own people, some ~50 million people will be coming to a country that is already full of people who are unemployed, hungry, poor, increasingly violent, and decreasingly happy with him.
Pinto Nieto can keep playing tough. He won't be playing for much longer though; or, he can wise up and realize that if Justin Trudeau is Xi Jinping's little potato, he is Trumps very, very, VERY tiny potato.
He might trade war china and try to cuck them from the US market too. As for General Mattis visiting SK and Japan I think he's trying make a clear statement that the US isn't going to simply abandon its asian allies because they dont "pay their fair share".
I forgot to add that Pinto Nieto also lacks his historical pressure release valve of "Don't like it? Go up north"; infact it will soon be flowing backwards, and the room will start getting very, very pressurized.
I guess I misinterpreted your second point about the sanctions and economic downturn. While Mexico is the US' third largest importer of goods I think they have more trade options outside the US than Trump gives them credit for and would not be hurt by the tariffs to the degree that he believes.