What happened to the Italian Mafia. Veeky Forums...

What happened to the Italian Mafia. Veeky Forums? Are they all in jail or dead or are they still managing to stay afloat? What led to their downfall?

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They figured out that white collar crime is even more profitable and the cops generally don't give a shit. So they run things like sanitation and scam the fuck out of their customers

Italian here, they're still going strong, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon considering that at least half of the politicians in the south are on their payrolls.

I wonder how many years it will take for the Nigerians the mafia uses as muscle to realize their bosses are corrupt, decadent old men and take control over their own.

If mass migration is a problem as it is, imagine with Nigerian organized crime controlling Sicily.

They're still around, particularly in Sicily. Italy's corrupt government allows them to thrive.

are you talking about OC in Italy or OC in the USA?

In Italy it's still strong enough to basically function as a parallel state

In USA they all more or less went straight and got involved in politics at the county level

In America they all pretty much either ended up dead or in jail or just got out the game completely and went straight.

Now the blacks, spics, and arabs own the drug and crime rings, and I have to say the Italians did a better job.

I thought the Mafia only worked with other Italians to get their shit done, what happened to that?

They let the Nigerians take over the activities they don't want to take part themselves for moral reasons, like prostitution and drug trade. Which are also the most lucrative.

And the Nigerians are just going along with it? Whats stopping them from taking over the Mafia's operations entirely

See, for example:


Everyone is predicting the obvious. One day the Nigerian muscle will revolt against its Sicilian overlords and take control over the entire island underground economy, which is also its entire economy.

That's the entire history of Sicily, after all. That's how the Romans, the Arabs and the Normans conquered it.

They actually respected civilians and gave back to their communities. Definitely the lesser of two evils.

>drug trade
lel what

Calabrians are 100% responsible for all the cocaine coming into Europe

Yeah, I never understood why black drugdealers and gang members seem to want to ruin the own communities they lived in. The Italian Mafia were violent assholes but atleast they tried to clean up the place, black people really just dont give a fuck.

they're still strong as fuck in italy and europe in general.

in america they've declined since the late 80s but are still active especially in white collar shit.

What is it with Nigerians and organized crime?
It's seems like everywhere they go they wind up getting mixed up in it.

>they don't want to take part themselves for moral reasons, like prostitution and drug trade

They basically run Quebec

Are you guys talking about Italy or America?

Oh yeah, their terrifying cigarettes and fake maple syrup rackets.

People have been boiled to death in the maple syrup vats

They're still around. Isis isn't attach Italy because of them actually .

they are not controlling anything, they make deals though.
Cosa Nostra is working with various organizations, ndrangheta, camorra, albanians, chinese, nigerians, south americans cartel etc. it's good for all the parties involved, war means more police attention
t. sicilian

this is true, they are the more porwerful because they are all related and they never repent/snitch, they control northern italy and cocaine routes

Because they're stupid fucking Nigerians who couldn't keep something so intricate afloat.

>at least half of the politicians in the south are on their payrolls.

mostly just mtl but yeah theyre like the shadow hub of north american organized crime

Thread related, what is the most powerful organized crime group in the world?

>inb4 CIA

>Not inb4 Jews

Jewish mafia, Chinese, Russian and etc...

Where dey at

He's talking about the Italian mafia, not the Italian-American mafia.

The South is literally under the thumb of the mafia and they have massive influence on the politics of the country.

The mexicans took over the drug trade, RICO killed omertà, and smartphones killed their ability to beat consistent protection money out of the local laundrymat owner.

They're not all dead or in prison, but the glory days are long gone and won't be coming back.

yep just realized as soon as i posted lol my bad
was very confused at a dixie- american mafia connection (outside of new orleans maybe)


>Jewish mafia

They are more into illegal organ and human trafficking now

good partner with terrorist because arms trafficking

oh forgot

russian mafia also more into cracking and scamming

>Jewish mafia, Russian
alot of overlap

Don't they control all of Naples trash collection?

No it's because they don't have the same power and cultural capital that the native mafia have in southern Italy that was accumulated over god knows how long.

>I have to say the Italians did a better job.

Lol no Italian OC's were pure cancer when they were around but unlike your cases they aren't recent. The shit they do is not as visible and not blatant and only can be seen when shit's finished where everything ends up a mess. They also bullied many immigrants heavily in America into supporting them or accepting them.