Why is suicide bad?
Why is suicide bad?
Because we need you alive to slave away at work
It's murder.
It doesn't truly end the pain.
> le destruction of government property
Objectiviely speaking, it is not.
It hurts those who love you. Would you kill your mother's child?
violation of the categorical imperative
i was an accident and my parents threw me out at 18 and haven't returned my calls since
Where does the drastic difference in views on suicide come from when comparing eastern to western culture?
>they haven't taken the suicide pill yet
Temporary problem, permanent solution.
Not that it's bad in *every* situation, but like any form of murder, it's generally more destructive than constructive, introducing trauma throughout a community and wasting potential.
Less tax revenue for the state.
>tfw suicide is a sin
Why can't God make it easy?
Harms your future self
Religions of Abraham.
Some people have a shitty life and I'm sorry for you.
But in case you ever have someone's dear to you(wife, friends, child, ect) and they love you.
Would you want them to kill themselves?
>Implying the west has no concept of honorable death and noble sacrifice.
The difference isn't exactly "drastic". Guyana has the #1 suicide rate in the world, and Lithuania #4, neither being exactly "eastern culture". Japan and (majority Christian) South Korea are notorious for it (the latter deservedly), but they are also just about the only "eastern culture" nations in the top 50, and South Korea is the only such nation with more than double the USA's suicide rate.
I don't really care. Is that bad?
How about their feelings when you kill yourselves?
>South Korea
>majority Christian
The nation with the #1 highest suicide rate in the world is 52% Christian, and the #2 is 33% Christian.
Though I suppose the five nations with the lowest suicide rate all being majority Muslim might give more weight to that, particularly given the state of some of them.
Among declared formal religious affiliation, yes, Christians do make the majority of Korea's religious, seconded by Buddhists. Sindo is probably about as popular as either, but has no formal declaration or organization.
Suicide was bad in the western culture way before religions of abraham.
I dont really know if that was the general consensus back then but i remember socrates saying that it wasnt just "bad" it was something ignorant people would do, anyone who knows how important is their lives wouldnt kill themselves, so the gov should watch out for those ignorants
If you kill yourself and not your enemies you leave distasteful beings in lieu of tasteful ones
Who the fuck cares when you're dead though
If you came into life inexplicably, seemingly without any action on your part, what makes you think it won't happen again?
It's too much work desu
Potentially made up for in estate taxes.
I don’t understand this selfish-argument. Does it not go both ways? Surely if person x requires another person y to keep on living, even if this person y goes through mental hell every waking second, just so that person x shouldn’t have to deal with the inconvenience of mourning – then person x would be more selfish than someone who commits suicide? Or if not more selfish, at least he’d be just as selfish?
I dunno why all you damn sith have to deal in absolutes...
I mean, if you're old and suffering from stage 4 cancer or some such, by all means, off yourself. Yes, at that point, it is actually selfish for your family to force your inevitably doomed ass to stick around through that suffering and make you fight for every inch of your miserable remaining time. I mean, if that's what you *want* to do, fine, but otherwise...
If, on the other hand, you're a young daddy with multiple children, and suffering from some terminal depression cuz mum died and you've been on a bender for the past three days, then no, that ain't right. You've got dependants and the bulk of that pain is temporary, however deep it may cut.
There's so many stupid debates we have like this simply because everyone wants an answer based on absolute black and white principle that applies to each and every situation, rather than one that adapts to the subjective gray scale reality we live in. Quit trying to use the same screw driver for every damned screw - ya just keep stripping heads, and my bottle of EZ Grip friction drops is just about empty.
other than the obvious things, like traumatising people close to you, commiting what is basicaly a destructive and violent act and eliminating yourselffrom the labor pool, consumer base and constituency, its seen as bad because it seriously offends people
people literaly find it highly offensive, even the mention of it can get some people mad, sort of how selfharm often provokes agressive feels from those around
its probably something instinctive, as well as subconsciously unsetling because of the implicit rejection and negaton of life, value of life or any value at all
It's bad because life can be good, and you can make your life good.
That said, it isn't "wrong" to do it. You need to differentiate between Good/Evil, Good/Bad, Right/Wrong.
It isn't. But it would verify, and solidify, any claim that you were a pussy during life.