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ITT:Documetaries that you must watch
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Is there a version with English subtitles anywhere?
Ken Burns Civil War series
>pack of biased fairy tales
None. Documentaries are reductivist pleb shit like Children's encyclopedias.
America is a corporate fascist terrorist nation and most people don't even know it.
fake detected :) Try harder polland ball
Wow, it's fucking shit
>gnome chumpsky
>coward sin
>mostly focuses on countering the soviet union who were at least just as evil as the US if not more being a despotism
How is it shit? Many of the things shown in this video is true. The United States is responsible for causing a lot of misery in the world.
As are most nations, The U.S. committed no more atrocities than any other nation that ever existed on average. The communist bloc and Nazi Germany were far worse when compared to the average nation, I don't think the U.S. is directly responsible for killing 10-12 million people in the span of a decade, nor do I think it is directly responsible for the deaths of 56 to 62 million deaths (this includes wartime deaths) in the span of less than 50 years. The documentary seems to equate the inequalities and the misery of both nations being around the same. First, I would rather live as a southern Black during Jim Crow than as anybody in the communist block for the whole of it's existence.
Watch the documentary, then read "The Gulag Archipelago" and if you still think the documentary is not biased or still has at least one foot in reality, then go fuck yourself and stop posting this bait.
The documentary is about the United States not the Soviet Union, you idiot. No one is denying communist atrocities. Oh the Soviet Union supposedly killed 10-12 million people of its own people, that completely justifies the United States overthrowing democratically elected governments and installing fascist dictatorships.
triggered LARPers detected
> Soviet Union supposedly killed 10-12 million people of its own people
56 to 62 million, with 34 to 49 million directly linked to Stalin and his administration (according to I.G. Dyadkin's "Unnatural Deaths in the U.S.S.R.: 1928-1954". just if you were wondering where I got the numbers from). where did you get yours? I would like to see them, it sounds like a very conservative estimate by common conception, perhaps we a judging it by a different standard?
I was stating those figures to contrast it to the efforts of some to equate the actions of the U.S. to those of the U.S.S.R as equally horrible, which I seem to be getting from this documentary. I have no doubt that the U.S. has done some fucked up things in the the realm of foreign policy as a means of curtailing the spread of communism, but to equate the actions of both as equally terrible is ridiculous.
The Roman Holocaust, simply because it's one of the best attempts to look at Carthaginian civilisation in cinematic form that we have. Pretty biased towards the Carthaginians, but what ensued was more or less a holocaust.
"How gay is Pakistan": Mawaan Rizwan
revisiting his home land to give us a both terrifying and fascinating view of the LGBT life in Pakistan.
On a similar note, Vice's "Young and gay:Jamaica's gully queens" youtube.com
I dunno, I'd rather be one of Stalin's brother in laws, you know? Like, he'll give me a easy well paying job so his sister stops bugging him, but he won't be mad at me because we barely know eachother.
Terry Jone's "Medieval lives" was pretty good, but made a few mistakes, especially in the one about women.
His "Crusades" and "The Story of 1" were also pretty good, though I think the crusades documentary had a bit of a Saladin leaning bias and failed to cite the numerous attacks and expansion efforts made on Christendom (mainland Europe) before the crusades.
this one is pretty good too
Tsars and Revolutions
this biographical documentary on Lenin is really good too, though the opening is freakishly biased though, It is well written and is well narrated.
I would rather not be one of Stalin's relatives in my opinion.
the relatives of dictators tend to have a really bad time of it, though some of them enjoy good lives (though usually at the expense of the citizenry).
Mandatory watch
This is an interesting documentary on how the Roman war machine functioned at its peak.
I'm watching Ken Burns "The Roosevelts" documentary as we speak. Maximum comfy desu, why is the 1880's-1910's so nice? I'm a fan of Roman history above all else.
Saved. Even demon cats think that retarded
No more WW2 documentaries please. There's way too many.
For those looking for something more modern, here's a doc about cannibal warlords in Liberia: