When will it start to be acceptable for anthropologists to be autistic like this again?
You know we all want it.
When will it start to be acceptable for anthropologists to be autistic like this again?
You know we all want it.
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Some years back there used to be a lot of forums dedicated to physical anthropology and classification.
That meme faded I think.
Apricity used to be a White prider forum but then the owner realized he likes non-White women and Turkish culture too much for that.
I'm talking about ForumBiodiversity in it's early days and the original ABF which was the predecessor of it.
They used to be filled with people obsessed with physical anthropology.
I don't really see that happening. It'd require a pretty much complete 180 in political trends within academia. There'll always be autists who don't give a fuck and say what they want but they'll never get anywhere unless something changes.
All and I mean ALL anthrotard forums eventually become /int/ tier shitholes where various numales and LARPers end up calling each other subhuman and non-white, there is literally zero science and normal discussion in there.
Also all of them feature that morbidly obese Serbian gypsy with severe autism for some reason.
Why can't we just look at pictures of different groups of people, autistically classify them, while leaving all the mustard race stuff at the door?
Is it the Australians? They ruin everything don't they?
I don't think it will be. Genetics has changed everything so there is no need to rely on phrenology-style classification schemes that bear a risk of confusing inherent differences with individual variation or enviromental causes.
its still live and well in asia, nothing serious though its just ''this country/ethnicity have this specific kind of face'', ''this physical feature has quality of typical...'' that sort of stuff, with some mention of sub race groups and its on everyday forum
This. Genetics made anthro classification completely obsolete, we no longer need to classify people by arbitrary autistic shit like concave nose and occiput protrusion when we can completely analyze their genetic ancestry.
I mean you have to realize how outdated and stupid detailed phenotypical classification is when it's been proven a cranial capacity can significantly increase over 100 years just with proper nutrition, without any foreign racial admixture.
So yeah it's genetics or bust.
What do genes have to do with it?
Different groups of people have different phenotypes that you can make stereotypes about, it's not good or bad, living in a world that is constantly praising human diversity and then turning around and treating humanity as one interchangeable faceless blob is...Boring.
never, though Veeky Forums is definitely trying really really hard
...or we could not waste valuable resources and use much more accurate tools such as genetics, instead of trying to appease people that can't let go of their obsolete theories like phrenology.
It's dead, Jim. And for good reason.
You keep invoking phrenology and I don't see why, taking note of different groups of people have differing frequencies of aquiline noses or recessed chins has little to do with phrenology.
desu, genetics alone would only tell you "dark skinned"+"curly hair"+"wide noses"
a photographic archive would still be nice to have around to see how those marker go on to become a real person
will racist retards try to hitch a ride for their ideology (which is not only about the differences between ethnic groups but a clear set of actions about how to keep them at bay of society)? Yes, they totally will. But proper academics will benefit from it and it will be great for preserving the cultural heritage of people who are going to become modernized (and thus will have their cultures change dramatically) during this century
What do you think of genetically modifying humans? It could present greater dilemmas than eugenics if someone literally is genetically superior.
A world like star trek with ferengi and klingons would be fun but if it isn't true then it is basically cosplaying. There are enough memes and spooks as it is. It is better to introspect, figure out why you are so interested in phenotypology and try to transplant this passion onto something real.
What exactly is it that you want?
That scientists make data on it? I'm pretty sure that more data is the last thing we need here. The Digital Age has delivered us literally billions of images and who knows how many other datapoints of humans for you to admire.
That they analyze it? I'm pretty sure that you'll find some related journal, if you look hard enough. For example, in fields that research face recognition, or pretty much anything else that is tied to both Big Data and fotos of you.
>. It is better to introspect, figure out why you are so interested in phenotypology and try to transplant this passion onto something real.
Phenotypical diversity is real as day.
I like appreciating the myriad of differing phenotypes humanity has to offer and grouping them into specific geographical origins. Nothing wrong with that.
i only posted and was not part of the original thread, i cannot answer for OP
but I think photographic, maybe even 3D scanning of humans from around the globe would be neat and allow us to produce better dioramas and documentaries than "generic slavic people" "generic black people" etc it would be nice for people in the future to see in a history class what the people of say, Guyana, actually looked like instead of "artist rendition of what guyanans looked like"
i can settle for the photo archive, since anthropology is too underfunded for anything else
The irony is that bringing back shit like this would do more to deconstruct classic "muh three great races chinks niggers and honkies" then it would to reaffirm it. Human ethno diversity is a spectrum.
You can do that if you want, but it will be difficult to reach any firm conclusions.
>Want to become an anthropologists
>Don`t want to be political correct
What do?
if you are this autistic you might as well find a perfectly useless hobby in the ancient literature instead of just depending on forums like Skadi or users like Agrippa
most recent additions to my massive collection: these archive.org
This is from when science was actual science.
So long as it's not used for racist and discriminatory purposes, OK.
color is a spectrum too, but you can still clearly see when red is red and when yellow is yellow.
>want to go into a science
>can't avow it because it apparently has an inherently liberal bias for not pandering to your stupid worldview
you should kys
>North Atlantid
>Gracile Mediterranid
>East Mediterranid
Would bang.
And some people say cucumbers taste better pickled
never, halplogroups and genetic sequencing replaced morphological autismic classifications
Can you appreciate architecture by looking at nothing but the floor plan?
are you trying to say scientists "appreciate" instead of study?
Grouping everybody into haploshits and then calling it a day detracts from the spirit of Anthropology IE studying different groups of people and everything that makes them unique.
Not him, but, maybe when the genes are fully deciphered, that is, when we know which gene prognathes the mouth a certain way, or which gene makes a Dinaric chin.
Maybe then you can fuse both disciplines together, actual it makes sense to provide illustrations next to certain genes. So I would say it is a practicality that it will be resurrected in some form, or another as an accompaniment to gene analysis.