>we must empower women, blacks, homosexuals and trannies to destroy capitalism
>half a century later companies have gay pride coffee cups to show how progressive they are
So how do we destroy capitalism for real?
We must empower women, blacks, homosexuals and trannies to destroy capitalism
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't
Fuck off /leftypol/ and get the fuck off my moderate board
It sort of worked with women, but instead of just capitalism they managed to fuck up the entire civilization
what kind of pepe is this? can I save it?
I don't know, but it looks cool and that's why I saved it from Google Images.
It's probably a very common Pepe so I don't see why not, even if you are a capitalist hater
one punch man
Capitalism is indestructible because it's rooted so deeply in human desires, not even countries who called themselves communist practiced communism
>t. lolbert
>capitalism is human nature even though it exists only for the last 200 years
>everyone who dislikes capitalism is a socialist/communist
How to spot the lolbergtardian
t. State worshipers
>i dont know what capitalism is
You want shit right? food? water?
why do you deserve it? are you valuable or will you perish like a dog?
All we've done is refine this base idea. Its not >muh pig capitalistz' fault that you're worthless.
Launch the revolution where the class conflict is more visible, like Bangladesh. And then go for a crusade.
This isn't leftypol, fuck off
class identity is a meme
Class is not an identity. If I say that I'm a capitalist, this would be a lie, since I don't own means of production or a share of some company.
>Bangladesh conquering other nations
You own means of production(whatever device youre typing this on) but you just dont have the skillset to utilize it. Everyone owns means of production they're just too fucking thick to see whats right in front of them. What separates you, and everyone else from wealthy businessmen is they have realized skillsets and utilized them while you thumb type your response in a house with electricity and probably a car in the garage. all these means but you(aka laborers) are too fucking stupid to use it efficiently more often than not. at least now we can let those who aren't fucking dense rise up
Simply maintaining a farm requires hard manual work across the whole year. This is bullshit
It has enough power to conquer Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. And with the recruits from there it's possible to go for some larger country.
And I meant that there can be many countries to wage revolution in, like in 1848
>Laos, Thailand etc
Those are literal whos who are half step above niggers if even that.
>he doesn't know what the means of production actually mean
And so what?
They're easy targets for propaganda and they have nothing to lose.
When did you grow out of being an edgy contrarian communism fan?
For me it was about 19 or 20.
>capitalism is human nature even though it exists only for the last 200 years
Interestingly enough though, the underlying structure that allows capitalism to exist is clearly human nature, unless you think social status, social hierarchy, and domination are social constructs(And even if they are, you got to explain where they come from without a reduction to nature).
And they won't conquer shit because they have the intellectual and technological prowess of Shaka Zulu
But capitalism is outright destroying things like natural hierarchies and replaces them with jew shit like meritocracy.
>unless you think social status, social hierarchy, and domination are social constructs(And even if they are, you got to explain where they come from without a reduction to nature).
They are determined by a society's respective mode of production which informs these social relations.
Yeah but a natural hierarchy makes your life nasty, brutish and short.
>They are determined by a society's respective mode of production which informs these social relations.
So the dominance-hierarchy of chimpanzees is based on how many fruit trees are in a given area?
Mercantilism is the only way
The only force powerful enough to destroy capitalism is religion.
Unite Christianity and Islam against capitalism. Remind them that usury is a sin and that capitalism relies on usury. Sic the believers on the nonbelievers and knuckle the atheists under through sheer fervor. Ban lending money at interest and watch the entire global economy starve and die.
Just as russian peasants, who were 85% of the Empire's population.
South east asian here, communism is a dead meme here
I haven't read enough about chimpanzee social relations to have any kind of educated opinion on the matter. I'd guess they're similar enough to early man that one could provide a Marxist analysis of them.
Anyways all I was doing was providing Marx's response as it was not a topic he hadn't addressed. I'm pretty sure its the first thing he covers in the Poverty of Philosophy.
Capitalism cannot function without a state.
This. All this ancap idea is invented by people who don't know shit about the genesis of state and capitalism.
The point I was trying to make is that to believe that early man lived in some kind of egalitarian utopia without social hierarchy and domination, is pure ideology.
Marx, and plenty of other people who have no business delving into anthropology actually believe that, and the reason they do is because of Rousseau.
>mfw marxist academics are now considering refugees as the force with which to overthrow capitalism
They really need to stop with their "who will be our revolutionary force now?"
So-called "marxist" academics are mostly not even marxist.
Russians are actually rather smart compared to Laotians who are monkey tier.
I'm not referring to the shitlib identity politics roaming around campus.
I'm referring to actual orthodox marxists, the old school ones.
Zizek mentioned them in one of his lectures, those who now think waves of refugees will bring about the overthrow of capitalism.
but user, why would you want to overthrow the greatest good for humanity in history
how exactly do you mean to get shit done without using capitalism?
I mean, do you want currency abolished and shit?
I concider myself a kind of a marxist and I don't agree.
Refugees are definitely not a revolutionary group and hoping for some group of foregners, who "would come and silently fix everything " is stupid.
Communism is doomed to fail because incentives matter
Human nature is literally a viable argument
This is some retard tier reading comprehension
why dont we just embrace UBI, distributism, dole out abortions and contraceptives by the billions and slowly wait for our future Star trek utopia
no autistic Marxists and libretardians want to fight a war of annihilation because 19th century ideological purity
>Marxists and libretardians
>Fight a war
Wow like 3 people
Unexplained Beer Injury?
Also a XIX centrury idea
Literally has never been tri
No one cares about your shitty ideology with like 2 followers. It was and forever will be irrelevant
Islam. Either capitalism destroys islam, or islam destroys capitalism. Whoever wins, we lose.
>being critical of capitalism is communism
I guess Trump is a bolshie, then. To the voluntarily-funded, stateless gulags with him.
>I never heard of it therefore it's shit neener neener
Many people on here are feudalists m8, reactionaries are attracted to Veeky Forums like flies to shit.
Yeah pretty much. If its' ideas and values had any merit it would actually have a substantial following
But that's wrong?
Serfs literally had vacation time out the ass you retard.
Literally trying to cope with having worse working conditions than illiterate peasants.
Daily reminder that anime wouldn't exist under socialism
I recall reading interviews with antebellum southern planters who said slavery was more humane than wage slavery (industrial capitalism), always thought it's bullshit but there probably is something to it.
Doubt it.
There is a difference between
>Work on the Lords farm, only have to pay taxes in the form of produce but after that you only work as much as you want food.
>Work on Masters farm, he can force you to work from sunup to sundown every single day if he really wanted to.
Black slaves typically had one or two days a week off when they just roamed around a town and partied. Yeah it was worse than serfdom especially because they were tearing families apart but still probably better than our modern idea of it.
Good, it's for right wing creeps.
>it's better to be a subsistence farmer than a US worker
Cracking me up t b h
>Black slaves typically had one or two days a week off when they just roamed around a town and partied.
Sounds nice but how many hours did they work?
How often were they arbitrarily subjected to punishment just to set an example?
How often were they raped?
Would you like a job that you have no freedom, boss can slap you around, and can rape you and your wife at any time he feels like but hey at least you get free food and board.
>The only choices are subsistence farming or working 40+ hours/week and no vacation time.
Okay, amerifat. Hows that puritan dogma working out for you?
In Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama slavery was nightmarish. "Sold down the river" comes from when a slave from a border state would be literally sold down the Miss to the Deep South.
Slaves were treated better in the border states because the risk/reward of trying to escape would be far too great if they were treated too badly.
Non wage benefits have increased dramatically in America so probs not aye
Well the life in Mississippi is bad even for whites that place is a shithole to end all shitholes.
Speaking of escape, how does the fugitive slave act even work?
That shit was pre-internet, pre-telephone, pre-raidio, pre-photophrohpy.
What the fuck did they even do?
Just kidnap random freed blacks and say "hey, that's my slave!"? It's not like you'll have any concrete proof either way other than skin color.
Barcodes maybe?
Actually googling it it's just as bad as I said.
Literally could randomly accuse any black person of being an escaped slave and they had no rights that would let them fight the accusation.
Fucking southerners.
>Just kidnap random freed blacks and say "hey, that's my slave!"
That was an enormous argument by the North against the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
we need a healthy dose of brocialism
make the far left chauvinist again
But Islam supports free market and low taxes
>Work on the Lords farm, only have to pay taxes in the form of produce but after that you only work as much as you want food.
This is farming in a nutshell. You reap what you sow. People don't understand this for some reason.
>work hard for a life time
>Wife get cancer, have to pay medical bills
>She dies
>No money, one son
>House get evicted
>Live in a car
>Son goes to school
>No money for let him study
>Same thing as
>Hollywood star son
Capitalism is playing a rigged game. You are right when you say you must do things to earn things. What people ask is just the same possibility
I see no reason why this can't be eased/helped under a capitalist system. Specifically because it is already helped under a capitalist system, you fucking nonce
>I see no reason why this can't be eased/helped under a capitalist system.
Perhaps if liberalism didn't produce such a sense of alienation than the community could support people down on their luck.
Nigga you are fucking retarded. Everything you just listed is helped/aided under a capitalist system. What the fuck is going to happen under anything anti-capitalist? "Oh sorry to hear about your wife bill you can have 5 of my labour vouchers that totally isn't organised under a government"
It's that, or what? Everyone just gets on with their life and resources and the labour market are magically distributed sufficiently? Incentives matter you fucking reactionary scum. There's a reason why Cuban doctors are becoming taxi drivers and hotel staff to earn a living
There's a trade embargo on Cuba. The economy is gonna stagnate regardless of what the cubans do.
I'm a different poster than the one you were talking to. I was making the point that if we lived in high-trust societies with solidarity communities would help one another out. We don't though, and a mad rush to brain drain the third world asap is seen as "competitive and acceptical."
>The point I was trying to make is that to believe that early man lived in some kind of egalitarian utopia without social hierarchy and domination, is pure ideology
Marx didn't believe it was a "utopia" (and that's not getting into the whole argument of Marx's opposition to "utopianism").
He only described it as a primitive style of communism in that there was no state or classes (i.e. an administrative body that serves the class interests of one class over another and a set series of social relations determined by one's relationship to the means of production).
This wasn't the end goal or anything. Read Marx.