>all great leaders of the past were bullies
All great leaders of the past were bullies
Napoleon got bullied in military school for his bad Corsican French and for being poor
most of them were resentful betas who got bullied early on in life but managed to grow out of it
/r9k/ could learn something from them
They get into power for a reason.
He showed them at their reunion
>Napoleon carried around a copy of The Sorrows of Young Werther and would've liked Tatami Galaxy
>Hitler devoured Wagner's opera and cowboy novels and would've written his own epic mlp fanfictions and hated Twilicorn
>Alexander slept with a copy of the Iliad under his pillow and would've liked powerlevel shit like Fate/stay night and A Certain Magical Index
>Tiberius enjoyed reenacting erotic scenes from Greek mythology and would've scanlated doujins
>Winston Churchill enjoyed dressing up in a gorilla suit and would've been a top tier furry artist
>Tesla feel in love with a penguin and would've liked monster girls
I just LOVE history!
Don't mind me, just being a decent man stuck into a most complicated situation and just doing what I think best to live up to my ideals amd in the process stiching together a future superpower.
>tfw you never got over Twilicorn
My life ended with Season 3.
MMC marked the death of mankind's innocence. It also turned me from a Rarifag into fan of the fandom Twifag.
Frederick the Great got bullied for being a GAY by his dad.
(more like completely abused to a degree beyond comprehension, he executed his best friend and possible lover in front of him at one point)
Protip: back then liking interesting stuff or fiction wasn't considered nerdy and embarassing. We got to the point that liking anything other than sports, sex and parties is called nerdy (although nowadays it's done in a more positive way).
Btw that also means that all these leaders weren't some social outcast with low self confidence (well, apart from Tesla who was a legit autist). The Iliad for example was the closest thing thr Greeks had to the Bible. Upper class Greeks basically had to know it, it was referenced everywhere in culture.
History wasn't the shitty murrican high school you used to go to.
Should've just killed the brat and saved European civilisation.
Lighten up bud.
>The Iliad for example was the closest thing thr Greeks had to the Bible. Upper class Greeks basically had to know it, it was referenced everywhere in culture.
This is literally quoted from a lindybeige video.
>tfw finally starting to recognize most of the anime pics I see
Am I a true weeb now?
>states want to secede
>bully them back into the Union
Of course OP. Political questions can only be answered with blood and iron.
Yes, they were. All conquerors are the same if they are arrogant and don't fear God. It is astonishing that people glorify these great destroyers, mass-murderers, even more than great creators or thinkers in history.
Men and Pride go hand in hand. And destruction.
>if they are arrogant and don't fear God
>but not MY guys, my guys are different
>recognising k-on
no, you're patrician
>start a fight
>bitch out
>claim bullying
Never change, Southerners.
>Men and Pride go hand in hand. And destruction.
Exactly this. And people say feminists don't have a point that men are the cause of all societal ills.
There didn't have to be a fight if the federal govt. had let them peacefully secede.
Mr.Pot got bullied when he studied in France due to his shitty grades, poor enough he couldn't finish his studies.
And? He's /ourguy/
Fort Sumter was Federal property that South Carolina sold around thirty years before Dixie freaked out. We should have hung Davis but Johnson was too forgiving.
doesn't make it any less true though
Most of them were misfits, one way or another,
No user, some great leaders were bullied.
If they fear God they wouldn't treat other people as beneath them, like how those conquerors cruelly subjugated others. Hence, why Christ is the only real King in this world, and why every kingship on earth should emulate Him.
Ironically, feminists are now the new prideful Man, because of their (wo-)man-made ideology (not from God). It is useless if you have a female body and espousing those "feminist" views, but still act the same as those God-abandoning "great" men in the past. Just look at those female politicians who are there because of gender quotas, which is basically kings/nobles' privileges in modern era.