Childhood is when you idolise the American Revolution. Adulthood is realising the British Empire was more reasonable and in the right over the issue of taxation.
Childhood is when you idolise the American Revolution...
Wasn't the tariff % in the single-digits for most things?
Yep. Better yet, there were just as many loyalists as there were revolutionaries.
Britain was legitimately in the right here.
The Americans came off as entitled whiners, t b h.
I cant help but feel that refusing to pay the taxes asked was a dick move considering the British had fought an expensive war with the French in North America which protected the Thirteen States.
I wish that America could have federated peacefully and without bloodshed like Canada and Australia did, but history is history and there is lots of things that I wish had never happened, but we cannot change.
*Thirteen colonies sorry, Im drunk!
Not much has really changed then
Childhood is when you idolize [insert something normal]
Adulthood is when you idolize [insert something reactionary and absurd]
>bunch of slave owners rebel against brits because their policies were hurting their profit margin
>the founding fathers were the greatest men of their era
>bunch of slave owners rebel against the federal government because their policies were hurting their profit margin
>fucking treasonous confederate scum, they all should had killed
>violent revolution
are you french, per chance?
And then years later they put down rebels over the same taxes they fought against
>we just liberated ourselves and established a republic
>let's do nothing and let a small uprising cause this great republic to fall because of muh principles
Not the same user, but it does make the Norths actions hypocritical
North won therefore they're right.
It was the Whiskey Rebellion
Oh sorry, I thought we were talking about the Civil War, I dun goofd.
I'll show myself out.
No problem, the Whiskey Rebellion is often forgotten
Indeed, I'd not heard of it before now, but I'm not American so that partially explains my ignorance.
Thanks for the new link I can read :)
when you save your colonies from the french by spending all of your damn money in the 7 years war and then they chimp out over fucking minor taxes on tea
>spending all of your damn money
dumb chimps don't know how to balance budgets? kek
balanced budgets are irrelevant
t. MMT
>or how far life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness may be said to be unalienable; only I could wish to ask the Delegates of Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas, how their Constituents justify the depriving more than an hundred thousand Africans of their rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and in some degree to their lives, if these rights are so absolutely unalienable
Has anyone ever been BTFOd more elegantly than this?
All they had to do was give us representatives and none of it would have happened. Growing up is realizing the British are too far up their own collective ass to govern which is why they lose all their colonies.
The right of wealthy landowners to not be taxed w/o representation was considered such a fundamental part of those landowners' rights as free Englishmen that I can't see how you'd consider it totally unreasonable that they'd eventually decide to lead a revolt. I mean they had fought a civil war a century before over much the same issue.
The taxation would've been fine if they had just given us some damn representation. Britain wanted to be able to treat the colonists financially like British citizens, without actually having to give them any of the benefits.
Though really the fault just lies in the Tory party's autistic paranoia about the colonies after the seven years war. The Whigs had been content to not rock the boat when they were in power, and up until Tory policies started being passed, the colonists were totally fine.
The representation wouldn't have changed much though. Even assuming every representative sent from the colonies voted against the taxes they wouldn't have had enough votes. Also it's not like they'd have been able to sway the Tories. There still probably would have been a rebellion. Just without that taxation without representation propaganda line.
>american revolution was about taxes
Some of the taxes, such as the stamp act, were deliberately written to suppress colonial development. Had the Brits had their way, the colony would have become a glorified Banana Republic.
Had they actually allowed the proper representation in Parliament that we requested, a lot of this nonesense could have been avoid.
King George fucked up what would have been the greatest investment for an Empire in history, and so he can eat a dick :^)
>Had they actually allowed the proper representation in Parliament that we requested, a lot of this nonesense could have been avoid.
Except they did offer them representation half way in, and they rejected it. Hence why arnold switched sides.