M00N General #1 - Breaking the 3 Sat Wall Edition

Hey Veeky Forums listen up, I've got something to tell you. Right now the 3 sat sell wall is at 2.51 btc

The Moon Coin community is only growing in numbers and ever since it's been added on the ccex exchange it's only been going in on direction, up.

Remember how everyone made fun of RDD and its bagholders? Well look at it now, easily over 100 sats and showing no signs of stopping. Anyone who's thrown away an easy $1,000 into RDD and bought at 1 sat and held onto it easily has over $100k right now.

Right now, MOON is facing a similar trend to it, it's been pumped and dumped and yet despite that, it's actually fucking growing...Exactly like RDD has.

Do you really want to miss this next Moon mission?

Now join the rest of us at discord.gg/xkC6Gjc

We're a growing community and even though I've personally only been there for a few days, I can already see the potential and I can see the drive that the people have to really get Moon coin going.

And for anyone interested, these are the positions that we're looking to get filled:

1. Graphic designers
2. Video producers
3. Development contributers
4. PR agents
5. Sales executives
6. Merchandisers
7. Social media page/community managers
8. Web designers
9. Translators

Or if you want, you don't even have to fill a position, just having your presence and support is more than enough to really give MOON what it needs to travel to the moon and beyond.

Hey guess what? The Sell wall is now 1.98 btc..that's the sound of people desperately trying to get into MOON before it truly starts rocketing.

Other urls found in this thread:



i bought 2 days ago for 2 sat and already sold 50% at 4 sat (on c-cex), thus made my initial back.

Now im hodling for the launch.

If I would've followed your advice and taken no risk I would have been worse off.

I bought 8.2 million at 1 sat, and now I'm seeing 200% gains about to become 300% gains.

I'm sure that someone said the same thing to the guy who advertised RDD in the beginning and now that motherfucker who shilled RDD is driving a lambo right now as we speak.

Don't you want to be part of lamboland like that guy?

High risk high reward. I bought 3 Million, money i could care to lose. I just dont want to feel like an idiot if it really takes off.

Also, lurking the moon discord and seeing live how mooncoin won the c-cex won convinced me.

Moon has great potential, its soo great that people either love it or hate it. How can anyone hate a coin called moon?

want a coin that actually have value and is still very cheap?
check out RDD

Sell wall is about to be below 1 btc.

I was skeptical about this coin but it's really fucking happening.

All these people saying "kys" that's fine. Miss the train, you're going to want to kys when you see it blow up and you missed the chance just because Veeky Forums said it was a scam.

Do your own research, they are actually turning this coin around.

Its a zombie coin, so not only is their risk involved, there is triple risk involved.