Small Starting Amount

I've only got around 50$ on this wild ride. Reckon i can make it? Any tips?

steal your mom's credit card or somethin, you aint makin shit with that nigga

>261% Gain
>48 dollars
Jesus fucking christ OP

How the fuck are you this poor? How old are you?

Started with 95 cad yesterday

We're all going to be driving lambos soon

Madgainz yo

I started with £60 this time last year.
By new year I was at £100.
March I moved from ETH/BTC to Altcoins.

Now I'm around £400-500.

Its not a lot by any means but its a nice little ROI. I've made so so many bad decisions and trades. Don't be disheartened when you sell and something moons or buy and it falls.
Every so often you'll catch a little pump and go up, or you'll catch a dip and lose out.

Its all a big game, user.

I am 12 and what is this

Am I doing right?

Ignore the percent change, I added my holdings yesterday.

Not poor at all, just started learning and thought i'd test drive this whole thing with a small amount to learn the ropes.

you could have at least test drove with a couple hundred bucks.

I hope you don't intend on hoping xby long.

I think i got the hang of it now but from all the charts i look at seems like all the coins have mooned around the same time. Is this a recurring cycle or just happens once per coin? I mean a big jump from like 10 sats to 170. Seems like i missed all the big jumps

yes lad, love the XBY/STRAT

it's not even on a decent exchange yet, selling now would be suicide

go big or go home brah, high risk high reward

Put the xrp into mooncoin.

Holy shit lol true believer

I started two weeks ago at $50 as well and now I'm at around $110.

The best tip is simply to buy low and HODL. Don't panic sell. It'll be worth a lot in good time.

I guess also find shit coins with a low sat value and buy a ton of them, and obviously when they're dirt cheap. It's easier for a coin to go from 2 sats to 10 sats than it is for a good coin to go from $2k to $10k.

But make sure to avoid shitcoins

Started with 1 ETH at 200, LTC at 23, and $45 BTC at $2,300. Didn't really plan on getting into alts but I moved that $45 BTC into DGB when it was 800 sats and made like $85 off of it. I dropped the coin though because it scared me. Now I'm here.

Leaf here
I always leave it in USD, that way I feel like I'm gonna be making that much more without even knowing it

quality banter from a leaf
i am surprised

I too got VOXXED

I started with $500 19 days ago. I now have ~$2400. Your growth will be slower, but if you are really fucking careful and smart about what advice you follow on biz and you learn to read graphs, exponential growth my dude.

Any advice on what to look for?

What site is that? Coingoys doesn't do it for me

I am just starting my 20th day of trading and already giving advice lmao. Well, I have rules for myself.
1. Buy low, sell high. Duh.
2. Never sell at a loss. In this market, everything has it's day. ONE exception is if you have to sell at a small loss to hop on a moon mission you are confident about, don't beat yourself up about it. I got VOXXED which was my worst trade. ($100 to $50), but I sold at a loss, put it in DGB, and... well you know what happened.
3. Take EVERYTHING on this board with a grain of salt. You will need to develop a keen sense of what is shilling/PnD shit and what is legitimate.
4. Have fun and don't stress about it.
I just put in a few long hodls. $400 in ARK, $700 in STRAT, and $750 in MNE. That was all yesterday. Value of my holdings went like this in the last 24 hours... ARK $542, STRAT $901, MNE $718. So total net gain of $420 ish in 24 hours. I also made a couple trades with only MNE that got me around $400 the other day. I wish they had livecoin on blockfolio. But apparently MNE will be added to another trade platform soon, that is what I am hodling for. Hope it all works out, user. We are all gonna make it :)

Don't let em get to ya kid.... built this city on $300

only one way OP....


ignore FOMO


How long you been doing this for? I started at about the same almost a month ago and I'm only up $200.

Another believer. Hey, I am not making those shitty threads that try to pump it because nervous fags here don't know how to just fucking HODL through a dip. Just telling him what I bought. Veeky Forums has given me so much, I just want to help this user out.

invest at least 5$ here ->


the only difference between starting with 500 vs 50 bucks is you're gonna have a little bit of a head start with 500. but with 50, you have less to lose. there's pros and cons to starting with a low vs high investment

Is it really that good of an ETH token

Total newfag question, but what app is this?


nevermind. I'm drunk and blind

>no sia

ya goofed

What did you invest in? Holy shit

Bought 200k RDD at 8sat. sold at 56 or something. I have like 8 pages of trades across three platforms now... My biggest gains were from DGB (337sat to 900sat yes I know I fucked up), MNE, and ETH growing naturally. I dabbled in SIA, BCN, got VOXXED like a newfag, traded GNT/ETH ratio for a while, and got ARK, STRAT, and MNE right now. Wish I had ETH but I have limited funds and I think this will be max gains. Those are the coins I remember. They have all changed though since I fucked with them. You just gotta be on biz constantly and know how to recognize a shill and a gem. Gotta time the market, unironically.

You gotta keep in mind though that if I am not sleeping, drinking with my friends (to forget crypto losses and block out regret of not buying into shit earlier), or at the gym, I am trading crypto. All fucking day. Every day. NO breaks. I am constantly on Veeky Forums and a few different exchanges at once. If I had started with 10k like my friend did, I would have over 100k no doubt. Anyways gotta go. Also pro tip: play csgo while you are waiting for a coin to hit your buy or sell order. takes your mind off the extreme stress.

Pick up Reddcoin before the moon mission.

Literally me. I'm destroying my current life to invest in my future, no different from what med students or ib analysts do in their early 20s do really

its different because you are a fucking faggot and have no future. you will have no children and no wife and you will end up broke when the crypto market suffers its first major collapse


spot the nocoiner

I see.. I've been holding mostly all my coins, hoping for big gains.

Always test the waters first, nice start.

started with 5$
now at 0.08 BTC
feels good
Waiting for a dip so i can invest in something again

Does every altcoin always rise in price eventually like BTC?

KEK. I ship to the Navy in 30 days where I will be a CTN. (Cryptologic technician: Networks) Literally top secret hacker. I will make bank anyways, I just want something that will grow while I am in training and shit and can't monitor it as much. Fucking nocoiners these days

I got a degree and career and shit niggaand I also got dem crypto gainz unlike you faggot

I love my cryptos. Spent about £5K total.

Tips: buy coins with genuinely novel tech, competent dev teams (not marketing bullshitters/kids) and most importantly hold for years and hold strong through dips. I've never panic sold; only sold when the coin was clearly dead with no further development. And Bitcoin > everything else.

Wow thats an impressive wallet, how many years have you been trading?

>dropped DBG because scared
>still owns XVG


How do you ensure security with such a large sum? Would 2fa be enough or do you need to write shit down on paper and lock in at a bank?

Since 2011. I firmly believe if anyone buying coins now also holds that long they'll make same or even greater gains.

My Bitcoin are split across a few paper wallets printed from a Linux livecd and hidden away. The rest are stupidly still on poloniex (yes with 2fa)

A few of those hardware wallets would probably be a better option for btc

Make way nerds

Check out swt

When you add coins to blockfolio it registers as a gain. Given that he is mostly in ripple which hasn't shot up like that, I don't think those are gains, but new money added to blockfolio.

>Started with 80k
>Not even double your money

Are there any new / underrated coins that you believe have similar potential to what you first invested in?