a. Pre-Established racist notions and racist culture
b. A lack of interaction and/or understanding with a particular culture/ethnicity
c.Muh memes
d. People's own bias created through own particular experience
e. All of the above
f. Fill in the blank as an immigrant, I will tell you, America is obsessed with race and my greater question is why?
Hunter Taylor
Americans had no culture or history of their own, so they ended up creating one.
Much like their fast food, their history is also made in the a jiffy and is pretty shit.
Eli Davis
Define racism
Liam Wright
perceived superiority and/or hatred over/towards certain cultures and/or ethnicities based solely on one's own history, life experience, or culture, I guess?
or perhaps believing not all humans are essentially equal and one group is worse
Kevin Murphy
Charles Hill
Christian Gray
>or perhaps believing not all humans are essentially equal and one group is worse
I have a problem with the way you worded that.
OK - at our most basic level, all humans share similar characteristics. That much is obvious. But if you go past that, there are different cultures, different customs, different haplogroups of people who evolved in different places under different conditions.
You're really going to throw all that out? It doesn't seem logical at all. I believe it is wrong to hate someone purely because they are different. However, once you get to know someone, or a particular group of people, and then decide that you don't like them, whats the problem there? Additionally, one can judge a group or a person by their actions, and if those actions are disagreeable to my way of life then there's no reason I should have to accept them. Tolerance, yes. Acceptance? No fucking way.
"Better" or "worse" are subjective to respective cultures, by and large. But I think most societies agree that cannibalism is wrong, so believing a cannibalistic group of people are worse than my own would be perfectly logical.
You said you're an immigrant in the US. Where are you from? I'm American too, how do you like it here?
Dylan Butler
Where does racism and ethnic hatred NOT exist?
This thread is dumb.
Andrew Reyes
>and my greater question is why?
Segregation and common bigotry wasn't reformed under a little over 50 years ago. There are people alive to this day that had to experience it. Thus it continues to echo strongly in the national consciousness, even with all the accomplishments we've made since then.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Nowadays there's no real racism in America, and in the Western world in general. The thing is, our prisons are filled with black people or sandniggers. These people tend to commit more crimes than others.
But when a black guy wakes up every morning, put on his suit and go to work to feed his family and pay his taxes, no one cares. He's like everyone else regardless of his skin color.
Daniel Martin
>Americans had no culture Google wild west.
Kayden Harris
Discrimation based on race >perceived superiority and/or hatred over/towards certain cultures and/or ethnicities based solely on one's own history, life experience, or culture, I guess? Your a fucking idiot.
Nathaniel Long
>yeehaw pardner is culture now
Caleb Moore
>But when a black guy wakes up every morning, put on his suit and go to work to feed his family and pay his taxes, no one cares.
Unfortunately, they tend to get lumped in with ones who are shitty. Black people need more positive mainstream role models.
James Anderson
I understand what your saying and I agree, cause I was thinking of that, just wasn't sure how to word it.
I'm from the land of the taco, its great here, things are better and shit, but I have a burning desire to make my homeland better cause its a shithole and I hate that its a shithole caused by all the rich rats in our government. I also became more nationalistic for Mexico as I interacted with multiple-generation mexican-americans who have no idea what it is like back there and cry for muh poor agricultural worker family and don't have any idea of the rampant urban poverty back home.
but here I can criticize government all I want and if I were to be killed or harmed in any way due to this there would be a public outcry, wheras back home you criticize something too much and you expose yourself to harms way. This (and lower prices for consumer products) is why I love this country, or political system is starting to turn into a joke tho.
Matthew Jones
It is a culture as a culture is any set of organized human behavior in an ethnic group you stupid fuck.
Colton Gray
>Your a fucking idiot
maybe, I've never liked the word race cause I've always thought race=species, race!=subspecies.
Hence I like ethnicity much more, cause we are all humans, and those humans of one ethnicity who choose to hate a different one = racists but really should be ethnicists.
Jack Ward
>f. Fill in the blank Niggers being niggers.
Alexander Rodriguez
xD nice one
Jackson Green
>muh cowboys shooting each other just like in john wayne movies is culture.
Christopher Walker
weren't a good chunk of cowboys just mexicans and blacks?
Andrew Phillips
people are instinctively clannish and race is just an extension of that. All things equal people prefer their own and are xeno-skeptic, it's just heuristics.
Asher Gonzalez
>Black people need more positive mainstream role models.
They do have a ton though if you bother to check and not just assume..
Lincoln Rivera
>Nowadays there's no real racism in America, and in the Western world in general.
Are you serious?
Zachary Jenkins
how about breed instead?
Austin Watson
Yeh but those people in film triggered people back then.
Mason Hughes
idk man, I think the black ethnicity sounds much more better than the black breed
like, breed is a term we use for animals, no need to anthropomorphize it
Charles Scott
it's also used to describe all organisms, I even hear it instead of strain from stoners.
Jonathan Baker
Kayden Kelly
I'm aware that there are, unfortunately I believe that the negative role models are far more ubiquitous and the current trend of anti-intellectualism really is damaging to their communities.
Hudson Cook
I appreciate your post, you seem like an honest Mexanon. Cartels and incompetent governments have really fucked Mexico up - I'm not sure how one can fix it other than by having a coup.
People tend to forget how good they have it, since its easier to focus on the bad than the good. To be sure, America has problems. Problems we need to address, and I'm not exactly confident in our current administration despite the hype. However, there are few other places I'd rather live - as flawed as it is its still pretty good compared to most other countries.
Matthew Nelson
YEAAA HAAAAW PARDNER [Banjo and chewing tobac intensified]
Ethan Murphy
Maybe b. But the issue is that ghetto black culture is not a culture to be admired. Real Americans only look at one's devotion to working hard to better the country you are in, to give your family what it needs to survive and thrive. America lately has benefited the immigrants who don't care to assimilate into that simple ideal, and even treats those of a darker skin better than those with white. If race shouldn't matter, why are whites being discriminated against nowadays?
Progressives claim to hold the sacred chalice that makes America the greatest country on Earth, when in reality they are spilling its contents in the dirt because they flaunt it with rabid passion.
Colton Reed
Thanks bro, I like to think I and my family have a pretty unique view on the world because we live on the border. I was born in a Mexican border town, was naturalized U.S. citizen as a baby, didn't move to the states until I was 7, and even then the border crossing was just 5 minutes away so we would go back and forth between countries on almost a daily basis to be able to enjoy the best of both worlds. This I think really lets me see whats good and bad of either place i.e. fuck burgers, real tacos are dope.
>I'm not exactly confident in our current administration despite the hype
for sure bro, a 25 billion USD wall is not the answer, hell that money would be much better spend by fixing the immigration bureaucracy and expanding la migra.
Gabriel Thomas
>by having a coup. Who would do it? Though my info may be sketchy I've heard that certain cartels have infiltrated the armed forced or at least made some type of deal with them.
Easton Sanchez
> I believe that the negative role models are far more ubiquitous
They aren't boy they just aren't obvious because they aren't known outside the black community and they aren't obvious. This reminds me about how Veeky Forums just "discovered" hoteps (long long after they appeared) and trying to paint and image of them being a common despite them being a total meme/joke in the black rl and internet communities.
>the current trend of anti-intellectualism really is damaging to their communities
Nigga anti-intellectualism has been a rampant thing in the U.S in all long time American communities. Also it's hard to do well in school when your schools are underfunded as fuck, poor and school districts in many cases engage in gerrmandering and in memetic cases REsegregation.
Jackson James
You are an idiot and addressed nothing that he said.
Gabriel Bell
f. Tool of the rich to keep poor white and poor black from uniting
Robert Reed
I like you user
Lucas Peterson
It's like when people" discover/dig up" old memes and use it out of context or don't know the meaning and proper usage let alone it's evolution and current views on it because they never were part of the community.
Hudson Richardson
it would have to come from so patriotic wing of the military willing to uphold the ideals of the 1917 constitution, unless the mexican people were to be armed which has always been the fear of the government, look up the "auto-defensas", the EZLN, or Cheran michoacan
Aiden Gutierrez
what old meme would this be?
Alexander Miller
How so.
Lincoln Watson
Who are these current positive black role models? The way I see it you have ro go back to mlk and such to find one. Every one that could be considered positive today seems like either a wealthy musician and/or a blatently racist 5%er type, black gods versus the white devils and such. And please don't suggest le negro science man because only white redditors care about him.
Henry Ramirez
What I mean to say is that he insists the image of blacks today (thugs who get shot) is a negative stereotype, and like someone else said here, that it doesn't matter when a black man puts on a suit to go to work so he can feed his family.
Kayden Brooks
Carter Williams
You basically just reinforced the negative stereotype when you said all this
Michael Edwards
You mean Spanish and later Mexican rancher culture adopted by Americans.
Andrew Jackson
Both a and b which are part of d. Also The human brain is structurally predisposed for reductive thought, categorizing objects(both physically and abstract) by means of similarity. This means we naturally see parts of systems as only members of groups defined by simularities between members but not defined by an individual parts' interactive function within its' system. This is clearly evidenced in our linguistic abilities. This quality, our capacity to interpret and communicate symbolic meaning is what enabled socio-ecological systems to emerge from ecological systems via our early ancestors. It's how humans made sense of the wild and became human. This carried on into our social system, humans seeing themselves as a member of their group. different tribes seeing eachother as different tribes and hating eachother, unable to understand the deeper level of connectedness everything shares as systems theory understands today. This is where racism comes from, now there are the self replicating qualities of social behavior as OP described but this is where they come from. So I argue that racism isn't just a social phenomenon but that it stems from an evolutionary anachronism for reductive thought, that is, it's an adaptation to a world that is long gone. An adaptation that destoryed the world it adapted to, now a maladaptation, but that's a topic for another time(we're all devo) There is hope, our brains are plastic and our knowledge is experiential, a holistic worldview can be learned. And if not, racism can be avoided by understanding the other groups.
Also, in America the proles tendency towards this kind of behavior has frequently been exploited by individuals and organizations to rise, and hold on to power. Divide and conquer The most recent example, trumps rise to power, Is a beautiful example.
Blake Carter
A history of apartheid and of slavery the scale of which few Western countries can compare to
Chase Miller
>cause we are all humans Oh shut the fuck up, humans are not exempt from biolgoical classification.
Dominic Wright
sure, but hence divide it by ethnicity
Jace Murphy
That's literally the origin of racism. Check out Bacon's Rebellion.
Adam Campbell
If people still live on Earth and we've colonized other places in the solar system by 2500 or whatever, Earth folk are going to collectively (read: current "cultural wastelands" like Nevada, Saskatchewan, and whatever the hell Antarctica becomes together with Sicily, Russia, Japan, etc.) be pompous cunts with "actual" culture because that'll be the new "Old World" with an "actual" history.