Imagine being one of the guys who whipped Jesus.
You're literally going to burn in eternal fire for just doing your job
Imagine being one of the guys who whipped Jesus
>This province is too hot.
>There's sand in my tunic again.
>I wish I was back in Caesarea.
>Haven't been able to piss since that Magdalene skank.
>Some homeless Galilean smashing up the Court of Gentiles. Looks like he's gonna be this year's Messiah claimant.
>Locals keep yelling racial slurs at me because it's fucking Passover.
>Thanks a lot, Pompey.
You wouldn't because when he dies your sins are cleared. If I was whipping him I wouldn't enjoy it, my tears would be flicking onto his back, but I'd be whipping hard to hasten the process.
Eh they killed a guy falsely claiming to be the messiah. My country probably does that at least twice a week minimum. Hell if God was mad at the Romans he sure didn't demonstrate it.
>imagine one of the guys who poured zyklon b into the gas chambers
>you're literally going to burn in eternal fire for just doing your job
really makes you think...
>Hell if God was mad at the Romans he sure didn't demonstrate it
>Roman empire and culture went extinct and all their lands were occupied by foreign barbarians
sounds like a hell of a demonstration to me
>killing lice so the kikes at Auschitwsz can enjoy the camp's cinema without being itchy derserves hell
You can just say sorry when God is set to judge you. Christian heaven is ezpz.
>"I was just following orders!"
sounds familiar
No it didn't, it's literally the basis of western civilization.
Even the basis of most of the culture of the Catholic Church.
>killing lice with cyanide.
Didnt Jesus say something like 'forgive them o lord they know not what they do'? Implying those responsible for his execution would be forgiven.
Oh boy would I give him one hell of a lashing knowing what I know now. Punk little bitch took paganism with him. Deserved to be crucified imo
Sure, if you take anything after the gospel of Mark seriously.
Most of their culture, language, political ideas, buildings and physical traits not only exist, but are spread thoughout the whole world. That's a far cry from extinction.
>Wtf dude, you really enjoyed yourself whipping my son.
>I thought I'd be forgiven.
>...yeah, I guess
>implying there is a hell
>implying christian mythology is real
wew lad
Didn't jesus died for all our sins though?
Only took him 1400 years.
Except that isn't true because jesus was just some dumb preacher/dissident who got executed for pissing off the local authorities.
Uhh dude? Rome lasted for over a thousand years after the teh uber-jew got made into a jew on the cob.
only if they got an erection
>Rome is the greatest power in Europe for 800 years under paganism
>collapses 150 years after becoming Christian
>this thread
Do the people on this board actually read theology and the writings of saints or do you guys just pretend to be Catholics/Orthodoxy? You don't just go to Hell for doing a bad thing- It's the inability to repent, forgive yourself, or cease to want to let go of the sin that's basically drowned out your will, that lands you into Hell. There's literally nothing that can't be forgiven other than believing you're beyond being forgiven. This is Christianity 101.
Some Roman dude who was just doing his job, who had no idea this was the Messiah, is probably not going to get a very harsh judgement.
>Thinks this thread was started by a Catholic
Paganism is actually shit hence why the western world abandoned it and left it for monotheistic religions.
For the same reason the west is collapsing now. It got too comfy
>Paganism is actually shit hence why the western world abandoned it and left it for monotheistic religions.
This is objectively wrong. Christianity was very much a fringe religion even after Constantine. It isn't that the populace at large embraced Christianity: it's that the succeeding Emperors of the Constantian dynasty embraced it and aggressively imposed it by banning pagan worship, closing temples and encouraging their destruction, sacking (or killing) pagan priests, making pagan worship illegal even in private, etc.
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do
>see what do you did? now your civilization is destroyed 1400 years later
"Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing."
Are you going to just ignore all the other factors.
Yeah, like how Christians paint everyone who disagrees with them with the same brush. Despite that they're own religion tells them not to
>paganism is shit at collecting money and imposing obedience to one group of superiors on your people
>pagan Roman empire
60 million people, full control of lucrative Mediterranean trade, endless supply of boypussy, gladiatorial games, slave plantations, enormous wealth supporting the depraved decadent degenerate lifestyle of a miniscule unashamedly immoral elite
>Christian Roman empire
brief revival under constantine then it is all downhill from there
pls stop the byzantium is rome meme
>The cause of Rome falling is the one that perfectly fits my worldview
didnt he explicitly forgive them 'father, forgive them, they know not what they do'
which rather implies that they weren't condemned to hell for what they did