I want to start mining some digibyte, but every miner i can find is apparently a fucking virus according to all of my browsers/antivirus software.
Mining Digibyte
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you're welcome to drop some BTC
By the way, any tips if i have an Nvidia 1070? best algo?
got the same
mining in my down time
im using the ccminer-btx-timetravel
im doing about 380coins a day, about 10hours mining
Well shit, if it does go to a dollar, that's damn good.
sorry im using ccminer-1.2-x15-windows
380 a day on 1070? I've mined for about 8 hours on my old 6950 and got 0.05. Is my pool terrible, or is my GPU *that* outdated?
im gonna be honest here dude
the only thing i know is i need --algo=myr-gr -o for mad gains
i just download some random shit from the internet, turn it on, and watch money rolle in
it's ridicules
I've shoved it on skein for now - it seems to be giving me the best hash rate from the tiny bit of testing i've done so far.
I'll leave it doing that for a day i guess, but i'd like to know if there's more i can get out of the card.
what's your hash rate?
[2017-06-05 03:45:09] GPU #0: GeForce GTX 1070, 54583 khash/s
[2017-06-05 03:45:09] accepted: 377/416 (90.63%), 54583 khash/s (yay!!!)
tell me too, I have a 6950.
350 MH/s on average it looks like
What's the hashrate you're getting?
I'm getting 250kh/s. I could clock it up to 400kh/s but this isn't exactly /my/ computer, so I like to play it safe and make sure it doesn't heat up above 75C.
Total retard here, how do I set this up?
also you want to make sure the pool doesn't take too much fees i pay 1% to the pool
and the pool should give you equal distribution of the mined coins so you don't give away your profit to the huge mining rigs
6950 here, I don't mine cause I'm a no coiner.
Fairly certain 6950 is too outdated for it to be profitable though. I'd imagine the amount of energy required exceeds your ROI.
Assuming the coin never moons of course.
>go to dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com
>klick DGB 108.05 GH/s Groestl (Actuall coin you want)
>do what as they say
>Start mining
>go to sleep
it's ofcourse a gamble but by mining a low profile coin you can get a decent stack of coins before big miners come and take it away and pump up the dificulty on the pools
how much capacity are you using?
im at 100% not overclocking for now cuz poor fag
you might wanna look for other pools to mine on
sell it and buy AMD
Which wallet are you using to store digibyte?
The time to sync the wallet locally triggers me.
>it's ofcourse a gamble but by mining a low profile coin you can get a decent stack of coins before big miners come and take it away
That's what I did with DOGE. I don't know if there are still any decent coins that deserve to be mined these days though, it seems from what I see in Bitcointalk that everyone and their grandma is trying to creating the BTC Killer.
honestly not all that sure - i've never mined before; apparently the fan is 49-50%. I doubt it's full capacity like this (and i'm not sure how to kick it up a notch).
Perhaps later; if this turns out to be moderately profitable, i might just bite the bullet, withdraw some of my crypto exchange gains and buy a proper miner.
>using a wallet
i send it to Bittrex once i think it's worth it
Do I not need to enter my login info into the config file?
download MSI Afterburner
shows you how much capacity of your card is in use and how high the tempreture is, same for CPU
you can stick with Nvidia for now it doesn't make much of a diffrence if you mine with a single card
> >go to dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com
> >klick DGB 108.05 GH/s Groestl (Actuall coin you want)
> >do what as they say
Why won't let my virus scanner let me get rich.
350 mh/s on 1070 ? Seems like you are doing something wrong, my 1060s mine at that speed and power limit reduced to 80w.
>no pre-mine
You have caught my attention.
-u [insert username]_yo -p x
dunno might be the .dll stuff fucking with the antivirus??
well SC and DGB are VERRY attractive right now
but you have to know for your self
I'm currently mining XVG and DGB, which I also plan to buy with fiat money tomorrow.
I'm fully aware that I'm very, very, very barely breaking even (considering that at least DGB will moon). For me it's more of getting the know-how at the moment.
Do I have to use linux to mine?
buy into DGB ASAP dude
9/10th will be moon mission, im not memeing here
SC is damn neat too fuck no
OK so I got sgminer now what? do I just run it?
look for the .dll file
sign up on the pool you wanna use
rightklick on the .dll file
klick edit
paste the connection details into the file, change username/payment adress the miner name is not important
than you can run the .dll and you'll get a cmd window showing you the progress on the current block and hashrate
>right clicking dll
Where do I set the payment address anyways? I'm in the sgminer.conf file.
How do I link this shit to a bittrex account? It started mining. I don't know how to store or handle funds that aren't on something like Bittrex. Help, also thanks for the link.
>my account
>account details
>whitdraw adress
it's a .dll file it's like .gif .jpg .exe
a .dll file execudes a code
you can find one by howering over the individual files and read it up
the icon should be a white window with a cockwheel inside
>For me it's more of getting the know-how at the moment.
This is a good thing. Every anons should try mining.
I'm not talking about profit reason, but for educational purposes like getting familiar with blockchain technology, how a coin is created, wallet management, mining algorithms, etc etc.
I don't know if you're legitimately trying to help or not, I can assume not if you're saying shit like "cockwheel."
But, you can't edit a .dll by right clicking it and selecting edit. What the fuck are you on about right now?
Do you mean the .conf user? dll are already compiled in binary and cannot be edited using text editors.
Just change the put your user name and keep the .1, and change the pw.
It's working for me, for now. Will check the site later to see if it mined properly.
but that's a unix style config file. will it work in windows?
5am already im sorry my brain is kinda mushy right now
also i did mention that i don't know what im doing except from this editing part and downloading random shit of the internet
listen to him
scratch the password part. I think it's x for everyone.
it's working
Where do I actually see where all of this is mining to? How would I transfer to bittrex eventually?
are you also getting
a warning for GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT ?
I'm getting this one now too.
check you account page
you can ignore it. It goes to 100 unless you set it otherwise
Will leaving it to 100% be bad for my pc? I want to leave the thing running over long periods of time like overnight, and don't really want to end up with a fried graphics card
How much should I be able to mine a day?
I want to mine Siacoin or DGB.
I downloaded the official Sia miner but it just instantly closes when I open it.
How do I configure this shit? If I open the libcurl.dll it's just a bunch of gibberish.
.dlls are file extentions. They aren't really ment to be opened.
i cant open sia wallet
the longest period i mined was 10hours straight
that gave me about 360 coins at 5,5Mega Hash/s
Strangely Sia wallet would not open for me the first couple of times, but then it magically started working even though I didn't do anything special.
So 40273 khash/s a second should give me much less then right?
wow I can open it now
im sorry i got confused for a bit there
im at khash/s not mega hash/s
pool is listing it on mega the miner listing it for khash
ment for im going to bed
have good gains guise
>buy AMD
>he doesn't know
Be careful btw brehs.
This sgminer completely disables the fan of my GPU, I need to reactivate it manually...
What does difficulty do?
>tfw your hashrate is 11.22Mh/s according to the sgminer, but your valid hashrate is only 6.87Mh/s on the website
Oh this is because of the configuration file...
>tfw losing money mining digibytes
LUL, according to this I only get 19 DGB/day at 9.9MH/s.
Hash-to-coins is pretty good pool. Mining currently too.
What does it do?