This went up today. They're coming, guys.
Normies Incoming
literally who
Can we please stop with the fucking "normies incoming" threads? I physically cringe reading it.
who is that goy?
what is this shit supposed to be and why should it drag hoards of normies into crypto?
wtf is this shit mac user?
foolish op. don't you get it. we are the normies. why do you think Veeky Forums is one of the more active boards now?
well the normies getting in means more volume right....
surely thats a good thing
literally who
has anyone read Four Hour Work Week? I started it but it seems there's nothing but fluff and bragging in it.
Tim Ferris is a lifestyle Guru and Author of "4 hr work week"
He commands lots of followers and social media attention. If that wasn't bad enough, basically everyone that listens to him is an "I want to get rich doing absolutely nothing' kind of person
This means normies are going to start pouring in by the truckload
>Thinking this is the biggest article of all time on BTC
no shit, tesla and spacex exist
probably good for us, seems too small to be of significant influence but a bunch of idiots will buy our pumps
>captcha: road street
I noticed before. It's overdue time to stop answering questions.
Chill the fuck out, the average normie who listens to this podcast through iTunes on the MacBook that their parents bought them for college isn't technically apt or trustworthy enough to go past, maybe, signing up for a coinbase account
>no one mentions date
>parents paid for my college and macbook
>crypto folio up 230% this month (shouts out DRB)
how mad are you?
>crypto folio up 230% this month
Shameful. You almost underperformed the market. God kill yourself brainlet.
Lel normies are literally afraid of technology, they won't start doing cryptocurrency trading anytime soon