Post strange weapons from history. Pic related, throwing knife from east Africa
Post strange weapons from history. Pic related, throwing knife from east Africa
Other urls found in this thread:
>okay obongo I have a weapon idea
>so you know axes
>and also spears
>dingus this better not be another retarded fucking schematic
>no no seriously, right
>so axes and spears
>and also axes
>and we throw it
>dingus this is why we aren't kangz
it doesn't look like a bad idea in a place where proper armour is not that much of a thing
>doesn't look like a European weapon therefore completely retarded and unusable
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Slapping a bunch of weapons into one definitely sounds like an idea you'd have after too much alcohol but then again pole axes were pretty good.
They were made for duels and ambushes
Its interesting how both this and the gladius were revolutionary in their respective settings for taking a popular concept (regular sword/spear) and modifying it to be smaller/more wieldy and centered around stabbing
Anyone know good sources on African combat? I'm looking for something similar to the Medieval Fight book, a modern equivalent pertaining to African weaponry 'n shit.
Fucking rad.
There isn't really anything like that.
If you're interested in reconstructionist African martial arts then check out Da'Mon Stith and the Guild of the Silent Sword
Also worth checking out: European soldiers' journals from the various colonial wars in Africa, in particular the British conflict in Sudan, which gives some insight into how the Kaskara was used
Just for show, obviously, as the bone would snap like a Butterfinger after the first contact.
The pronged spear thing is quite interesting
I've used the pronged spear in western Australia to spear hunt fish.
Is this a cringe thread?
Looks decent, but what is to prevent the enemy from picking it up and hurling it back at you?
This. That's definitely a fishing spear.
i cringed. reddit tier humor
The fact that it would hopefully be lodged in one of them
>sharp stick
>sharp stick
>protective stick
>stick with rock
>protective stick
>wide stick
>stick with additional stick enabling stick to go farther
they really knew their sticks
IIRC, it's meant to maximize the chances of a blade hitting flesh rather than the handle.
In fairness a lot of this stuff is made of ironwood which is denser than a lot of rock
I, for one, wouldn't want to face a bunch of people throwing a bunch of these without good armor.
I wonder what the next step in development would have been
More and more edge, until it finally turns into a chakram.
This might interest you
Fucking killer frisbees mate!
Still a stick
Throwing swastika.
There's a myth from the WW2 Eastern front saying Germans developed a weapon that could burn so much fuel that the exhausts will render all agriculture impossible in radius of 5km.
metal gear?!
What is this Tiger for? Ants killing?
They did exactly what they needed to do. What's the problem?