Is the illuminati real? Is there anywhere in history showing they are still real?
Is the illuminati real? Is there anywhere in history showing they are still real?
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t. illuminati
They mostly only do charity work now. It's not some big evil organization in the shadows like the mainstream media such as infowars would have you believe.
T. illuminatey slave
Yes, it's called "Jewish People".
oy vey shut it down
That symbol originates from pic related. It is a sex magick symbol.
I know who the group are, the group that is deviously called illuminati, that is a way of making you look into dead ends.
> pic related is a Phallus ejaculating into the eye
> the 3rd eye is your anus
that eye looks waaaay more like a vajeen t/b/h
Do you Grand Tour?
is that blood in his cup?
No, it is wine. In his mockery of the Latin Mass though............, I would rather not mention their invocations.
sounds gay
That is the wrong attitude, you have only will, there is no gay or straight, you know their motto.
> Do what thou wilt
>there is no gay or straight
Did you know Mozart was obsessed by Scatology?
he was obsessed with music you philistine
nice digits, shame about your IQ though.
>his interests include iq tests and scatology
I didn't make this thread, nice projection though.
OP wanted answers, I'm giving them. Sorry to bring your glass universe crashing down around you.
What do you think of these Da Vinci sketches?
yes your collection of penis .jpgs is very enlightening to what you're about
kek, literally butthurt, in this thread of all threads.
Explain these
Secret societies like the "Illuminati" are inspired by ancient mystery religions that were obsessed with dicks. Prior to Christianization, phallus worship was common throughout the West and various pagan groups (or secret societies or fraternities or whatever you want to call them) keep that tradition going to this day.
They were an Anti-Catholic organization when they formed in the 1700s. And they still are.
>Is the illuminati real? Is there anywhere in history showing they are still real?
Yes, absolutely. I've got scans of the Perfectibilist papers in their original German and the first translation of many of these in English has been codified into the book "Secret School of Wisdom" which is more or less organized like a Lodge initiation manual. Really you could activate the order with the contents.
Perfectibilism died when the Bavarian authorities suppressed it. There was no coherent chain of initiatory survival (though some interesting cross-seeding).
The Eye of Providence in the pyramid isn't even an Illuminist symbol, friend.
Anti-Catholic is a touch of a stretch. Weishaupt was a disaffected Jesuit and the most 'anticatholic' we can realistically accuse him of being is due to his program to undermine the (then) largely religious university system.
Pages from "The Secret School of Wisdom".
My scan got DMCA'd.
>As if illuminati and freemasons haven't been steadily subverting Catholicism for the past several centuries
YMMV on whether or not that's a good thing but don't deny these originations weren't fiercely anti-Catholic.
>The Eye of Providence in the pyramid isn't even an Illuminist symbol, friend.
What the hell are you talking about? That symbol was added to the Great Seal before Egyptology was a thing.
See pic related you stupid faggot, pic related is the initial eye, added to the seal by the Hellfire club member Benjamin Franklin.
The eye was added before Egyptology existed.
cont -
The eye of providence is a generic symbol for God. Its used by several sects.
Eye of Providence? Hahahahah, nice meme you stupid faggot.
That symbol was collected by Grand Touring Freemasons in the Mediterranean in the early 1700s.
See pic related
They created your Romanized New World culture, they resurrected the beasts of the ancient world.
They created your "Royal Societies", degenerate masonic bacchus worshiping sex fiends.
>See pic related you stupid faggot, pic related is the initial eye, added to the seal by the Hellfire club member Benjamin Franklin.
Please point to me in which original Perfectibilist document the Eye of Providence is used in.
WTF are you talking about, tonight I'm taking something from you.
take a look at what's behind your lords
Philipp von Cobenzl was a Bavarian Illuminist and devout Catholic.
Read the thread again you stupid faggot.
Take your fucking collection and go fuck yourself, piece of shit.
>That symbol was collected by Grand Touring Freemasons in the Mediterranean in the early 1700s.
Oh yay, you've got some new bullshit to spout. But apparently they were doing time traveling to be able to add it to Catholic cathedrals up to a millennia prior to that.
>They created your "Royal Societies", degenerate masonic bacchus worshiping sex fiends.
>t. anything i don't understand is sex worship
Seriously, why are you so obsessed with dongs, you turbo-homo?
>"Is the illuminat real?"
Yes, it was, and has been suppressed.
Fun maymays are no excuse for the actual historicity of the Bavarian Perfectibilist movement.
>Take your fucking collection and go fuck yourself, piece of shit.
Why do you hate learning?
>but don't deny these originations weren't fiercely anti-Catholic.
They weren't. Catholics just pretend they were to justify their antipathy.
>Why do you hate learning?
Because he's a cock-obsessed fundie. Anything which might disturb the hilarious placid waters of his mind must be shunned.
It's a little older than that.
You're one of those projectionists, right? You'll tell us that the Nazis and Illuminati are the same thing operating out of Bavaria?
Fucking narcissist piece of shit.
>These groups constantly wrote against the RCC and overthrew Catholic nations in central America
>Not anti-Catholic.
Nothing but a Masonic fall guy, why don't you start quoting Nesta Webster, you fucking British Intelligence MUPPET.
>It's a little older than that.
Yea. Typo'd. Meant to say "over a millennia", not "up to."
And that's just in Christianity.
>Unhappy people in shithole countries
>But it's a secret cabal's fault that their oppressors couldn't keep them down
You people miss the forest for the trees.
>These groups constantly wrote against the RCC and overthrew Catholic nations in central America
Can you point me to one (1) Perfectibilist tract against the Catholic faith as a whole. Or evidence of their intervention in Mesoamerica?
>Philipp von Cobenzl was a Bavarian Illuminist and devout Catholic.
I doubt think Phil there would have stuck around if the Perfectibilists made it a point of doctrine to denigrate his faith.
>Nesta Webster
I prefer actual scholars, like pic related, thanks.
From the Word in Silence,
To the Silence in Speech,
We adore thee, Lord!
Masonic Subsidiaries Exist For a Reason
Not sure what this has to do with Bavarian Perfectibilism, but sure. Ok. I'm a British intel operative who gets paid to post historical facts on a Mongolian yak husbandry vBulletin.
Now what?
>a sex researcher visits the Abbey of Thelema, home of a man noted for commentaries on sexuality, on the advice of an experimental filmmaker, homosexual, and Thelemite
Such illuminati
Very spoop
Many conspiracy
And it's got crabs smdh
Again, now what?
I've yet to see a single historical refutation of anything I've posted.
The Bavarian Perfectibilists (aka Illuminati) were a Christian-only organization.
I didn't disagree with you
What people call illuminati are Masonic subsidiaries called the Hellfire clubs.
These groups come from the Scottish Freemasons and their disenfranchised allies.
>What people call illuminati are Masonic subsidiaries called the Hellfire clubs
People call any/everything "the Illuminati", it's been bleached of most actual meaning.
Most Hellfire survivals/reactivations I've seen were taking the piss. Post-irony. Metamemes.
>These groups come from the Scottish Freemasons and their disenfranchised allies.
Dashwood wasn't even a Mason, iirc. By the way, I'm initiated into the OTO. They can barely run their professional guilds, let alone an international conspiracy.
Good Lord, do some actual research you half-wit. The Hellfire Club existed only briefly in the 1700s, before Ecossais Masonry. And the typical tinfoil claim of "it came from Scottish Masonry" is such shit because it's not some secret exclusive sub-group.
Try this one on for size: People are able to act of their own accord.
John Robison claimed in 1790 that the Illuminati had infiltrated the Freemasonry in order to make it a weapon for the enactment of anticlerical policies.
The Freemasonry indeed became exactly that, so he was probably right.
Robison freely admitted that he had scanty knowledge of German and had derived all his information from other writers. (Postscript of Proofs, p. 2.)
Unfortunately neither he nor Barruel were concerned with providing references for their sources. When they do quote from the papers and correspondence of the Order as published by the Bavarian government or the published works of Adam Weishaupt and Adolph Knigge, they also fail to provide context or citations.
Neither Robison nor Barruel deny that the professed goal of the Order was to teach people to be happy by making them good — to do this by enlightening the mind and freeing it from the dominion of superstition and prejudice. But they refused to accept this at face value. Where Weishaupt and Knigge promoted a freedom from church domination over philosophy and science, Robison and Barruel saw a call for the destruction of the church. Where Weishaupt and Knigge wanted a release from the excesses of state oppression, Robison and Barruel saw the destruction of the state. Where Weishaupt and Knigge wanted to educate women and treat them as intellectual equals, Robison and Barruel saw the destruction of the natural and proper order of society.
Barruel and Robison fail to provide any conclusive link between the Bavarian Illuminati and French Freemasonry, much less find a cause of the Revolution in Paris lodges. They display a great ignorance of the actual and documented workings of Freemasonry at the time, and, in support of their arguments, have made many demonstrably false statements.
Although both Barruel's and Robison's claims have been discredited, many, more contemporary, writers who rely on their books are still accepted as authorities.
I've heard of that it's very interesting he probably thought he wouldn't be famous but I wouldn't say obsessed he just liked scat humor still very odd
Bump for the actual non-meme history of the Bavarian Perfectibilist movement.
Retellings of the death of Lanz, an Illuminati courier, who was struck by lightning in Abschrift [Apologie, p. 229], illustrate the mythology that has grown up around the history of the Illuminati. Lack of research and a disdain for historical accuracy has led conspiracy theorists to confuse Johann Jakob Lanz, a non-Illuminati secular priest in Erding, and friend of Weishaupt, with Franz Georg Lang, a court advisor in Eichstätt who was active in the Illuminati under the name Tamerlan.
Barruel mistakenly translated "Weltpriester", or secular priest, as apostate priest and subsequent writers such as Webster and Miller have repeated this error. Eckert renamed Weishaupt’s friend as Lanze and had him struck by lightning while carrying dispatches in Silesia. Miller cited Eckert but renamed Lanz as Jacob Lang and placed the lightning strike in Ratisbon. The importance of the papers found on Lanz has also been over-stressed, considering that his death on 10 July 1785 came some time after the first two edicts for suppression — issued on 22 June 1784 and 2 March 1785 — and some time before the mid-October 1786 raids on Zwack and Bassus, and the final edict on 16 August 1787. This is a minor detail in the history but it illustrates the lack of accuracy often displayed by detractors of the Illuminati.
The Prussian Rosicrucians, under Johann Christoph von Wöllner, began a sustained attack on the Illuminati. Wöllner had a specially engineered room in which he convinced potential patrons of the effectiveness of Rosicrucian "magic", and his order had acquired effective control of the Three Globes and its attached lodges. Through this mouthpiece, the Illuminati were accused of Atheism and revolutionary tendencies. In April 1783 Frederick the Great informed Charles of Hesse that the Berlin lodges had documents belonging to the Minervals or Illuminati which contained appalling material, and asked if he had heard of them. All Berlin masons were now warned against the order, which was now accused of Socinianism, and of using the liberal writings of Voltaire and others, alongside the tolerance of Freemasonry, to undermine all religion. In November 1783 the Three Globes described the Illuminati as a masonic sect which sought to undermine Christianity and turn Freemasonry into a political system. Their final anathema, in November 1784, refused to recognise any Illuminati as Freemasons.
In Austria, the Illuminati were blamed for anti-religious pamphlets that had recently appeared. The Rosicrucians spied on Joseph von Sonnenfels and other suspected Illuminati, and their campaign of denunciation within Freemasonry completely shut down Illuminati recruitment in Tyrol.
The Bavarian Illuminati, whose existence was already known to the Rosicrucians from an informant, were further betrayed by the reckless actions of Ferdinand Maria Baader, an Areopagite who now joined the Rosicrucians. Shortly after his admission it was made known to his superiors that he was one of the Illuminati, and he was informed that he could not be a member of both organisations. His letter of resignation stated that the Rosicrucians did not possess secret knowledge, and ignored the truly Illuminated, specifically identifying Lodge Theodore as an Illuminati Lodge.
> The Hellfire Club existed only briefly in the 1700s
Briefly? The club existed in many forms throughout the 18th century.
Many of the members controlled the British government at the eve of the America Revolution.
I actually have done my research and explained exactly who the main players were.
The America Revolution was a Hellfire Masonic usurpation of the colonies.
> The Hellfire Club existed only briefly in the 1700s
There are still clubs attached to some universities in Ireland.
The Hellfire clubs existed in many forms in Ireland, Scotland, and England.
pic related was where an Irish club met near Dublin in the early 1700s.
cont -
>Good Lord, do some actual research you half-wit. The Hellfire Club existed only briefly in the 1700s
pic related documents the Hellfire clubs throughout the 1700s, it shows how the Masonic clubs controlled the highest offices of government.
So forever hold your head in shame, you lying degenerate piece of garbage.
>Many of the members controlled the British government at the eve of the America Revolution.
>I actually have done my research and explained exactly who the main players were.
>The America Revolution was a Hellfire Masonic usurpation of the colonies.
Can you give me a historical document, or other evidence, supporting this? Because tbqh all I'm pulling up is fairly wild speculation and if you can give me some direction to cut through to the quick, I'd be interested in seeing this. I'm gonna switch out my laundry and pull up my journal proxy to maybe find some leads in the academic materials.
There you fucking pieces of shit
They control the world leading to the Revolutions, they created the French Revolution.
I loathe having to communicate with someone as wretched as you.
That said, I'd be hard pressed to call GOdI a "Hell Fire" outfit. People can actually have multiple interests in multiple passtimes and keep them compartmentalized. GOdI appears to be organized on a traditional GO/Universal/Continental Freemasonry basis.
>There you fucking pieces of shit
That's not nice. Name calling gets us nowhere.
>They control the world leading to the Revolutions, they created the French Revolution.
>I loathe having to communicate with someone as wretched as you.
Then why do you continue? I'm certainly not the one denouncing you like or . Remember:
>a high level of discourse is expected
I don't think he's that bad of a drawer
Got more info on Ponsonby?
The date listed for death doesn't match with any of the Ponsonbys on a quick wiki search:
I mean, do what thou wilt, etc.
IJS name calling isn't doing much to convince me to doubt my sources.
Ok, the postmaster, I misread.
Is this your own chart or does it come out of a book/dead webpage or something?
The assumption is that because there was cross membership between Freemasons and the Hell Fire clubs, the Hell Fire clubs are therefore responsible for the French Revolution?
What do we make of Lanz, the linchpin for the Illuminati -> French Revolution hypothesis, refuted here?
What are Khazarians
>I actually have done my research and explained exactly who the main players were.
You've postulated theories, sure. But failed to account for the realities of the situations.
>The America Revolution was a Hellfire Masonic usurpation of the colonies.
Nah. It was just the bourgeois thinking they'd be able to rise above their station, and use the proles as weapons. As always.
>There are still clubs attached to some universities in Ireland.
Not authentic ones. Francis had the hammer brought down pretty hard on his club.
>pic related documents
Yea, nah. The dodgy timeline you made in MSpaint doesn't really cut it for evidence.
>it shows how the Masonic clubs controlled the highest offices of government.
And you're putting the cart before the horse. Typical of someone wanting to believe something, instead of having reason to do so.
You should also know that Wharton was expelled and buggered off to irrelevance after a few failed endeavours.
And if you really believed what you said, you wouldn't need to act like a Tourettes sufferer.
They're a red herring. Take the Bog pill.
lmao it's a huge dick
If they are, they aren't very illuminated. The environmental and economic crisis bearing down on society is as much to their detriment as anyone's; and yet they've never directed things away from the chaos that reigns triumphant over the masses.