i mean they didn't do anything besides war
they were extreme savages
i mean they didn't do anything besides war
they were extreme savages
They created trade networks across Europe and beyond.
Extreme savages who were skilled ship builders, their naval prowess kick started global trade.
They connected people, they helped to spread Christianity to the far flung edges of their trade world.
Some of the greatest explorers to have ever lived and also suprisingly good merchants.
Their military history is kind of shit though. They tend to get their ass handed to them unless they're butchering peasents. They still have a few significant victories here and there.
So Barbarians who knew how to make ships. Got it.
Maybe you're right about the Vikings but the Norse were great shipbuilders and explorers.
And connections.
>i mean they didn't do anything besides war
they were extreme savages
At least they built ships. That's more than your average Black could say.
blacks sailed the world long before Columbus
the ancient olmecs were blacks
>they were extreme savages
extremely savage at trading and exploring, you mean
>thinking viking = norse
They were norse pirates
Viking expedition and colonisation og vinland?
They're the same shit
>I know literally nothing about the vikings or the norse other than what I've seen on TV
>babbis first b8
Here's your (You), enjoy!
You're a fucking retard.
Vikings are norsemen. They're the same group of people who traded and raided the neighboring inlands.
Go kill yourself you fucking nigger.
vikings were mostly not professional soldiers, they were farmers who took seasons off to go raiding, the great heathen army that conquered much of England was the actual military elite of the norse which was why they were so much more successful in battle. The monks in England documenting what was happening didn't realize this difference and simply called them all vikings.
Except that's wrong, retard. Vikings are Norse but all Norse are not Vikings.
Get the fuck out of here with your literal Kangz bullshit.
How does that contradict what is said earlier?
Are you saying Vikings are not ship builders?
Are you saying Norse weren't savages?
You are a fucking retard.
Professional soldiers/raiders generally don't build ships, no.
oh look, another anglo faggot leftie thread demonizing germanic history.
how original. aside from flooding /b/ with faggotry your plan also includes flooding pol and his with this garbage. go fuck yourself you weak faggot. the day of revenge will come and hopefully you will be beheaded and sacrificed to Thor.
fuck you.
Ur a dumb nigger.
Keep that knowledge to yourself and contemplate.
This is some weak bait, so weak that I can't bother posting bait meme even
Lets be honest here, Indo-Europeans are at best a slave race destined to serve its betters and at worst subhuman animals needing to be exterminated.
Difference is the bottom is happening in the 21st century, not the 10th
they were ok among each other
they had what can be considered a rudimentary direct democracy and even women had a place of importance in their tribes
but yeah, besides having some expertise in building neat boats and crushing civilian heads with axes and hammers they were nothing more but a bunch of unruly apes (and the main reason the eternal anglo exists)