I'm going with a combination of Hobbes, Stirner (not listed on here), Machiavelli, J.S. Mill, and Darwin.
What philosophers were right about humans?
Other urls found in this thread:
Spinoza, Rousseau
Philosophers OP has never read
>let's integrate psychoanalysis into marxist critic of capitalist
>woooo Im a philosophurr now because subconscious
>no de Maistre
>no Spengler
>no Evola
>fucking Zizek even on the list
Mr. Slavoj Žižek is twice the man Evola was
Evola is a meme
>being an analytical faggot
It's all white males, what did history mean by this?
Yes, white - they're all of the europid race
Diogenes, Heidegger, Foucault were all pretty based
I think socrates took sophism to its farthest logical extent and was on the verge of a classical greek postmodernism equivalent. I think it was right that he was executed for such a thing because holy shit look at where un-anchored philosophy has taken us today. I think plato recognized this and that's why his shit searches so hard for solid grounding, and where forms are useful.
just my 2 cents tho
yeah he is, the fat bastard
Can you show me some instances where Evola said feels are greater than reals?
Ayn Rand. Speaking of which, why isn't she on the image?
Because she wasn't famous enough, just like Stirner.
This explains why there's not alot of lolbertarians out there.
y no Burke
Besides if you actually read Rand you'd recollect she described herself as a purification of Aristotle and nothing more.
>Speaking of which
Speaking of witch*
This isn't even good bait.
Rand is pretty good
I'm not even baiting. Ayn Rand deserves to be on that image, regardless of whether you like her or not.
She is objectively right about the whole "great people need to prop up pathetic parasites" thing, but leftist let their fee fees get in the way of rational thought and just bitch about her while also intentionally taking her thoughts on the evil of altruism out of context in order to egage in strawmen arguments.
how do you call this style of drawing characters?
I take it some of you have read Ayn Rand's non-fiction work. I was thinking about buying it the other day at the book store. How is it?
They were right about everything
How was Galileo a philosopher?
The same reason Ptolemy was, probably.
Not a single one of those are right. In fact, basically everybody on that stupid list is wrong about everything.
>u cant kno nuffin, not even about philosophy
Freedom of choice is what you got. Freedom from choice is what you want.
All of them in their specific context.
Nozick was a libertarian and a pretty good philosopher.
>no Evola
True, you can't have a real list of philosophers without meme man
>Europid race
Not a thing. Caucasian as a racial category includes Middle Easterners, North Africans, and even some Indians. /pol/ can't handle this fact so it invents a new fake category
>Ayn Rand deserves to be on that image
Why? Her impact on western philosophy has been negligible.
Yo the pic the source you took that from I need the name and where to find it.
Ayooo help a guy out here
no pascal?
absolute garbage graphic !
>no Nicomachus
>Adam Smith
>no Keynes
>no Emerson
>No Max Stirner
>FUCKING Zizek on the list
get fucked
Bakunin > Marx
>Machiavelli was right about humans
>only leftists hate her nonsense
it's ass covering bullshit to frame it as morally right to exploit others, be greedy, and frames those who are unlucky and needy as being bad. It's pathetic. The real answer is that morals aren't real so do what you want
She's completely irrelevant. She's to philosophy what E. L. James is to literature.
>No Mises
Who made this degeneracy
Not a mises.org cultist, for starters
Hayek should be there tho
Economics was already professionalized by the time of Hayek, becoming a separate branch of study from philosophy. Same as natural sciences, which is why 20th century scientists aren't there.
Why would it include Hayek who is even LESS of a philosopher then Mises. You can tell just by reading the two that Mises is a better fit. Not really expecting you to read though.
Pfft, all categories are fake aka constructs. Categories are made up abstractions to put messy reality into neat little boxes.
Haploid groups aren't even that accurate at grouping humans.
I saw a book about him in Barnes and Noble, it was written by some woman, but I honestly never do read books by females.
>but I honestly never do read books by females.
I would only apply this to philosophy and literature, otherwise a solid decision
This is a great meme.
Mind if I take this image?
Joseph de Maistre and Julius Evola.
I really hope you aren't implying a reactionary can't enjoy Zizek.
Thanks man
who studied the most psychology and sociology and was around the nearest to right now? probably that person
>only two people of color
>linear evolution of knowledge
Zeno. /stoic/ master race.
They should get some better philosophers then.
>socrates knew more about human nature than someone today with a phd in psychology and 30+ years experience doing research
>. The real answer is that morals aren't real so do what you want
in other words, shes right.
>the most important figure in philosophy knows less about humans than someone who studies a pseudo science
Knowledge not necessarily accumulates linearly, but in the case of knowledge about the human psyche and societies it is definitely true anyways.
I'd say Spinoza has one of the better views of humanity. It's not as idealistic as Rousseau, not as pessimistic as Hobbes.
>someone who theorises instead of testing knows more than thousands of phd scholars with combined millions of hours of research
sure thing, bud :^)
>social studies
proves literally nothing
Psychology isn't a science.
t. psychologist
Do you consider logic a science, how much is reason applied?
logic isn't a science it's a tool
The scientific method is derived from logic and is itself a logical process, a tool.
except science is a very specific field that relies on reasoning with empirical information and experimental data
logic doesn't necessarily require either of these
science requires logic but logic is not a science