Interesting discussion on Crypto over on /pol/ happening right now.
Interesting discussion on Crypto over on /pol/ happening right now. >>>/pol/128500878
I just hope smart contracts blow the fuck out of law, what an irritating profession to deal with.
I only skimmed through the article but it seems like crypto truly is the future
Got into trouble with the law few years back, won't say what for but feds were breathing down my neck. Family paid a family friend attorney $15k to do nothing but talk to the DA for probably 30 mins and suggested I plead guilty. I said fuck that, DA threw my ass in jail for a week for rejecting their "deal" and I went with a court appointed attorney. Against all advice I went for a evidentiary hearing and got it all tossed out of court for 4th amendment violations. Seriously though fuck lawyers and fuck big government.
kek here we fucking go
Wonder what she is bag hodling to make her such a twat. Probably xrp like us all. Can't blame her.
kek, that's seems a little different, but counter-party risk and contract are seriously big pains in the ass to enforce and expensive too. With smart contracts, there's no bullshit - all parties put up whatever they're bargaining, and when the deal's done, everyone gets what they were promised.
*contract law
tfw taking the LSAT in a week
Good luck
ty m8
hopefully my years of arguing on Veeky Forums will help
>mfw called right wing crypto anarchist
lmao what an article
she is right about some things though
>Your honor, let the record show that the defendant is clearly a fucking cuck and possibly Reddit shill. Additionally, I have a number of smug anime reaction images I would like to present to the jury...
Man I'm reading through that read, why the fuck can't we have discussions like that here? Seriously, fuck you people
prepare for crash. HODL for your lives.
They're discussing ideas, we plot how to get a lambo
>topics of a political nature belong on pol
I agree, lets work on baking a thread to post on /int/ or a different board with flags so we can get some serious Crypto discussion. Anyone want to help?
Every spreading of crypto information leads to more adoption.
The question is do we want normies to get in sooner or later?
Sooner means faster adoption
Later means more time too accumulate
I'm up for a discussion though, please link the cross thread.
Leave it to The Guardian to mix Trump with crypto. Boomer journalists need to get a clue.
just nocoiner rage
Just focus on /pol/. I have been pushing crypto / decentralization discussion on /pol/ for a long time. They are slowly coming around now that Trump fever has subsided.
Soon /pol/ and Veeky Forums will become cypherpunk hotbeds.
>In October last year, while researching my new book,
it's fucking nothing
visiting from /pol/, Ancaps were one of the dominant factors 6 or 7 years ago. The past few years of chaos have brought out a little bit of nazi in most sensible people but as far as Im aware it was never a contrived trend. Also Veeky Forumsguy who linked to this thread never answered me so I can I ask a currency related question here?
Ask your question faggot
Being initially from /pol/, I'm glad you're here. Riches are soon going to come to you. (((They))) cannot control what is happening.
Ok as a laymen cryptocurrencies strike me as the superior form of currency even if it is fiat, but in lieu of a system of cryptos, would a currency back by rare earth metals function as a viable and sturdy alternative to floating fiat or gold/silver? Or is the abolition of our current system of floated fiat currency mediated by central banks a ron paul tier memedream?
dont know what the fuck you are asking
>crypto is fiat, floated fiat
you what mate?!
>crypto backed by metal
I think there is a saudi crypto project that is backed by gold. think its called 1gram
Almost all crypto is a decentralized store of value. Its just really volatile right now because the market is still fresh.
>interesting discussion
I wouldn't necessarily consider all cryptocurrencies to be fiat. In Bitcoin's case, the energy cost to mining is an underlying cost to the production of tokens. Bitcoin is also finite in the long term, which also makes it scarce. It is designed to mimic the properties of precious metals without the undesirable physical aspects (heavy, hard to transport).
I would argue that your so called "memedream" of a rare earth metal backed currency would be less desirable than cryptos, since crypto would have all of the features of said memedream currency + the added digital nature.
Most crypto guys were ron paul tier gold bugs originally.
I was under the impression that fiat was any worthless money, apparently its only worthless money printed by central governments, apologies. Also I wasnt talking about a crypto backed by rare earth metals, really just any currency backed by rare earth metals, though I suppose central currencies of such a nature was my real question.
Thank you. This answers my question and more.
Se are the action. Not the thought.we are parte of the change.
Why don't we create a Kekcoin or Reichcoin to scam these gullible /pol/tards out of their NEETbux?
They already tried that with trumpcoin.
Hi fellow /pol/lacks
Post dem blockfolios
Entire portfolio is up 1000%
the funny thing is the far right hates globalism. these cryptocurrencies will make the world even smaller.
Eh, the pure free market dynamics of crypto attract me.
this is bigger than you. people in it are lost, people outside it are lost.
They hate top down centralized globalism. And to them, that's the only kind that could ever exist.
They just need to be shown there is another way.
this is oversimplified
people will have a lot of choice of store of values.
In a way you can decide which crypto aligns with your political views.
The parts of globalism that are truly hated are the manipulations of the global elite in favor of their own central currencies and lending practices and monetary policies of things like the IMF. Cryptos take the power out of their hands. Remove artificial inflations and manipulations and hopefully, you remove the intentional destruction of national peoples in the interests of short term profits. The whole assertion of the far right is that we form these societies naturally, and that aberrations against national societies cause huge problems. If these societies form naturally, cryptos wont hurt that even if they might lead towards weaker border controls simply because it removes the power of people like Soros to kike up nations that do so.
>In a way you can decide which crypto aligns with your political views.
Yep, and not just with currency. There will be countless "societies" that operate on different smart contract frameworks. You will choose them based on your lifestyle choices.
We can see the infancy of this today. Look at Ethereum Classic, it only exists because there is significant (even if not a majority) political opposition to the way the Ethereum Foundation controls the Ethereum network.
>voluntary societies will eliminate mass degeneracy
But I don't care about "muh morals"
I'm all about the lambos
solid points
careful user
the internet was the future, but a lot of people lost their asses
Fiat by definition denotes establishment by government.
Crypto is created via what can be considered "law" or decided consensus from both users, developers and miners. If you disagree you are free to use something else.
All I see in the graph is proof that all you need to make money is have a titanium grip
Yeah but how much of a grip, and how much profit?
If you bought in during the late 90s in your mid 40s, you would have had to wait until retirement age to even break even again.
Are you willing to wait 13 years to break even? never mind lambo land.
Not saying you won't get rich. But I do think that 99% of these coins are fucked forever when the bubble pops. Im especially wary of ICOs. They are basically glorified kickstarter campaigns for software companies that would be laughed out of a VC office for not having actually developed a product.
I'm not saying a word because I'm waiting to buy the dip. Fuck those plebbit normies.
You must be a fucking leaf
kek, if only they knew that there's a decent bit of overlap. Sure feels weird having media keep writing about what I get into.
If you keep wanting /pol to come here, understand that you won't be getting daily conversations like that. It'll be:
>le Trump made a deal
>it's because he wants us to get gainz
Pls don't encourage.
Some of the hurdles and limitations that smart contracts are going to come up against. Important to keep note of these.
>Ok as a laymen cryptocurrencies strike me as the superior form of currency even if it is fiat
bitcoin is NOT fiat jesus.
pepecash is real