From where does Germany derive it's sense of cultural pride?
From where does Germany derive it's sense of cultural pride?
Other urls found in this thread:
>German pride
Pretty sure that's illegal.
>"cultural pride"
There's nothing there but evil itself.
>tfw white '''''''people'''''' having pride
they don't have any
literally cucked beyond oblivion
Germans don't have pride. They look forward the end of their race beyond all else.
2nd greatest muslim cocksuckers in Europe.
The city of wemar
who's the first, turkey?
It's not pride per se. Germans travel a lot. It's relatively easy to develop a sense of superiority when you see the condition your neighbours have to "live" in.
you haters looking pathetic
>in my rear-view mirror
left: "felt" percentage of muslim population
right: actual percentage of muslim population
December 2016
it felt like fifty percent in cities
>Americans are as bad as statistics as they are at geography.
Lmao, do they think every latino is muslim or something?
Bohemian don't belong there.
culture of fearmongering and a low average education standard I guess
>inb4 muh Ivy League
It totally does. Then again, visit London's disneylandish city center, same thing there. Only locals appeared to be underpaid minions opening doors for you.
So you mean one of the biggest hubs of financial trade in the modern world has a disproportionate nimber of foreign looking blokes?
a disproportionate number of Arab looking people. Same thing is true for Frankfurt. And probably for most other larger cities in Europe.
Being a financial hub is not the reason though.
>arab looking
you mean brown?
And no shit. It's likely that they will stay in major urban centers and prefer to work there since it will have ease of transportation back to their home country.
Also, actual facts and figures would be helpful
I am pretty sure that UK, France and Balkans are bigger muslim dicksuckers.
>arguing with facts
Don't you know we are living in the post-factual era?
that guy literally didn't argue with facts.
Yes, I mean brown with women wearing headscarves and speaking something that sounds like a sore throat and is much louder than every other talk around.
>Also, actual facts and figures would be helpful
like the sheet I provided here? I don't think it is about transportation home, it's more about having a higher chance in Berlin finding a community with the same home country than in Drecksloch an der Lahn.
There are no sufficient numbers on the number of muslims in Germany, leave alone France (it'd be illegal).
>whoop whoop
France obviously
I was talking more about london, as it was the center of a global empire and there were small groups of traders and the like situated in different parts of the city.
I assume it has more to do with jobs being easier to find in the city as well.
That surely plays a role, but then again -being old- I see big differences between the streets of London in the late 80s and today's. The development is the same as in Berlin -> tons more brown people.
hmm. I wonder why.
The smaller towns and cities are largely white though right?
At least until the ruling caste decides that they too need to be enriched.
not for long I hope
fuck white people
That map is from a rightwing website and shows percentages per district. Since that map isn't alarming enough for their purposes they also state that the percentage of muslim teenagers is around 30-40% in some areas, fail to provide a source for that claim though.
>Implying Im a filthy wh*tey
Just curious. Do the dark green spots have major international airports?
funny enough, neither is /pol/
Airports yes, major international airports not really, excluding FRA
Fake as fuck, it is illegal in France to have race/religion registers
Culture would imply that they are a nation, which is false. Germany is no nation, they are just a country.
Every land is like a cavemen tribe. They quarrel among each other, and only unite to war others.
They are literally like chimpanzees:
please ignore the source right in the picture that could lead you to that institute's website which openly lists their sources
>Culture would imply that they are a nation
culture has different levels, not just a national one. Could as well be corporate or regional.
> Germany is no nation, they are just a country.
Germany is a country made up of several tribes who consider themselves German. They formed a nation in 1871.
A better example for "country but not a nation" would be the US.
>other gibberish
Oh weh anudda Dresden.
Yes, Switzerland must be an absolute hellhole compared to Germany.
just take the bantz m8
From it's cultural and religious tolerance as an overcompensation
Germany is not a real nation, and prior to their unification derived pride being tugged back and forth between Vienna and Brandenburg when the HRE still existed. Modernist """"Germany"""" means a lot of Prussiaboos, that's about it. Contemporary "Germans" derive pride from being cosmopolitan, like the Belgians.
Know why? Because the all the English people fucked off to Essex. Outer London isn't, and never has been a nice place, no-one has ever optionally lived there. It was home to rookeries and slums in the 1800's and poor working class people in the 1900's to the present. That's why they live there, because its where poor people go. The white people moved because they turned middle class.
I am so sick of this.
Shut up and take it you disgusting Nazi!
>that Poland
So basically someone took numbers out of their ass, then copied official statistics to prove
>muh untolerance
and didn't even try proof read?
Bojemians are German.