These retards think I was banned from biz. lol, cucks.
Hope you don't got your money in this shitcoin, stinks to high hell...and looking mighty red the last few days.
Wouldn't wanna lose all that profit you haven't actually realized.
These retards think I was banned from biz. lol, cucks.
Hope you don't got your money in this shitcoin, stinks to high hell...and looking mighty red the last few days.
Wouldn't wanna lose all that profit you haven't actually realized.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bruh. You make like 10 threads talking shit about XBY?
Why do you hate it so much?
Did Borzalom touch you in the bathing suit area or something?
thats the beauty. I only created 3 threads today. Word is getting out. planting them seeds as they say.
Its cool man, hope you have your exit planned, because they all certainly do.
** Brexpiprazole **
Yes you are planting the seeds for people to buy in. I bought in today because of these fud threads. I would not have known about XBY if it wasnt for them, lol.
You're actually going to kill yourself when this moons, because instead of buying you just sat on Veeky Forums posting FUD.
Your obsessive, delusional rants makes it painfully clear why they gave you the boot. Get some meds dude.
you stupid pajeet.
I sold all my node coins and then some at 1500, and then put that all into DGB, STRAT, and SYS as they all mooned.
No Ragrets
If you weren't a stupid cunt cultist you would too...becuase after this next bit of news there will no results for MONTHS. What do you think is going to happen to the price then?
And when the whole thing collapses, and they've exited, like, this weekend - what are you going to do? You are going to cry.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna drive my lambo.
I heard that you sold because they wouldn't let you in some kind of Dev. room on slack and then banned you. Supposedly that is why you have dedicated the rest of your sorry ass life to making baseless claims against them. You got some serious issues dude...
and if those little hamsters in your brain aren't spinning fast enough let me break it down. I had multiple nodes and bought slightly more than a btc almost 2 months ago. I sold and took 17 btc and diversified out into other accumulating coins.
Think about what the opportunity cost of waiting around for 3-4 months is going to cost you.
And if I was wrong and it wasn't a scam LOL I will buy back in at like 1100 in month once all this pajeet hype dies know...after I've made another 100-200k elsewhere.
Later neets.
PS> Its not just me posting if that isn't ABUNDANTLY clear.